Ace Assault

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Ace Assault

Star Wars



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Ace Assault is a Star Wars game released on to promote LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars. The game is a control game in which you choose from ships released in early 2011 and late 2010.

Description[edit | edit source]

The game first starts by either you selecting or making your own character out of the parts used to create the minifigure of the set. After choosing, the screen has a slot selection to choose cheats you unlocked or unlock cheats. At the bottom there are 2 buttons. One says TWO PLAYER DUEL and the other says ONE PLAYER DUEL. By selecting the one player mode you are able to choose your ship and are also able to upgrade your ship by the stats. Each stat has 5 slots. The higher the slot number, the better you are in that field. After that you are able to use the SHUFFLE button to shuffle your second and first duels. The last is preset. You then fight. If you win all there duels, you unlock a small clip from the animations in LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars. In TWO PLAYER MODE you have the choice of your ship, but no upgrades. You then fight a one-match duel. The winner flys around.

Cheat Codes[edit | edit source]

To unlock the two best pre-slot ships (they have the most slots before you upgrade) you need to watch Bombad Bounty. If you look at the side of the Millenium Falcon as Jar Jar Binks enters it on Tatooine, you see LP-235. This is the code to unlock 8096 Emperor Palpatine's Shuttle. If you look at the top of the hanger in the Death Star, you see 694. This unlocks 7915 Imperial V-wing Starfighter.

222 unlocks extra upgrades (6 of them) upgrades and 911 unlocks firepower.

Sets seen[edit | edit source]