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Standard User:Stormjay Rider/CharTemp Hema is a BIO-MOC created by User:Stormjay Rider.


Bio: Hema lived in a village in Mata Nui's left arm. A Vo-Matoran, she was highly energetic and seemed to never tire. She shared an especially close bond with a Ga-Matoran "sister" named Makaen. What separated Hema from her Matoran brothers and sisters were her visions—she received these from time to time, and often these would prove as critical messages to the village Turaga. One of these dreams prompted her to believe she had a destiny as a Toa—and the Turaga, agreeing, told her that a Toa team was forming, and she was to be a part of it. The downside to Hema's abilities was her lack of experience. In her first Toa mission, she was lured into a trap, and then seriously injured in the stomach. Her team, including her "sister" Makaen, believed she was lost. However, it was not so—as a team of Outcast Toa, headed by Jethryn, intervened and finished off the Toa's enemies, Jethryn found the injured Hema. After treating her stomach injury, he offered to take her in as an Outcast. She accepted. At present, Jethryn has taken her as his protégée, intending to aid her in learning control of her element, which he has mastered.
