Brickipedia News:Doctor Who Dimensions trailer and set reveal

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Brickipedia News:Doctor Who Dimensions trailer and set reveal

User:NovaHawk 09:01, 9 July 2015 (UTC)

avatarby NovaHawk
July 9, 2015

A new trailer has been revealed for LEGO Dimensions, showcasing the 12th Doctor meeting up with Wyldstyle, Gandalf and Batman. The trailer also reveals what all thirteen Doctors will look like in the game (the twelve normal incarnations and the War Doctor), as well as the Doctor's current companion, Clara Oswald. It's also been confirmed that at least three actors from the series will be voicing their characters- Peter Capaldi (as the 12th Doctor), Jenna Coleman (as Clara Oswald) and Michelle Gomez (as Missy). Check out the trailer below:


In addition to this, a new fun pack has been revealed, containing a Dalek and a Cyberman. The set will be released in January 2016.


Tags: 2015 2016 Dimensions

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117 months ago
Score 0++

So, does Wyldstyle have the same voice actress from the movie?(It seems like batman has the same voice from the other LEGO games)

BTW, anyone else looking forward to having Emmet and Owen Grady on the same game?

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

117 months ago
Score 0++
It says on IMDB that Elizabeth Banks will be voicing Wyldstyle in the game, so yes. But Batman will be voiced by Troy Baker (who voiced Batman for the video games, not The LEGO Movie). Interesting to see that Tom Kane will be voicing Gandalf (he voiced Yoda in The Clone Wars). Although, I'm not sure how accurate IMDB is, so....


117 months ago
Score 0++

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

118 months ago
Score 0++

I don't particularly care for Doctor Who (nothing against the show, it just doesn't captivate me the way it does others) and I'm not planning on playing Dimensions, but that looked pretty good. Something about The Doctor teaming up with Batman and Gandalf is strangely satisfying.

I'm glad to see that if they aren't using more nonlicensed properties, they are at least promoting and introducing more obscure ones. Maybe this will spark an interest in properties like Doctor Who for younger kids in a way that a one-off Ideas set wouldn't.

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

118 months ago
Score 0++
When will that Doctor Who ideas set be revealed? WALLE and Big Bang have been revealed for ages now!
2015 +, 2016 +  and Dimensions +
09:01:00, 9 July 2015 +
Doctor Who Dimensions trailer and set reveal +