Brickipedia News:Final images from Amazon UK for several upcoming sets

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Brickipedia News:Final images from Amazon UK for several upcoming sets

User:NovaFlare 23:33, 22 April 2014 (UTC)

avatarby NovaFlare
April 22, 2014. Last updated April 23, 2014.

Amazon UK has published final images of the Ninjago sets due to hit stores in a couple of months. They've also added a several new Legends of Chima ones as well, although a couple of them have already been seen over at Tesco some time ago. Apparently Friends, Creator Chima constraction and Creator have also been added, which will be updated shortly.

Images have been added to the corresponding sets, listed below:

Legends of Chima

Tags: Ninjago Legends of Chima Creator 2014

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NovaFlareMaster Builder

132 months ago
Score 0++
I have no idea what the new Friends/Chima Constraction and Creator images are, I've just added what I know is new.
Ninjago +, Legends of Chima +, Creator +  and 2014 +
23:33:00, 22 April 2014 +
Final images from Amazon UK for several upcoming sets +