Brickipedia News:Ninjago exclusive figure revealed

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Brickipedia News:Ninjago exclusive figure revealed

User:CJC95 0:00, 21 July 2014 (UTC)

default_m.gifby CJC95
July 21, 2014

The minifigure that will come with October's LEGO Ninjago: The Visual Dictionary has been revealed to be Zane Reloaded. Brickset claims it also appears in 70726 Destructoid, but the book cover calls it a "limited edition minifigure". So, whether its an exclusive or not appears to be up in the air. Will you be buying the book? What figure would you have included? Why is Zane reloaded? Discuss away below.

Tags: 2014 Ninjago

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128 months ago
Score 0++

OMG. :O Collectors will go after this rare figure for years.

No seriously, they'll probably just discontinue 70726 and then it will be exclusive.


128 months ago
Score 2++

It wouldn't have been too hard to give us Dareth or Nya in her new outfit, would it? Pythor would have been cool, as well, if they could fit his tail piece in the cover...

Good thing I still don't have Techno Zane, or I wouldn't be getting this.
2014 +  and Ninjago +
22:14:00, 21 July 2014 +
Ninjago exclusive figure revealed +