Brickipedia News:Watch this time-lapse of a giant LEGO sabre-tooth tiger being built

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Brickipedia News:Watch this time-lapse of a giant LEGO sabre-tooth tiger being built

User:ToaMeiko 0:00, 7 April 2014 (UTC)

avatarby ToaMeiko
April 7, 2014

The folks at Bright Bricks have put up a time-lapse video of their team building a giant LEGO sabre-tooth tiger. Check it out below:


Tags: Certified Professionals

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IchindarBrick Master

133 months ago
Score 0++
That is one big Sabre-Tooth!

SKP4472Thinking With Bricks

133 months ago
Score 0++
I would edit this news article but I'm not a news reporter but I just wanted to point out that they're called 'Bright Bricks' not 'Brick Bricks'. :)
Certified Professionals +
18:33:00, 7 April 2014 +
Watch this time-lapse of a giant LEGO sabre-tooth tiger being built +