Brickipedia News:Three more LEGO Batman Movie sets revealed

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Brickipedia News:Three more LEGO Batman Movie sets revealed

User:NovaHawk 07:13, 5 October 2016 (UTC)

avatarby NovaHawk
October 5, 2016. Last updated October 9, 2016.

LEGO has put three new images of sets from The LEGO Batman Movie up on their Facebook and Twitter accounts: 70910 Mr. Freeze Ice Attack, 70909 Batcave Break-In and 70912 Arkham Asylum. Check them out in the gallery below!

Tags: The LEGO Batman Movie 2017

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NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

102 months ago
Score 0++
Thanks for that, fixed it

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

102 months ago
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Closeups of some of the minifigs from these sets at NYCC. Ugh. Thought Ivy and Two-Face looked better than that in the low-res image. I'm liking the Riddler a bit more though

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

102 months ago
Score 0++
Ivy's face looks meh, but that hair is spectacular!

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

102 months ago
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These sets actually have good price to parts ratios, along with the others that we're revealed but they seem rather small IMO.

Batcave is okay, I don't think it's as good as the other two. The bat suit rotary system is really neat and I'm sure will be handy for collectors. The rest is rather bare and there's an awful lot of open space. I think the vehicles should've really been their own set as they take up far to many of the pieces. The vehicles are quite well designed though and who doesn't love Penguin's rubber ducky. These puns on action vehicles have to stop though. :P Minifigure wise I think this set is unfair for kids, only Penguin, Bruce and Alfred with four bat suits. Surly they would want Batgirl or Robin and another villian? Collectors will be happy though. Is it just me or these new moulds pointless? Do we really need a bow tie piece, a new top hat and the utility belt? I love the closed umbrella and feathered piece for Penguin though. Bruce and Alfred look much better than previous versions and I love the 'Bat Pack' suit. It's a shame Ace wont appear in this line, maybe a DC girls set?

I really like the Mr. Freeze set, the mech is really well and cleverly designed. I love the freeze gun design too! Sand green pieces as well? :D Well Mr. Freeze is an improvement over the last, like Berry I'd rather white over light blue any day. The security guard is nice and simple though I would've liked a person of colour just because we already have two white ones in Arkham.

Arkham is fine, but I already have the previous version. The build is kind of simplistic for the price tag and I think the snow on the foot could've been avoided. It looks like they stole food from the Friends and Homer though! Light royal blue police car car! Aaron Cash is a nice inclusion, I'm kind of bummed at the lack of obscure characters so far and it's nice to see him. The arkham jumpsuits are nice but I can't see much use of them besides for goons, speaking of which we haven't seen any of them yet! Ivy's hair piece and face are amazing! Hopefully she does in fact appear in that batwing set and I can just get that. I like riddler's face and head too as well as Catwoman's. Joker's face and hair still look bad to me and I can add Two Face to that line up. Harleen's figure is nice but why couldn't we have got Harley's hairpiece in blond? :P Barbra's figure is okay, the hairpiece is on the large side.

So overall thoughts:the builds range from meh to nice, nothing outstanding. I'll probably get the cheapest Ivy set and the cheapest way to get the three main characters. On a side note is it just me or are all the themes that have sets revealed so far had outstanding budgets for the figures? Think about hulk set four new figures all with new and exclusive prints, DC girls has 6 new pieces (including arms) for every character which are exclusive and here there's an abundance of new moulds and new prints. The only set that's lacking is Arkham, which is a Toys R Us exclusive and still has exclusive Harleen, Aaron and Babs. Let's hope all themes follow or at least City, Creator and Friends get a boost. :P


102 months ago
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Not to sound stupid, but is Barbara going to be Batgirl in the LEGO Batman Movie?

Also, I'm actually considering buying that Batcave. It's perfect. Could use some modifications for all of my Nightwing's and Robin's costumes, but it'll do for now.

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

102 months ago
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Well she appears as Batgirl in 70906 The Joker Notorious Lowrider so it'd be really weird if she wasn't Batgirl in the movie too

Omega XAmateur

102 months ago
Score 1++

All these look great! As in I could see them being in the new batman movie with all the classic Lego humour =P

Pleasantly surprised about the number of new minifig pieces and accessories though! I mean, from the new bowler hat + hair piece, to the new bowtie and umbrella pieces..its great!

Underwhelmed by Arkram though, it has a relatively smaller facade, despite even more accessories and "smaller stuff" scattered around..I very much prefer the previous arkarm with its more imposing facade and front gate.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

102 months ago
Score 1++

I like the Mr. Freeze set okay. That's probably the best version of him we'll get for a while; he's finally got goggles and a real dome. I prefer chalk white skin, but eh.

Batcave is okay, but I'll probably skip it. Same with Arkham. I wish that architecture were more compatible with the last one. Aaron Cash is a cool inclusion though.

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

102 months ago
Score 1++

Wow, that was 100% exactly what I thought about those three sets, didn't think anyone was thinking the same way (judging by the few comments I read on EB, people seem to really like Arkham). Like you said, if it had a similar achitecture the DC set I might consider it and combine it into one big Arkham, but I have no real inclination to buy either of the bigger two sets.

Although I still don't know about Mr. Freeze... he looks too much like Nuvo Vindi to me

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

102 months ago
Score 1++
Heh, yeah, he kind of does. :P I'm just happy that they finally gave him goggles because I think those are a really striking and important detail of his design. I'm sort of just thinking of the blue skin as coloration by the helmet, even if the dome isn't tinted. Not crazy that it matches the armor, but eh. Still a huge improvement over the last versions. \_O_/

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

102 months ago
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I'm probably crazy, but I'd still like to see a Batman and Robin version of him done, not sure how accurate it is with the comic books, but I actually like that suit :P

Been meaning to ask- why does The Penguin have a blue face? There are a lot of these minifigures I just don't care for in this theme (Penguin/Joker/Riddler/Batgirl(/Barbara Gordon)/Catwoman/Robin until that trailer hit and we found out why he looks so stupid... still don't get those weird glasses but I guess we'll find out in the movie)

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

102 months ago
Score 0++

It's probably meant to evoke Batman Returns or some version inspired by it where he has a really unhealthy looking complexion. Can't say I'm crazy about those versions, but I guess it is better than the same thing again. \_O_/ Generally agreed about the figures too, though I like Joker's suits (not so much his head and hair), Batgirl, and Catwoman okay. I do like the mixing and matching of influences some like Bane, Harley, and Freeze do; it just works better with them I guess.

I sort of thought that the version in the Aquaman set was pretty close to Arnold. They gave him an awful accent in LEGO Batman 3 to match him, at least. :P

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

102 months ago
Score 0++

Ok, that's weird, but no weirder than giving Snape a glow in the dark head I guess :P

I don't mind the Joker's bodies, it's just I think his heads are terrible, Batgirl I'm just generally annoyed at (basically see comment here - I don't mind the figure itself), Catwoman I don't think I'll like because she has a Captain America-style head (it's purple with face printing... those never work out well). You're right though- we'll probably be getting some pretty great figures too- that Harley figure is amazing.

Yeah I like that Freeze, I'm guess I'm just not a huge fan of the massive helmet, but I'm definitely ok with it. Looking forward to seeing a better view of this new one's armor piece and his body/legs :)

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

102 months ago
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I disagree with the Batgirl thing, we already have white skinned Ivy we don't really need another. :P Catwoman's and Two Face's races have also changed light brown to represent Tommy Lee Jones and Eartha Kitt.

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

102 months ago
Score 0++
Yeah, because Ivy's never had any different costumes, and sure, a random inaccurate minifig for absolutely no reason is a great idea :/ While we're at it, let's give Mr. Freeze green skin and the Joker fluoro pink. Wasn't sure about those two minifigs due to the low res, thanks for confirming that, guess I have no interest in picking either of them up now either :)

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

102 months ago
Score 0++

I don't think they're trying to be accurate, they seem to be just trying to make cool new variants and seeing what will be popular and what isn't.

What I meant was if we have a light skinned Ivy who's a redhead, I don't think it's that important to have Barbra be the same. I don't mind experiments with skin colours as long as they don't make it a character trait. Comic's have been playing with skin colours for decades see Eartha Kitt (we can ignore Halle Berry :P) or Ivy's various skin colour changes. I think the decision to change Barbra's skin to darker, is the fact they don't have any female characters of this colour in LEGO at all. Besides, I don't think they want all the minifigures to be light nougat besides Aaron Cash. I honestly don't think we have enough DC darker skinned female comic characters and when they make new ones, they're not exactly very good...e.g. Bumblebee. Sure they could've made a new character and even if it was good, it's not as iconic as seeing Batman, Batgirl and Robin on the big screen (hopefully) done well?
I honestly think the race changes here were done with good intentions for the sake of children feeling represented. It's not like they were like 'Lets make Batman black! That would be cool right?'. I'm sure they're might be some weird reference they're basing Barbra's off if Catwoman's and Two Face's have sources.

Sorry for ranting. :P

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

102 months ago
Score 0++

Wait what? There were three Selina Kyles in the 1966 Batman series? That is really weird... but yeah totally ok with it then if it's based on a preexisting Catwoman. And Halle Berry's Catwoman was based on a completely different person (Patience Phillips)- again if Cawoman was meant to be based on her I would have been fine with that too. Likewise I've only known Ivy as being white or green, if there's a different incarnation in there I'm not familiar with I'd be ok with her being represented.

Changing minifigure races in an animated movie because of the choice of voice actor just seems to be taking things to a whole new level of insane for me- for me it's about being faithful to the source material, nothing more. Eg, if Cyborg was voiced by a white guy and they changed his skin colour, I'd be just as equally outraged. Hope noone's interpreting that annoyance as anything else :)

I guess what I'm really saying is that if they had a specific goal of making the cast more diverse, I just think they could have gone about it in a better way. For example, why not have John Stewart as the Green Lantern in the movie? Personally I'd be happier to see him in the movie than Hal Jordan because it could mean getting him in the sets.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

102 months ago
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(I'm pretty sure that John Stewart, Hal Jordan, and Kyle Rayner are all going to be in the Green Lantern movie.)

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

102 months ago
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In the comics Ivy's usually caucasian, in other sources she's generally yellow, green or white.

I'm not really sure if they changed Babs to match Rosario Dawson, surly Andrea's skin tone would make more sense if it was the case. Like I said before if Black Two-Face and Catwoman have sources I'm sure Latina Babs does too.

Are the justice league going to do anything substantial in the movie? My guess is they're just cameos or they would be in these sets. Plus they don't have new outfits unlike the rest of the cast of minifigures. I do want a John Stewart figure too :P

(Jessica Cruz and Simon Baz too!)

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

102 months ago
Score 0++

It's almost definitely because of Rosario Dawson. Robin also has some of Michael Cera's features.

One synopsis I read made it sound like they would be this movie's equivalent to the Creative Cavalry, coming in at the end when Batman learns that it's okay to ask for help.

Because that is the only story you can tell when Batman and Superman are together, I guess. :c

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

102 months ago
Score 0++
Can she be half Irish too then? :P
The LEGO Batman Movie +  and 2017 +
07:13:00, 5 October 2016 +
Three more LEGO Batman Movie sets revealed +