Brickipedia News:2015 City list

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Brickipedia News:2015 City list

User:NovaFlare 00:17, 14 July 2014 (UTC)

avatarby NovaFlare
July 14, 2014. Last updated July 15, 2014.

Following on from the BIONICLE news, has posted a list of City sets in the 2015 lineup, I'm sure it's no surprise that Police sets will be returning for another year. Here's the list:

Thanks to Groove Bricks for the news.

Update: Further City sets have been listed, this time it's from the Construction and Great Vehicle variety of City:

Thanks again to Groove Bricks for the list.

Tags: City 2015

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BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

130 months ago
Score 3++
I still don't understand why they redesign the same stuff every year. It would be cheaper just to leave it on the shelf. I'm sure there is some justification, but I really don't care. We've been getting police consistently for like five years now. :P

BrickfilmNutBrick Master

130 months ago
Score 1++
Oh, come on. Not only police again, but no noticeable new spin? Well, unless water is their new theme, which isn't too clear at the moment...

ToaMeikoHonorable Brickipedian

130 months ago
Score 0++
We don't know if it's only police just yet. We may see more City set names in the future.

NovaFlareMaster Builder

130 months ago
Score 5++
Yes, we've got to wait for the big surprise of... Fire sets! :P
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