Brickipedia News:Two LEGO Ideas sets have passed the latest review

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Brickipedia News:Two LEGO Ideas sets have passed the latest review

User:NovaHawk 22:53, 3 August 2017 (UTC)

avatarby NovaHawk
August 3, 2017

Two new sets will be coming out in the LEGO Ideas line. It was revealed on the Ideas Blog that the Ship in a Bottle, The Flagship Leviathan‎ has passed the Third 2016 Review, as has Voltron - Defender of the Universe‎, which was carried over from the Second Review.

Neither of the sets will be released until at least next year, and the results of the next round of reviews is expected sometime between September and November.

Tags: Ideas 2017

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BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

92 months ago
Score 0++

That ship in a bottle confuses me. I can't imagine that the bottle will look good or be very stable in the final product. Even here it isn't that great. (Though designed by someone much more talented and now successful than I am, so ya ya.)

Voltron should be an interesting set. Everything I know about it literally came from this video about five-man bands I watched yesterday though, so I'm not super interested. I'll probably forget about it until it pops up in a year or so.

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

92 months ago
Score 0++

No SHIELD :( I didn't think it would pass because I can't ever see LEGO putting out an Ideas set that they already have a license to. But I don't get why they seem so against sets for superhero TV shows (apart from Comic-Con of course :/ ). They obviously have a market for them.

Now the waiting game truly begins for the Power Rangers result...
Ideas +  and 2017 +
22:53:00, 3 August 2017 +
Two LEGO Ideas sets have passed the latest review +