Brickipedia News:New wave of Dimensions sets revealed

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Brickipedia News:New wave of Dimensions sets revealed

User:NovaHawk 08:38, 20 September 2016 (UTC)

avatarby NovaHawk
September 20, 2016

Three new Dimensions packs have been revealed: two Fun Packs, 71344 Excalibur Batman Fun Pack from The LEGO Batman Movie and 71286 Michael Knight Fun Pack from Knight Rider, and 71264, a Story Pack from The LEGO Batman Movie. The sets are due for release in 2017.

Tags: Dimensions The LEGO Batman Movie 2016 2017

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Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

103 months ago
Score 0++

I really don't like that batcomputer build and Batgirl is hardly a bonus minifigure if there's less pieces as a result... Those mini figures are fantastic though.

I wonder will an extra batman appeal to anyone, but that horse's build is great.

Knight Rider will appeal to fans of it, but brands like this are so niche why would they include so many? I'm sure kids aren't going to buy them and I imagine a lot of adults won't have the game.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

103 months ago
Score 0++

Not too interested in Knight Rider. I just don't see what it brings and the pack looks sort of generic.

I like the Batman stuff though. I hope the story pack doesn't have an extra fee because both Batgirl and Robin are included.

Edward NigmaMaster Builder

103 months ago
Score 0++
As much of a fan I am of Knight Rider, I'll have to second that. They'd have to get real creative, inserting the recurring villains (there are hardly any - most villains are only featured in a single episode).

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

103 months ago
Score 0++
Doesn't the car talk in Knight Rider? That could pretty cool!
Dimensions +, The LEGO Batman Movie +, 2016 +  and 2017 +
08:38:00, 20 September 2016 +
New wave of Dimensions sets revealed +