Brickipedia News:Woohoo! Simpsons figure images released

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Brickipedia News:Woohoo! Simpsons figure images released

User:CJC95 0:00, 26 03 2014 (UTC)

avatarby CJC95
03 26, 2014

LEGO uploaded a picture of the minifigures on Facebook. Here is the details:

  • Abe Simpsons (with The Springfield Shopper, headline "Old Man Yells at Cloud")
  • Chief Wiggum (loudspeaker, baton)
  • Nelson Muntz (baseball bat)
  • Apu Nahasapeemapetilion (Squishee)
  • Ned Flanders (toolbox, "I love South Paws" mug)
  • Mr Burns (Inanimate Carbon Rod, Blinky)
  • Scratchy (Axe)
  • Krusty the Clown (pie)
  • Ralph Wiggum ("I Choo-choo-choose you" Valentines card)
  • Homer Simpsons (remote control, donut)
  • Itchy (Club)
  • Marge Simpson (Handbag, Donut Fancy magazine])
  • Maggie Simpson (Bobo)
  • Bart Simpson (Skateboard)
  • Lisa Simpson (Saxophone)
  • Milhouse (Biclops comic)

So, finally everyone can stop guessing. You will be able to get these in May according to LEGO. Now, as it is against the rules of the internet to write an article about the Simpsons and not include a quote, I leave you with this:

Kids, you tried your best and you failed miserably. Lesson is, never try.

Tags: The Simpsons 2014

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Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

133 months ago
Score 0++
Nostalgia.. Anyway as I kid I would've adored these but now eh. There's those arms and short legs to consider but they'll become common in creator probally. Frankly they're great for regular mini figures and Itchy has a new tail! :D Apart from Maggie (because I doubt babies will appear in city soon) theres no one I really want. Sure the pieces are cool, but what would anyone do with 2 apu's? I will get them as my really close family friend always buys me and my bro a pack. But if I get the family, itchy and scratchy I'm gonna stop.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

133 months ago
Score 0++
I'm not too excited, partly because of the price increase, and partly because there aren't too many interesting pieces. Collecting the family (minus Abe) would be $20, and that's a lot for me right now. Also, there aren't a whole lot of interesting prints or pieces aside from the heads, which aren't useful. There are the arms, but those should start appearing in other themes by next year. I might get Mr. Burns' suit separately (finally, a green suit) and Krusty, since I collect clowns, if I can find a box and identify him, but otherwise I'll skip everything.


133 months ago
Score 0++
Since I won't work over 200 dollars for the house, I'll get Homer, Bart, and a few others.

IchindarBrick Master

133 months ago
Score -2++

Why is the title of this article so unprofessional.... :/

And I have no interest in The Simspons.......

ToaMeikoHonorable Brickipedian

133 months ago
Score 0++
Because CJC made it.

IchindarBrick Master

133 months ago
Score 0++

A reason for it to have a bad title?

Comments are for expressing your opinions, not the title of a page......


133 months ago
Score 1++
Its a Simpsons reference...

IchindarBrick Master

133 months ago
Score 0++
This is Brickimedia......... Not Simspons Media...... :/

BrickfilmNutBuilding Bigger

133 months ago
Score 2++
But it's a LEGO Simpsons announcement. :P A Simpsons reference is still relevant then.

IchindarBrick Master

133 months ago
Score 0++

Maybe. Still, it does seem unprofessional....

Oh well.

BrickfilmNutBuilding Bigger

133 months ago
Score 0++
I was kind of hoping for some more accessories that were both unique and generic, like the remote and doughnut. :/ I'm a fan of The Simpsons, but I don't feel the need to recreate fairly-random, specific jokes in LEGO form. :P Homer seems like the best minifig of this series.
The Simpsons +  and 2014 +
13:00:00, 26 March 2014 +
Woohoo! Simpsons figure images released +