Brickipedia News:New LEGO park

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Brickipedia News:New LEGO park

User:NovaFlare 0:00, 23 October 2013 (UTC)

avatarby NovaFlare
October 23, 2013

Our very own ToaMeiko brings us news about the location of the next LEGOLAND or LEGOLAND Discovery Centre. Stafford County, Virginia (USA), is currently under consideration for the site of the new attraction. We'll be posting more news about the newest LEGO theme park as it comes in.


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ToaMeikoHonorable Brickipedian

138 months ago
Score 0++
Correction: it's one of the locations being considered.


138 months ago
Score 0++
There is an article I've yet to read in yesterday's Telegraph business section about Merlin. If I read it I'll tell you if there is anything interesting, though it looks to be about floatation.


138 months ago
Score 1++
Merlin basically are looking for a £3bn stock market float soon. They are aiming to raise £200m atm, with 15% from small investors (who as a reward get 30% off of an annual pass). "Owners" Blackstone, CVC Capital Partners and Kirkbi (family trust that own LEGO)are going to raise £400m by selling part of their stakes. Kirkbi will remain a long-term shareholder, while the others will retain smaller stakes when its offered to the public. Then there is some stuff about how Merlin's share structure is complicated, and the CEO saying stuff about how Royal Mail shares being so popular makes him hopeful Merlin's will do well.
... more about "New LEGO park"
04:41:00, 23 October 2013 +
New LEGO park +