Brickipedia News:New LEGO RPG revealed

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Brickipedia News:New LEGO RPG revealed

User:Nexus 0:00, 17 January 2015 (UTC)

avatarby Nexus
January 17, 2015

A popular mobile gaming firm in China named Nexon is making a new LEGO RPG for mobile devices. Nexon owner, and well-known LEGO fan, Jung-Ju “Jay" Kim is perhaps best known in the LEGO community for purchasing BrickLink back in 2013. This RPG will feature themes including Ninjago. Nexon is working with TT Games and LEGO to create the game. The Nexon president and CEO also stated;

“LEGO is among the most wildly successful and iconic brands of our time, and we are thrilled to be teaming up with TT Games to bring Lego-based online games to mobile gamers. Players can look forward to the fun and unique game experiences that Nexon is known for, along with the Lego characters they have come to love. This agreement is the most recent example of Nexon’s ongoing quest for creative, new ideas for great games, both through our own development and by partnering with other creators of world-class IP.”

The upcoming game will be available in 2016 and will be hosted on iOS and Android devices.

Source: TheBrickFan

(editing by CJC95)

Tags: 2016 Ninjago

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NBP3.0Brick Master

123 months ago
Score 0++

Awesome article Nexus, keep up the good work!

As for the RPG idea, I will need more info before I can judge, but this is a great chance to make the LEGO RPG thing not terrible.

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

123 months ago
Score 1++
Sounds like it'll be another fail (like all other LEGO RPGs)

Stormjay RiderAmateur

123 months ago
Score 0++
This sounds interesting. And maybe a legit crossover...

IchindarBrick Master

123 months ago
Score 0++
Might or might not be a good game...

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

123 months ago
Score 1++
When did Nexus become a news reporter? How long have I been gone? :P

Brikkyy13Outstanding Brickipedian

123 months ago
Score -2++
Actually, his request is still in, so he shouldn't be writing these :/


123 months ago
Score 2++
he wrote them, I published them - the exact same thing happened when Sibo was applying.


123 months ago
Score -2++
"feature themes including Ninjago." That means it will be mostly about Ninjago. And it became boring. This is the third Ninjago video game this year. Seriously? I know it's a successful theme but this is too much.


123 months ago
Score 1++
What is interesting about this is that Mr Kim is a LEGO fan, and as such, I'd wager that this semi-decent.
... more about "New LEGO RPG revealed"
2016 +  and Ninjago +
21:51:00, 17 January 2015 +
New LEGO RPG revealed +