
From Brickipedia, the LEGO Wiki
(Redirected from AbuseFilter)

AbuseFilter is an extension used globally on Brickimedia to help combat spam and vandalism. AbuseFilter can be accessed at Special:AbuseFilter, and its logs at Special:AbuseLog.

Filters[edit source]

All filters set with AbuseFilter are global, and affect all Brickimedia projects.

Filter ID Filter name Consequences Status Visibility Description Tags?
1 Prevent CSS extension from unauthorised use Disallow Enabled Public This filter prevents users who are not in the "sysop" user group from using the {{#css: }} parser function
2 Section blanking Warn, Tag Enabled Public This filter warns users who remove entire sections of content from an article section blanking
3 Vandalism in all caps Tag Enabled Public This filter tags edits that may be possible vandalism using all caps all caps vandalism
4 Shouting Tag Enabled Public This filter tags edits that contain shouting shouting
5 Large unwikified new article Tag Enabled Public This filter tags any new page creations that contain little to no wiki syntax large unwikified new article
6 nowiki tags inserted into an article Tag Enabled Public This filter tags edits that add <nowiki> tags into an article nowiki added
7 Creating a very short new article Tag Enabled Public This filter tags new page creations that contain very little text very short new article
8 Possible self-promotion in the user-space Warn, Tag Enabled Private This filter warns users who add possible spam or other self-promotion on articles in the User namespace Possible self promotion in userspace
9 Possible spam page Warn, Tag Enabled Private This filter warns users who create a new article that appears to be spam possible spam
10 No signature in forum or talk pages Tag Enabled Public This filter tags edits to talk pages or forums that did not contain a signature no signature
11 Libel or other vandalism Tag Enabled Public This filter tags edits that may contain libelous information or similar vandalism possible vandalism
12 Claims of homosexuality, bisexuality, or transexuality Tag Enabled Public This filter tags edits that contain possible vandalism involving claims of homosexuality, bisexuality, or transexuality possible vandalism

See also[edit source]

External links[edit source]