Brickipedia News:10259 Winter Village Station revealed

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Brickipedia News:10259 Winter Village Station revealed

User:Latenightguy 5:42, 22 August 2017 (UTC)

avatarby Latenightguy
August 22, 2017

LEGO has officially revealed the next set in their annual Winter Village line: 10259 Winter Village Station! The 902-piece set will cost US $79.99/UK £74.99/DE 69.99€. It will be available to VIP members on September 14, though it will become widely available on October 1. Browse other images of the set below and tell us your thoughts in the comments.

Tags: Creator 2017

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Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

91 months ago
Score 1++

The interior to this building is horrible. :P Why is it so plain?! The exterior looks nice, though you're shot in the foot if you don't have last year's train.

(Thanks for all the editing Nova! It's really appreciated.)

VaskoOutstanding Brickipedian

91 months ago
Score 1++
The interior isn't spacious or anything, but I think it's good for what it is (a coffee shop/ticket station). I don't know where each of the 902 pieces went though, this entire set looks like it's made up of a lot less.

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

91 months ago
Score 1++
At first I thought it was kinda meh, sort of like half a Hagrid's Hut and half a Knight Bus. And yeah, on its own, it probably doesn't do much for me. However, if you've been collecting Winter Village sets over the years, I actually think this set would look pretty amazing integrated in with the rest of the sets, and would be a really great "add-on" set.
Creator +  and 2017 +
17:42:00, 22 August 2017 +
10259 Winter Village Station revealed +