Brickipedia News:70922 The Joker Manor revealed

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Brickipedia News:70922 The Joker Manor revealed

User:NovaHawk 06:32, 27 September 2017 (UTC)

avatarby NovaHawk
September 27, 2017

70922 The Joker Manor has been revealed by LEGO. The 3444-piece set goes on sale in November for US $269.99/£249.99, and features Wayne Manor after it was transformed by The Joker towards the end of The LEGO Batman Movie, along with 10 minifigures. Let us know what you think in the comments below!

Tags: The LEGO Batman Movie 2017

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BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

91 months ago
Score 0++

Easy pass. Might be a fun playset, but kind of below the standard of detail I expect for a D2C. That's not to say it's bad, but maybe not especially memorable. Minifigure selection is weird; not including regular versions of Alfred and Bruce is kind of cheap... It's almost like this set wasn't initially planned and they felt the need to fill it with variants that wouldn't get a release otherwise instead of ones which would have made more sense or some of the Uber Villains... That, or they still want those figures to sell the Batcave, since they are one of that set's few redeeming parts.

It does look like it can easily convert into a regular Manor though, even including alternate portraits; kind of surprised that no images show that.

Brikkyy13Outstanding Brickipedian

91 months ago
Score 0++
I was considering picking up this set when rumors of Wayne Manor popped up, but upon seeing that it's not actually Wayne Manor I'm very disappointed. It is still a fantastic set and those who get it will be very happy, but this one isn't for me.
The LEGO Batman Movie +  and 2017 +
06:32:00, 27 September 2017 +
70922 The Joker Manor revealed +