Brickipedia News:75059 Sandcrawler image leaked

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Brickipedia News:75059 Sandcrawler image leaked

User:NovaFlare 0:00, 1 March 2014 (UTC)

avatarby NovaFlare
March 1, 2014

The first image of 75059 Sandcrawler has been leaked on Flickr, and is believed to be a scan from the upcoming book, LEGO Star Wars: The Visual Dictionary: Updated and Expanded. Along with some of the features of the Sandcrawler, the image reveals that it will include at least four minifigures - a new Owen Lars and three Jawas.

Tags: Star Wars 2014

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134 months ago
Score 0++
Probably not worth a news article, but this years "Someone ordered too many paper arches" set is a graduation, to go with the birthday one and the wedding one.


134 months ago
Score 0++
Why is someone pelting that poor graduate with books?


134 months ago
Score 0++
Its the European way.
Star Wars +  and 2014 +
22:29:00, 1 March 2014 +
75059 Sandcrawler image leaked +