Brickipedia News:70620 NINJAGO City unveiled

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Brickipedia News:70620 NINJAGO City unveiled

User:NovaHawk 22:59, 21 June 2017 (UTC)

avatarby NovaHawk
June 21, 2017

70620 NINJAGO City has been revealed by LEGO for a September 1 release date, and the images show off a large city with several shops and buildings. This set has 4867 pieces, meaning it has the third-highest piececount of any set ever released. Check out all the images below and let us know what you think!

Tags: The LEGO Ninjago Movie 2017

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BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

94 months ago
Score 0++

Wow, this is interesting. A lot (even too much) is going on, but it's interesting. It's kind of weird how it's caught between those City playsets which would always include bus stops and bike shops and a Modular Building without really being compattible with either so I'm not sure how well this format works. I'd sort of like to see it decompressed and combined with some other Ninjago buildings (like the Temple of Airjitzu and the Dragon Forge) just to see what it looks like as an actual city. It is unique though, and even if I don't know that the format works for me, it's still pretty cool.

Also, not a big fan of Misako's design. While I'm not beholden to the TV version, the reused torso and Wyldstle-esque face made me think she was some minor character from school Lloyd has a crush on. Since Jay apparently has a sister now, I thought that might be her. But I was very wrong. :P I do like the actual Ivy Walker minifigure though. Also, I was expecting Kai's civilian garb to be in the CMF series, but maybe he was moved when the figure count was reduced from 20 to 16...I'm not too disappointed though; too much red. I'm more interested in Cole, Zane, and Jay's civvies though; do we know what they look like from a trailer or still?

Brikkyy13Outstanding Brickipedian

94 months ago
Score 0++
Looks absolutely amazing. I don't think I'll ever get it, but those who do are in for a treat. My only gripe with it is that for that price point they could have included a few more named characters, but seeing such a diverse set of civilians is great too.

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

94 months ago
Score 0++

Yeah, characters are somewhat underwhelming :S (although- is that a Power Rangers joke in there? Kid called Tommy wearing a shirt of the green ninja with gold armour?)

But a Death Star-style city is definitely interesting. Would actually like to see a few more pictures of this though- I know we've got loads, but I'd at least like to see the back of the set- we don't have a shot of that do we?
The LEGO Ninjago Movie +  and 2017 +
22:59:00, 21 June 2017 +
70620 NINJAGO City unveiled +