Brickipedia News:Avengers minifigures leaked

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Brickipedia News:Avengers minifigures leaked

User:Brikkyy13 00:24, 8 January 2015 (UTC)

avatarby Brikkyy13
January 8, 2015

In the midst of all the wave 2 set news pops up 3 new minifigures from the upcoming "Avengers: Age of Ultron" line. These minifigures are Iron Man, Iron Legion and Ultron Sentry Officer. Check them out!





Tags: Super Heroes 2015 Marvel

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NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

123 months ago
Score 0++
  • I like the plating design on the new Iron Man around the reactor, it's actually possibly my favourite suit to date
  • Iron Legion- ancient history :P
  • Ultron Sentry Officer- as someone said on Eurobricks- they can make a special helmet for the sentry but not for Captain America? :/

Brikkyy13Outstanding Brickipedian

123 months ago
Score 1++
I threw a fit when I saw that the cap still didn't have a special helmet.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

123 months ago
Score 3++

I'm just impressed that he even looks golden brown in the images from the online catalog. It's like they didn't try at all. :P

I don't remember what else Marvel has coming out next year, but Civil War will probably be a pretty big deal (it's basically mini Avengers, except they fight each other) so maybe they'll give him a cap there. It would be nice if it didn't have licensing restrictions, because there might be a couple of DC characters who could use it too....
Super Heroes +, 2015 +  and Marvel +
00:24:00, 8 January 2015 +
Avengers minifigures leaked +