Brickipedia News:The LEGO Batman Movie sets from Comic-Con

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Brickipedia News:The LEGO Batman Movie sets from Comic-Con

User:NovaHawk 02:46, 22 July 2016 (UTC)

avatarby NovaHawk
July 22, 2016

The first two sets from The LEGO Batman Movie have been revealed at Comic-Con: 70906 The Joker Notorious Lowrider (US $49.99) and 70905 The Batmobile (US $59.99) . Both will be on sale in January with 11 other sets and a collectable minifigures series.

Let us know what you think of the sets in the comments below!

TLBMBatmobile set.jpeg

Tags: 2016 2017 The LEGO Batman Movie

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Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

105 months ago
Score 0++

I can't wait to see how many pieces are in these, because so far the prices look ridiculously high. :P

I really like the Joker's vehicle set, purple pieces are always great. The addition of lime also makes it scream "Joker" which is nice. The gold chicken is cool and reminds me we really need a chicken based Friends set. :P I like the horn and zebra printed pieces?

Joker:Can we stop getting new hairpieces for the sake of getting new hairpieces? :S I'd much prefer this to be switched with the Doctor's hairpiece. I really like Joker's torso but his arms and face are rather lame and stupid looking.

Harley Quinn:I imagine she's exclusive to that set, so she'll be the main draw. She is a really nice figure, but I'm not really desperate to get her. I imagine Harley will have a pink and blue variant and possibly even a nurse variant. Heck if she does have a hole in her hairpiece, she could use the friends pillbox hat for her nurse version.

Batgirl:Eh maybe this figure will grow on me? I really don't like this new headpiece, at least from this angle. The hair just looks thrown on and personally I would've rather had a shade of orange than this dark red. The face looks horrible in this figure, it looks like she has an awful tan and a nack for purple lipstick. The torso and arms seem to be based on Burnside so that's cool and possibly we'll get a better alternative face. :P Oh and yay for new batarang colours!

I don't understand who green lit that batmobile... It doesn't look great and it doesn't seem like there's a lot of play features. Besides what ever happened to Bats only working in black? :(

Batman:New face! I can't wait to see how many new faces we'll get, it's just a shame they're all headbanded :P

Robin:I love this figure, but the goggles are a bit much. The torso is amazing, the face is cute and the legs are fun. Sparkly cape! The hairpiece is okay, it's annoying that Dick doesn't have black hair, but oh well. I wonder how those goggles attach, it'll be interesting to see where they're used elsewhere. Can we please get a set with all five robins? It could be a dream sequence or whatever, I just really like Robins. :P

Kabuki Twins:Obscure characters confirmed! I wonder how many obscure characters we'll get or only a handful. If Copperhead isn't in the CMF line I'm calling *badword*

Man-Bat:So we are getting existing figures, so what's the benefit of that new Scarecrow and Boomerang? It is a shame he can't reuse the Werewolf from Monster Fighters legpiece as he looks ridiculously plain.

So far I think I'll skip on these sets, unless there's a discount on the Joker vehicle. I imagine the only exclusives here are the Kabuki Twins, Man-Bat and possibly Harley. The other four will be in at least three sets each. :P

So what do you guys want as Bat vehicles, personally I want a Bat hot air balloon or a Bat unicycle. Oh and for characters of want: Baby-Doll, Firefly, Alfred, Spoiler, All four robins, Phantasm, Clayface, Copperhead, Black Mask, Kite Man, Egghead, Music Meister, Condiment King, Bathound, Bat Cow, Bat Mite, Fish Mooney, Scooby dressed as Batman, King Tut, Mad Hatter and Calander man. Yes I'm very hopeful :P

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

105 months ago
Score 0++

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

105 months ago
Score 0++
I was thinking that too- the Batmobile looks bad, and the Joker car looks like a smaller and worse-looking version of the Ghostbusters car but the same price. Still, there's 11 sets to go, there has to be something good in there

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

105 months ago
Score 0++

If the Kabuki Twins are here, I'm ready for Egghead, King Tut, Mr. Polka-Dot Man, Condiment King, Music Meister, Kite-Man, and, uh, Baby Doll to join Killer Moth's Misfits.

All of my favorites, here we come. :D
2016 +, 2017 +  and The LEGO Batman Movie +
02:46:00, 22 July 2016 +
The LEGO Batman Movie sets from Comic-Con +