Brickipedia News:London Toy Fair 2015

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Brickipedia News:London Toy Fair 2015

User:NovaHawk 00:37, 21 January 2015 (UTC)

avatarby NovaHawk
January 21, 2015. Last updated January 23, 2015.

Day 1 of the London Toy Fair has finished, and we've received a lot of news about upcoming sets, including info for the upcoming City, Super Heroes (both Marvel and DC), Star Wars, Jurassic World, Friends and Elves lines. In addition to this, the Scooby-Doo theme has been officially announced, and it's also been confirmed that this year's second wave of Legends of Chima will be its last.

You can read more details at Brick Fanatics, or at Brickset (Part 1- unlicensed themes, Part 2- licensed themes).

Tags: 2015 Star Wars Super Heroes City Jurassic World Elves Friends Scooby-Doo Legends of Chima

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NBP3.0Brick Master

123 months ago
Score 0++

RIP Chima, you will be missed (by some, just not me).

Looking forward to some previews of the new Super Heroes sets coming up!
... more about "London Toy Fair 2015"
2015 +, Star Wars +, Super Heroes +, City +, Jurassic World +, Elves +, Friends +, Scooby-Doo +  and Legends of Chima +
00:37:00, 21 January 2015 +
London Toy Fair 2015 +