Brickipedia News:2015 finals: Legends of Chima

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Brickipedia News:2015 finals: Legends of Chima

User:NovaHawk 19:34, 2 October 2014 (UTC)

avatarby NovaHawk
October 2, 2014. Last updated October 3, 2014.

Today's reveal is for Legends of Chima, which is continuing its "Ice vs. Fire" theme. The photos give us images for nine of the twelve known sets, and unlike previous days, has five images for each set instead of just two (see our articles for more images).

70220.png70220alt.png 70220 Strainor's Saber Cycle

70221.png707221alt.png 70221 Flinx's Ultimate Phoenix

70722.png70222alt1.png 70222 Tormak's Shadow Blazer

70223.png70223alt2.png 70223 Icebite's Claw Driller

70224.png70224alt1.png 70224 Tiger's Mobile Command

70229.png70229alt1.png 70229 Lion Tribe Pack

70230.png70230alt1.png 70230 Ice Bear Tribe Pack

70231.png70231alt1.png 70231 Crocodile Tribe Pack

70232.png70232alt1.png 70232 Saber-tooth Tiger Tribe pack

Tags: Legends of Chima 2015

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NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

127 months ago
Score 0++

First time I've actually looked at these (I just made the news report and cropped the minifig images as fast as possible and didn't actually stop to properly look at the sets).

Definitely picking up those battle packs, and might also get that phoenix as well. That battle mech in 70223 also looks pretty cool, but won't be picking it up unless it's on a big clearance. First time a Chima wave's actually appealed to me.

Stormjay RiderAmateur

127 months ago
Score 1++
Even though I'm not real interested in them, they look pretty cool (as is my current stance on all Chima sets.) Battle packs I appreciate much more than Speedorz, and the fact that each barrier/turret combination resembles the respective animal is a bonus for the designers. Some of those new molds look cool too. Only ones that really interest me are that Ultimate Phoenix (because of the dark red Beast feet and influx of fire pieces that could work with BIO-MOCs) and the Claw Driller (because trans click ball joints, but then again I build next to nothing in system anymore, so probably no.)


127 months ago
Score 0++

It's a shame that the beaver looks nothing like in the TV series.

Other than that, I really like these sets. Definitely getting all the tribe packs, and Icebite's Claw Driller.

Anonymous user #1

127 months ago
Score 0++

Also, getting serious here:

  • The tiger sets this year looks g-r-e-a-t! I just do not get why Tormak became black!! Disguise or something? :-S
  • I am really disappointed with the beaver to be honest.
  • The Ultimate Phoenix set looks great too, with many new pieces! I just don't get why he has long wings! Why not give him longer legs too?
  • No Laval ... Maybe he got killed? :-D (:-P)
  • I really like the new lions too. Kinda.
  • That's it.
~~ Sibo2808

Anonymous user #1

127 months ago
Score 0++


  • I just found out that Tormak IS Panthar! After doing something I really don't understand, he transformed himself into a panther!

Anonymous user #1

127 months ago
Score 0++


  • I just found out that Tormak IS Panthar! After doing something I really don't understand, he transformed himself into a panther!

Anonymous user #1

127 months ago
Score 0++


  • I just found out that Tormak IS Panthar! After doing something I really don't understand, he transformed himself into a panther!

Anonymous user #1

127 months ago
Score 0++


  • I just found out that Tormak IS Panthar! After doing something I really don't understand, he transformed himself into a panther!

Anonymous user #1

127 months ago
Score 0++


  • I just found out that Tormak IS Panthar! After doing something I really don't understand, he transformed himself into a panther!

Anonymous user #1

127 months ago
Score 0++


  • I just found out that Tormak IS Panthar! After doing something I really don't understand, he transformed himself into a panther!

Anonymous user #1

127 months ago
Score 0++


  • I just found out that Tormak IS Panthar! After doing something I really don't understand, he transformed himself into a panther!

Anonymous user #1

127 months ago
Score 0++


  • I just found out that Tormak IS Panthar! After doing something I really don't understand, he transformed himself into a panther!

Anonymous user #1

127 months ago
Score 0++


  • I just found out that Tormak IS Panthar! After doing something I really don't understand, he transformed himself into a panther!

Anonymous user #1

127 months ago
Score 0++


  • I just found out that Tormak IS Panthar! After doing something I really don't understand, he transformed himself into a panther!

Anonymous user #1

127 months ago
Score 0++


  • I just found out that Tormak IS Panthar! After doing something I really don't understand, he transformed himself into a panther!

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

127 months ago
Score 1++
SPOILER: I heard that his fur gets burnt and changes from orange to black. Of course that makes absolutely no sense, like so many other things in this theme, but makes for a cool minifigure.

Vector PrimeLEGO Wizard

127 months ago
Score 1++
To elaborate, Tormak doesn't turn into a panther, his fur is black because it was burned by an explosion. The only reason the tern "panther" came up was Eris had visions of Tormak's burnt version before it happened and since they didn't know what/who it was, they just started calling the creature a panther.

Anonymous user #1

127 months ago
Score 0++

@Vector Prime: Maybe, but it doesn't eplain how he became so wierd/crazy. :-P

Also, he held a drawing of a tiger (I think) and a crazy panther. Maybe he had a plan?

Anonymous user #1

127 months ago
Score 0++

@Vector Prime: Maybe, but it doesn't eplain how he became so wierd/crazy. :-P

Also, he held a drawing of a tiger (I think) and a crazy panther. Maybe he had a plan?

Anonymous user #1

127 months ago
Score 0++

@Vector Prime: Maybe, but it doesn't eplain how he became so wierd/crazy. :-P

Also, he held a drawing of a tiger (I think) and a crazy panther. Maybe he had a plan?

Anonymous user #1

127 months ago
Score 0++

@Vector Prime: Maybe, but it doesn't eplain how he became so wierd/crazy. :-P

Also, he held a drawing of a tiger (I think) and a crazy panther. Maybe he had a plan?

Anonymous user #1

127 months ago
Score 0++

@Vector Prime: Maybe, but it doesn't eplain how he became so wierd/crazy. :-P

Also, he held a drawing of a tiger (I think) and a crazy panther. Maybe he had a plan?

Anonymous user #1

127 months ago
Score 0++

@Vector Prime: Maybe, but it doesn't eplain how he became so wierd/crazy. :-P

Also, he held a drawing of a tiger (I think) and a crazy panther. Maybe he had a plan?

Anonymous user #1

127 months ago
Score 0++

@Vector Prime: Maybe, but it doesn't eplain how he became so wierd/crazy. :-P

Also, he held a drawing of a tiger (I think) and a crazy panther. Maybe he had a plan?

Anonymous user #1

127 months ago
Score 0++

@Vector Prime: Maybe, but it doesn't eplain how he became so wierd/crazy. :-P

Also, he held a drawing of a tiger (I think) and a crazy panther. Maybe he had a plan?

Anonymous user #1

127 months ago
Score 0++

@Vector Prime: Maybe, but it doesn't eplain how he became so wierd/crazy. :-P

Also, he held a drawing of a tiger (I think) and a crazy panther. Maybe he had a plan?

Anonymous user #1

127 months ago
Score 0++

@Vector Prime: Maybe, but it doesn't eplain how he became so wierd/crazy. :-P

Also, he held a drawing of a tiger (I think) and a crazy panther. Maybe he had a plan?

Anonymous user #1

127 months ago
Score 0++

@Vector Prime: Maybe, but it doesn't eplain how he became so wierd/crazy. :-P

Also, he held a drawing of a tiger (I think) and a crazy panther. Maybe he had a plan?


127 months ago
Score 0++

Aww dang. I used my suduname. :P

Too used to the lego gallery. XD


127 months ago
Score 0++
Yay! We get a beaver! ~Yamyam

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

127 months ago
Score 0++
There is some interesting stuff, but nothing catches my eye enough aside from the Lion Battle Pack to actually buy, and that's a maybe.

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

127 months ago
Score 1++
Flinx's fire thing looks cool! That's the only set I might pick up. :P the new yeti thing is cute, but the rest of those figures are ugly. The builds look odd as well. Why is there two lionesses in the lion tribe pack but no female croc, ice bear or saber tooth in they're respectful packs. :/

Anonymous user #1

127 months ago
Score 1++
They look really awesome! And the time of the year fits too! (Atleast for someone :-P)
Legends of Chima +  and 2015 +
19:34:00, 2 October 2014 +
2015 finals: Legends of Chima +