Brickipedia News:LEGO Batman 3 gets season pass

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Brickipedia News:LEGO Batman 3 gets season pass

User:CJC95 0:00, 9 September 2014 (UTC)

avatarby CJC95
September 9, 2014

It was revealed today that LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham would be getting a season pass, the latest trend in game monetisation where in you can pay £12.79 upfront for all six DLC packs that TT plan on releasing, which, while requiring you to assuming you will want the unannounced packs, will save you a mighty £2.51 in the long run. All six packs will together give PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One players 40 new characters and six new levels, as well as new vehicles and achievements.

The first three packs have been announced and will be released on the 14th November. The first, The Dark Knight Pack, includes the "iconic chase scene" from the movie, as well as "a multitude" of vehicles and a mission playable as either Batman and Commissioner Gordon or as The Joker and his goons, as they chase after Harvey Dent's police escort. It is said that Bane and Catwoman are also playable - I assumed they were already in the game, so maybe its a new skin or something.

The second pack is the Man of Steel Pack, and it involves helping Jor-El, his wife Lara and their robot Kelex fight General Zod and send Superman to Earth, and while I don't know anything about Superman, I'm pretty sure the ability to play as his mum is what all the fans have been wanting.

The third pack announced so far is the Batman 75th Anniversary Pack. It "lets you play as Joker and Harley as you get to check out a range of iconic faces, including Batman in his first appearance in Detective Comics #27."

via IGN

Tags: 2014 Batman Super Heroes

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128 months ago
Score 0++
I saw the Neeson Ra's Al Ghul, pity he'll likely never be released in a set.


128 months ago
Score -1++
He wasn't ginger in the movie, though.


128 months ago
Score 0++
Off topic, but I as wondering what happened to brickipedia earlier, you know, when it was down?

ToaMeikoHonorable Brickipedian

128 months ago
Score 0++

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

128 months ago
Score 0++

Wow, Lara and Kleenex. I'm at a loss for words for how exciting that is.

None of these three sound very interesting to me, but that's okay. At least they aren't withholding important characters that should be in the game like they have in the past, at least not yet....


128 months ago
Score 0++
Well, there are still 3 packs to announce...

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

128 months ago
Score 0++
I was only talking about these though. :P

NBP3.0Brick Master

128 months ago
Score 0++
Those savings doe.
2014 +, Batman +  and Super Heroes +
22:28:00, 9 September 2014 +
LEGO Batman 3 gets season pass +