Brickipedia News:First (legal) images of 75159 Death Star are out

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Brickipedia News:First (legal) images of 75159 Death Star are out

User:NovaHawk 20:18, 28 August 2016 (UTC)

avatarby NovaHawk
August 28, 2016

75159 Death Star has gone on display at The LEGO Store, Arundel Mills, meaning we can finally display images of the set thanks to people who have taken pictures at the store. While there are no out of box pictures yet, in addition to the box art you can see pictures of the back of the box and a top view showing the minifigures.

Tags: Star Wars 2016 2008

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NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

104 months ago
Score 1++


Bahaha it's an extra US $100 just for 113 invisible pieces XD

(not sure if this is already well-known, I haven't been following the 2016 threads too closely now there are no new 2016 sets coming out)

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

104 months ago
Score 0++

So winter village toy shop 2.0.? Slightly update everything and get collectors to fork over the money to buy a second one. :P

They should've just announced this early to keep people from dissatisfaction.


104 months ago
Score 1++
If collectors buy a second one then they are idiots and deserve to loss their money :P

Omega XAmateur

104 months ago
Score 1++

Very surprised that Lego decided to do another remake of a set after the largely negative response from the forums after the Winter Village Toy Shop. Well I guess that sold well enough to warrant another remake *shrug*

Anyways I am largely sceptical about this, even though I should be excited (The original DS is a set that I looked up to when i was a kid wishing that I could own it). First of all Im not sure what it does to the secondhand market, but I dont think its good for those who currently own the previous DS waiting for prices to inflate further. Second, Im not sure if it should warrant so much attention on legos part, as quietly releasing this when the old DS is retired while coming up with a new UCS set now (with all the hype and stuff), would significantly make things better. (Yes there would be 3 UCS sets this year if that happens, but hey how much resources and effort does one need to re-release a set?) Finally Im not sure if such remakes would bring about a positive impact on the lego fans of the future (or the kids of today). When I was a CFOL (KFOL? Not sure the exact acronym =P), I had the mindset and the belief that the past is the past, however I may wish to get old castle sets or old Bionicle sets, I have to resign to the fate that I should look to the future to see whats in store that could be new yes, but also better in many ways. Sure enough, soon Kingdoms was released, as well as new Bionicle sets. All these experiences has shaped me as a person, and I worry that the CFOLs of today would not grow up knowing this, as old sets keep getting remade. Sure, its not exactly the same, but the idea still stands.

About this set as a set, I like it. It has everything I liked about the previous DS (which was everything actually), with new and improved minifigures. However, most importantly of all, I am also disappointed, as I expected a new version of the DS, along the lines of the Ghostbusters HQ (Full exterior which can be folded into half to access the interior). They could have done a lot more (Aside from what I envisioned, Brickset has a lot more suggestions too), and I just hope that the price would be attractive and justt within my budget to get it after believing that I would never have the chance to do so officially from a shelf.


104 months ago
Score 2++
I don't think its meant to be anything new and exciting - no doubt its still a popular set, and they realise that people would rather buy it new from LEGO instead of on the second hand market for no doubt extortionate prices.

Omega XAmateur

104 months ago
Score 0++

True..I suppose that they never intended to make a new version of this in the first place, and its just me getting my hopes up for one =P

And yes, with those ever increasing prices in the second-hand market, who wouldnt want to buy it from LEGO directly? =3

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

104 months ago
Score 0++
I actually think that the remake is sort of a good thing, as long as they don't keep any important figures exclusive. :P

Edward NigmaMaster Builder

104 months ago
Score 0++
Unless you consider Imperial Navy members important, that's a no.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

104 months ago
Score 0++
No, but I do consider Leia's Ep IV costume important. :P I think that's new. And then, maybe Tarkin too. \_O_/

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

104 months ago
Score 0++
Yeah, that new body on Leia is nice, and Han's hairpiece- they're the only new things apart from the officers. Tarkin's body piece is new too I guess, it's the same as his Rebels version but grey (I don't know why they went with dark tan for the officers in Rebels :S)

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

104 months ago
Score 0++

Spot the difference:

Definitely worth buying this if you have 10188. I do like the new officers though :@


104 months ago
Score 3++
This one has more lasers and explosions, as you can see.

Edward NigmaMaster Builder

104 months ago
Score 0++
Just some (much needed?) supports on the bottom. And more lasers and explosions.

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

104 months ago
Score 0++
I've never had any problem with the bottom (or anywhere else) collapsing on 10188 before

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

104 months ago
Score 1++
Images of the next UCS set, 75144 Snowspeeder, have been leaked.
Star Wars +, 2016 +  and 2008 +
20:18:00, 28 August 2016 +
First (legal) images of 75159 Death Star are out +