Fan:The Nexus Saga: The Beginning

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The Nexus Saga: The Beginning


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Chapter 1

Baron Typhonus stared at the Battle map.

"The Nexus force will never see us coming" Said the Baron with satisfaction.

"Yes" said a man whose face was hid by a war helmet. "General Surge you must, take the forces to the North of Nimbus Station, and attack."

"Yes sir" said, Said the one with the helmet.

"General Ace, strike Advent Gardens with your men! We can't let the Nexus force recruits receive training, "The Baron once again. "Sir, Yes, Sir." The 2 generals exited the War room. The Baron smirked, the Nexus force would soon crumple he just knew it.

In Nimbus Station, Shadow looked at his shiny new armor. Shadow had just brought the Rank three Samurai gear. He held his new Katana in the air, admiring its sharp blade.

Samurai new-1-.png

"Will you stop waving your toy around," Said a rude and girly voice. "Silver" said Shadow why don't you leave me alone. Silver was a Rank 3 Buccaneer.

"Look" said Shadow

"Stop, just stop". "Can't handle your own sister" asked Silver.

"LEAVE ME ALONE" Yelled Shadow. "Father said we must stick together in this war" said Silver in a mocking voice

"So HA!' Shadow rolled his eyes, and walked away, soon, followed by Silver. The two walked to Red Squares, and listened to the new band performing, Golden Rush.

"Deep in the Universe, a war rages yeah rages" sang the band

"War rages, and it's coming toward you-" The band was interrupted by a blast in the stage. "Everyone looked up to see a warship landing.

"Oh my brick" said a minifigure. The door opened, pouring out Stormlings.

"No" said Shadow. Shadow looked, his eyes showing nothing but anger. The Maelstrom had made it to Nimbus Station.

"Charge" screamed a rank three Dare-Devil. The crowd turned, and charge. Shadow switched his weapon out for an Elite force blade of lighting, and slashed at everything in his way. He dashed toward the Warship, breathing hard from all the fighting.

"What are we going to do" asked Silver who was behind him.

"Take out the Warship" said Shadow. "Were outnumbered" replied Silver.

"Numbers don't win a battle" said Shadow. Shadow swung his sword ferociously at a Stormling, smashing it instantly. Shadow ran into the ship, a sword at his side. Silver followed. They ran into the control room. It was empty. That's odd-I would have thought-. The door swung close, and then the hanger swung close. "Bricks, it's a trap" said Shadow

The Warship flew up, and out of Nimbus Station. Shadow looked out the window, the same thing happening to other minifigures. Shadow brought his sword into the floor of the cockpit, and cut a circle. He kicked it down, and jumped. Silver followed, and watched her brother at work. In moments, a rocket had appeared in Shadow's place.

"To Nexus Tower, Silver, we must warn the Nexus force.

Chapter 2

Location: Crux Prime

Shadow and Silver rocketed to Nexus Tower. As they rocketed off Silver screamed silently; Silver hated flying in the rocket. It felt like she was spinning around and around, in a circle that seemed to never end. The entire time the two heroes were flying toward Nexus Tower, she was screaming. She landed her ship at the first chance she got. Which unfortunately was in a crowd of apes, she spiraled out her cockpit and went right to battle. Silver pulled out her cutlass, and put it into a blocking position. The apes brought their fist up, and with one mighty hit, they knocked her down. Her cutlass flew out of her hand, and she drew checked her gun. Zero bullets, she had used all of her bullets in the battle. "Darn it"! She screamed. The apes crowded around her, boulders in hand. They were about to drop the boulders on her, when Silver saw her brother. Shadow made a hand motion that meant get out of my way! Silver rolled out of the crowd, and watched her brother's rocket. Shadow's rocket touched the ground hard where the apes were standing. Shadows rocket exploded, and the apes were scattered everywhere. "And that is how you smash an ape, Silver" said Shadow walking out of the rubble in an overconfident voice. Silver sighed, as they walked past the crash site. Silver said "You do, you no longer have a rocket right?"Asked Silver. Shadow didn't answer.


The Baron watched the heroes' progress, with much interest. The Baron looked at his army, then the tower from aw window. "MAELSTROM" Baron shouted, "We must storm, and take care of this Tower. I need one hundred horsemen, five dragons, five hundred stormling and seventy apes to get the job done. Does anybody object" roared the Baron. Everyone was silent, and the Baron gathered his needed strike force.


"We're here" said Shadow, looking at the amazing master piece. The duo, was about to walk in when they were stopped by guards. The guards wore red pants, red shirts, a breastplate, and a helmet that hid their face. "Password" They said. "War has no meaning" replied Silver in a cheerful voice. "Wrong" snarled the Guards. "That was the password. " said Shadow in an annoyed voice. "The Nexus Force really need new guards so-" Shadow was interrupted. "SHUT UP" screamed the guards. "What kind of guards are you" asked Silver. The guards lifted of their helmets, revealing stormling faces. "Bricks" yelled Shadow as he drew his Elite Force Blade of lighting. The Stormlings charged, as the 2 warriors prepared to fight….

Chapter 3

Location: Crux Prime The stormling guard dashed at Shadow, as Shadow swung his sword as soon as the Stormling was in range. "Foolish Stormlings" murmured Shadow. Silver ducked as the stormling dashed at her. She laid down, them the stormling brought his knife in midair. She shoved her sword in the middle of the stormling, smashing it. The duo ran into the tower, and saw a party plaza happening. "SELLING JESTER HAT FOR ONE HUNDRED COINS, yelled a young warrior. "Shadow rolled his eyes, and ran up the flight of stairs. Shadow ran up the long stair case, not even bothering to see if his sister had followed. There was a huge black door. Shadow pressed his hands against the door. "Locked" he said. He banged on the door, hard. The door opened, and Hael Storm stood in the front of the door. "Wha' do ye want scurvy dog" said Hael. "The Maelstrom are attacking Nimbus Station. Hael stared in disbelief. "Impossible" he said. "Possible" Shadow said. "Come in" Hael said tell us everything from the beginning.


Silver stared in disbelief, and saw her brother had left. She decided she'd take advantage of time, and buy some armor. She walked to Mr.Ree, and brought some RANK 3 Dare Devil gear. She changed into it, but kept her cutlass. She put a flare gun in the free hand. She then walked around, looking for her brother.


"-Then we ran into the guards, and soon followed here." Shadow said. "Oh My Stars" said Vanda Darkflame. "To Nimbus Station" We must go. Just then, Albert Overbuild pulled out a cell phone and it read "The Maelstrom are also attacking Advent Gardens. Except its worse there-"Wait" interrupted Shadow "How would this warrior know Nimbus Station is under attack. This must be a trap they might be omitting information, this could be like the maelstrom guards" Said Shadow. "Shadow, you're probably right" said Vanda. Suddenly there was yelling, and screaming from the floor under them. The Faction leaders, and Shadow went down to see Maelstrom everywhere. "NO!" Duke roared "It can't be" said Overbuild…

Chapter 4

The Nexus Saga: The Beginning Location: Crux Prime, Nexus Tower. Shadow and Duke followed their instincts, and leapt into battle. Shadow dueled with a stormling. His sword clashed with the Stormling. "FOR THE NEXUS FORCE" Shouted Duke. Hael, Vanda, and Overbuild charged into battle, each fighting in unique ways. Shadow's eye caught a figure at the door. Overbuild gasped, "The BARON!" Overbuild said. All of the Maelstrom stopped fighting, and bowed toward their ruthless master. "Nexus Force," Baron said. "You will all be dead by the end of the day. " Baron raised his hand, and in a flash of light Baron, and the faction leaders were gone.

The Nexus Saga: The Beginning Location: Crux Prime, aka Nexus Tower

Chapter 5: Another Way

"The Faction Leaders" screamed Shadow. Shadow looked in disbelief at the place where the Baron had been standing. Shadow suddenly cried out in pain, falling to the floor with a loud thud. Behind shadow was a Maelstrom Horseman.

Shadow looked at his attacker, with a look of anger. Shadow's entire body felt like it was being bathed in acid, his legs were also turning a horrible shade of purple. "No!" Shadow sad Shadow slowly felt his eyes blur as his eyes closed. Shadow's eyes turned red, and he could no longer see everything clearly; he saw everything in red. He saw his sister running into battle, trying to save him. She looked at him grimly, and said something. "We need to give you some Imagination," Said Silver. Shadow spoke, but in a different language, a Maelstrom, and Minifigure mixture of words. It was if the Maelstrom was fighting for his communication. "GRGH IMAGM Imagination AQA will …SKA Just SDKA corrupt-AHHH EH" replied Shadow in an uneasy voice The Maelstrom had now completely overwhelmed Shadow, the Maelstrom was now trying to take over his mind. They made him relive his worse moments, such as the battle on Nimbus Station. Shadow cried out in even more pain. In moments, the maelstrom would have complete control over the warrior. Shadow choked out the word "Run" "I won't leave you behind!" cried Silver "What choice….Do you have…Nimbus Station….Advent Gardens….The Nexus….Force…need you" Shadow choked out "Imagination about to be corrupted so go save it ….right now, and we need your help….go save the Faction leaders. "THAT'S AN ORDER" Shadow said. Shadow had learned how to speak in minifigure, but barley. The maelstrom was mostly changing his vocabulary. Shadow would never sound so desperate usually the maelstrom was just too much. The remains of Shadow's mind were infected, and he turned into an infected version of Shadow. Maelstrom Shadow had the same features and skills, except he was now maelstrom. Silver turned, tears forming in her eyes ran up the stairs. She ran until she had reached the top, she then pushed the black door open with all her strength, tears still in her eyes, and then she peered into the room. A huge battle was going on. Dr.Overbuild was forming some sort of tank, and Duke, Hael, and Vanda were making a desperate attack on the Baron. "You're done!" Said the Baron The Baron raised his black staff, and aimed it at Duke like a gun. "Bam" Baron said with a laugh. A red beam emerged out of the top of his staff. It flew toward Duke with amazing speed. Duke screamed and prepared for his demise. Just as the beam came in range, a shield of Imagination saved him. Overbuild had stopped his creation to save Exter! Baron looked at Silver for a moment. "Another time Nexus Force" Baron said. Baron then disappeared in a puff of smoke and darkness, leaving a hole where he had been. "My brother needs help" Silver cried out "He's been infected". "All the way, or is part of him still intact." Asked Overbuild. "He's gone." Said Silver "Then there is nothing we can do." Said Overbuild "Yarg th' Doctor be right" said Hael "There's the Imagination Shard" said Vanda The three faction leaders glared at Vanda. "The Shard is to dangerous, nobody can contain it," Said Overbuild quickly. "She can go get it, if she seeks to save her brother." Said Vanda

Chapter 6: A shocking Secret

Location: Crux Prime, Nexus Tower "The Shard is to dangerous, nobody can contain it," Said Overbuild quickly. "She can go get it, if she seeks to save her brother." Said Vanda "What is this Shard, and why is it dangerous?" asked Silver. Overbuild sighed, and said "A dangerous shard, which can be absorbed, it is found in the middle of the barren planet. Known as New Crux, New Crux was filled with dangerous species. No-one has ever come off the planet alive, it is a vicious jungle planet. The shard is pure Imagination, rumor has it, it can even cure the maelstrom-" "And you've hid this from us so long" Silver interrupted. "We couldn't just-"Overbuild started "This War could have ended long ago, but you would rather be safe then retrieve such a shard" yelled Silver. "There's more, you see only one with a pure mind, and pure creation spark can absorb it. Anyone else will be horribly smashed." Vanda said "Oh!" Silver said "But, let me try losing one member wouldn't hurt would it" "One more can make a difference" said Duke "Let the girl go, this could be a chance for adventure" Hael said "I guess this is the noble thing to do" said Duke "We'll send Sai with her" Vanda said, "A ninja can be useful" "Take a small ship" said Hael "What about my brother?" asked Silver "We'll capture him" said Vanda Silver exited the room, and ignored the fight down stairs. She walked straight to the ship Hael had described, and looked at the ship. It wasn't big, but it would do. She was about to leave Crux Prime, when a Ninja appeared. "Are you Sai" Asked Silver?

The Nexus Saga: The Beginning

Chapter 7: A Devestating Plan

Location: Drop Ship. Location 2: Nimbus Station "Are you Sai" asked Silver The Ninja simply nodded. "So you're the Ninja coming with me, my name is Silver" asked Silver. The Ninja nodded again. The Ninja wore blue pants, a blue shirt, blue belt, and a blue hood. The Ninja then closed the Hangar, and sat in the seat. The Ninja looked annoyed, as if he'd rather be training. "So….."

Sai, he wears the same clothing as Jay ZX.

The Ninja glared at her, but said nothing. "Silent type then" murmured Silver "Do you know how to pilot this ship" The Ninja rolled his eyes, and gave her a glare that meant do you really think a ninja would know how to pilot a ship. The Ninja then drew his sword, and a knife. He rubbed his knife against his sword, murmuring something about stupid pirates. Silver realized he hated her. He hated her for being a buccaneer. She put the ship on auto pilot, and went to change into her Adventurer costume. "There" She said The Ninja sighed, but still didn't want to talk." "SAI WHY WON'T YOU TALK" Screamed Silver. The Ninja merely got up, and walked to his temporary room, for the voyage. Silver sighed, she had nobody to talk to so she just sat there, and closed her eyes. She fell asleep.


The Baron's ship, The Slayer landed. The slayer landed in Nimbus Station. Nimbus Station was in ruins, with all the grass on fire. Skyscrapers shattered. Defeated minifigures everywhere, and wounded minifigures soon infected. All of the land was as flat as a straight wall. The sky was dark, and the air was filled with evil. The Baron stepped out of his ship, and was met with the masked man.

"Excellent work, General Surge, this is truly marvelous" cried the Baron. The Baron laughed, and said "This will show the Nexus force our true power." Surge replied with: "May I join the taking of Advent Gardens, master" "No, I have something more important. Our spies have reported with: Two nexus force troopers, are going to receive the Imagination Shard. You, not having the maelstrom in you will let them find the shard, and do all the dirty work. Then absorb it before they can." Said the Baron. "Yes Sir" said General Surge.

Chapter 8: Battles 1

Location: Space Silver woke up to the sound of explosives; the room reeked of smoke. She looked out the window to see the ship had been shot. She looked around, and saw a maelstrom version of a rocket attacking them. The rocket was all purple, with 2 missiles on each side, and a laser cannon in the front. "Great, just great," murmured Silver. She checked to see what damage had been damaged. The escape pod had been demolished. "This stormling came to play" said Silver She ran into the pilot's seat, and turned the shuttle around. She looked at the controls, but found she didn't understand what the buttons meant. She pressed one button, and shields went down, she pressed another, and the seat went up. Meanwhile, the stormling was destroying the ship, by shooting its lasers at the cockpit. The cockpit was starting to crack, Silver cried out in pain, as one blast shattered the cockpit window. Silver found herself not breathing for a moment as she reached for her classic space helmet. She clutched the mask, and shoved it on her face. The ninja walked out, a space helmet on himself. He had a rocket launcher in his hands firmly. Sai, the ninja bent down, and aimed the rocket launcher at the ship. He pulled the trigger, and a rocket emerged out of the launcher. It flung itself at the maelstrom rocket, and made impact. There was a loud "Clink", and then smoke puffed up over the two rockets. When the smoke cleared the remains of the rocket were just ashes in space. "Thanks…" said Silver, who was still gasping for air. The ninja made a nod of satisfaction, and then he disappeared into his room. "What a weird ninja?" thought Silver.


Location: Crux Prime: Nexus Tower..... The Baron walked toward Nexus Tower, staff in hand. He walked toward the door, met by Daredevils, Space Marauders, Engineers, and Space Rangers. Every warrior aimed a gun at him, and the engineer put his sight on the Baron. The engineer flew into a turrent. Bullets flew in the air as the Baron spun his staff in an arc to prevent the bullets from touching him. "Foolish Guards" said the Baron The Baron dashed at the crowd of warriors, and brought his staff to the Chest of a Space Ranger, smashing him. The Baron sidestepped a flare from a Daredevil, and aimed his staff at the Daredevil. Lightning flew from his staff, smashing nearly all the warriors. Except the Daredevil, the warrior erupted into flames, and dashed at the Baron. The Baron smirked, and his diamond top switched into a blade. He sidestepped the desperate attack. He then caved his blade into the warrior's lower section, smashing him. "Now" The Faction leaders the Baron said "The real battle begins" He kicked the door open, and looked at the crowd of warriors. "Hello, my enemies" said the Baron. He raised his staff, and purple lightning surrounded the room. In moments the entire crowd was stormlings. "Now for the end of the Faction leaders." said the Baron. He got up, and marched up the stairs....

Chapter 9: The End of the Faction Leaders, The beginning of Evil

The Baron marched up the stairs, his staff dragging against the floor. He walked up the stairs, and destroyed the stairs. Duke turned around, and drew his sword. Vanda and Hael followed. Overbuild; set his robotic arms to attack. The 4 warriors charged at the Baron. The Baron's staff transformed into a sword, and he pointed it forward. "You're not very social," said the Baron "Why aren't you exploring" Baron ducked a slash from Vanda, and kicked her in the stomach, making Vanda gasp for air, as she fell down. Duke lunged at the Baron, but the Baron sidestepped, and their swords met. Duke and the Baron's sword kept slashing. "We are heroic, yet you are corrupt." Said Duke "So my enemies all crumple in the end" replied the Baron Hael jumped into the battle, and brought a slash at Baron. The Baron parried, and kicked Duke back. Hael slashed at the Baron in a vicious cycle. The Baron parried every slash, and dived at Hael, screaming insults. With a mighty swipe, Hael knocked the staff out of the Baron's hands. "Hmph-Old friend" said Baron "You were always a fierce fighter, Hael. You've grown to powerful, but I will fix that." "How will you do that?" asked Overbuild. Vanda pushed her body up, and said "RUN" Vanda screamed. "He's going to-" "That's enough Vanda" interrupted Baron He picked up his sword, and pressed a button. His sword shifted into a spear, and he flung it at Vanda. Ending the minifigure's life. "NO!" screamed the Duke, tears in his eyes. Duke leapt into the fight, and he swung his sword at the Warrior. "Why" cried Duke. "Cause" Baron replied with a horrifying laugh. "You're an evil person…Baron" said Overbuild The Baron ignored the statement, and dived for his spear. Hael slashed moments to late, and Duke was crying way too much to see what was going on. He grabbed his spear, and it formed into a sword. He then jumped at Overbuild, and brought the sword to the minifigure, smashing him. "Overbuild how could-" Hael started The Baron whirled around, and aimed his staff like a gun again. A red beam flew out of his staff. BOOM! The blast touched Hael head on, dissolving him. The Baron laughed at the sprit broken Duke. Duke cried and fell to the ground, punching his hands in the floor. "Join me Duke Exter" said the Baron "OR SMASH" ‘In honor of my friends, I will smash" said the Duke. "The Baron smirked, and raised his staff for the final blow. "Bye Exter" said the Baron. His staff shot a red beam. "No" As the red beam came in range, Duke flung his sword at the Baron, which grazed against the Baron's leg. "OW" screamed the Baron "And remember that." Said Duke. The beam came in, and finished Duke off. "MWUHAHAHAHA" laughed the Baron. The Baron, had captured Nexus Tower.

Chapter 10: Pains & Truths

Silver stared out of the shattered cockpit. She was staring at a planet that was huge, and yellow. They had reached their destination. Silver pushed the wheel, and forced the ship into a hurling position toward New Crux. The ship speed up as it reached the Mesosphere of New Crux. Silver soon realized that if the ship kept at this pace, they would explode into a million pieces. Silver pulled on the wheel as hard as she could, which unfortunately was too hard. Silver pulled so hard on the wheel, the wheel popped off. "Rats" Murmured Silver "At this rate I'll be dead for sure. Silver than drew her buccaneer sword, and stabbed a hole where the wheel had been. She grabbed some wires, and pulled on them thinking, if I can pull the right wires, maybe I can slow down the ship. She pulled hard, but felt a nasty shock. A bolt of lightning went into her body, and her body seemed to malt. She screamed as she let go of the wires, and fell out of the cockpit, electricity surrounding her body. She flung toward the ground, the floor seeming to be closer with every passing moment. Her eyes fluttered, and she passed out.

Silver awoke in a small room. She realized she was lying in a flat bed. She looked around and saw a marble floor, and bright red walls. Silver tried to get up, but found that to be a bad idea. Her body felt like it had been ripped to shreds, and her bones seemed to all be broken. Her legs felt like led, as she struggled to get up, only to fall to her knees, screaming in pain she wished she hadn't moved. She blurred again, and pasted out.


Silver stirs yet again, in the same room. She sighed and got up, feeling no pain, and looked for an exit. She saw no door, and started to panic. A door faded into existence, and the door open. Silver glared at the door as it creaked its way open. A man who wore black pants and a red T-shirt walked in casually. He had straight golden hair that went to his neck. "Who are you" asked Silver "Sage" said the man "Sage who" asked Silver "Sage the Great as the Universe would put it" said the man in an overconfident voice "You-you're supposed to be dead- "started Silver, her eyes wide with confusion "Let me explain" interrupted the man "I was born in 2789WOU (Wars of the Universe)-" the man said "NO YOUR CRAZY" Cried Silver "We're in 3901NF (Nexus Force Years) "Please let me explain" said the man claiming to be Sage "As you know I was a famous War hero, who rid the world of raiders, a horrible group of Assassins. Toward the end of the war, our forces were pushed back to the moon of this pathetic planet. My ship, the deed, was shot down by a sleep ray, and hurled toward this planet. I feel deep into the ocean and froze. Being both asleep, and froze kept me from aging. When I thawed I found myself on this planet, trapped. I've been living here ever since" said the man sadly. "Wow," said Silver "But I need to teach you how to talk..."

Chapter 10: Pains & Truths Silver stared out of the shattered cockpit. She was staring at a planet that was huge, and yellow. They had reached their destination. Silver pushed the wheel, and forced the ship into a hurling position toward New Crux. The ship speed up as it reached the Mesosphere of New Crux. Silver soon realized that if the ship kept at this pace, they would explode into a million pieces. Silver pulled on the wheel as hard as she could, which unfortunately was too hard. Silver pulled so hard on the wheel, the wheel popped off. "Rats" Murmured Silver "At this rate I'll be dead for sure. Silver than drew her buccaneer sword, and stabbed a hole where the wheel had been. She grabbed some wires, and pulled on them thinking, if I can pull the right wires, maybe I can slow down the ship. She pulled hard, but felt a nasty shock. A bolt of lightning went into her body, and her body seemed to malt. She screamed as she let go of the wires, and fell out of the cockpit, electricity surrounding her body. She flung toward the ground, the floor seeming to be closer with every passing moment. Her eyes fluttered, and she passed out. Silver awoke in a small room. She realized she was lying in a flat bed. She looked around and saw a marble floor, and bright red walls. Silver tried to get up, but found that to be a bad idea. Her body felt like it had been ripped to shreds, and her bones seemed to all be broken. Her legs felt like led, as she struggled to get up, only to fall to her knees, screaming in pain she wished she hadn't moved. She blurred again, and pasted out.


Silver stirs yet again, in the same room. She sighed and got up, feeling no pain, and looked for an exit. She saw no door, and started to panic. A door faded into existence, and the door open. Silver glared at the door as it creaked its way open. A man who wore black pants and a red T-shirt walked in casually. He had straight golden hair that went to his neck. "Who are you" asked Silver "Sage" said the man "Sage who" asked Silver "Sage the Great as the Universe would put it" said the man in an overconfident voice "You-you're supposed to be dead- "started Silver, her eyes wide with confusion "Let me explain" interrupted the man "I was born in 2789WOU (Wars of the Universe)-" the man said "NO YOUR CRAZY" Cried Silver "We're in 3901NF (Nexus Force Years) "Please let me explain" said the man claiming to be Sage "As you know I was a famous War hero, who rid the world of raiders, a horrible group of Assassins. Toward the end of the war, our forces were pushed back to the moon of this pathetic planet. My ship, the deed, was shot down by a sleep ray, and hurled toward this planet. I feel deep into the ocean and froze. Being both asleep, and froze kept me from aging. When I thawed I found myself on this planet, trapped. I've been living here ever since" said the man sadly. "Wow," said Silver "But I need to teach you how to talk..."

Chapter 11: Trap…

"What a weird race. Are you human" replied Sage "Oh" said Silver "So…..Where's the Ninja that was with me" "Ninja-oh you mean that guy I found in the rubble of the ship". Asked Sage "Show Me him" said Silver "Let me warn you, he's still recovering. All of his bones are broken, and he's gained several scars." "And?" said Silver in an arrogant voice "I'll show you." Sage Silver followed Sage into a plain black room. Sai was tied up, and beaten. "Why is he tied up!" Screamed Silver "Let's just say, I'm inhuman" replied Sage "What do you mean, and answer my question!!" cried Silver "I mean this: I have a transformation" said Sage Sai gave Silver a glare that meant run! Sage began to transform…His feet turned webbed, his body glowed blow, Then Sage's hands turned into knives sharper than any other blade. His head turned blue, and his teeth erupted into the teeth of a tiger. Silver gasped, and Sai looked up in horror. "W-w-who are you "said a shaking Silver "I am the Guardian of the Imagination Shard." said Sage "What's your real name, monster?" asked Silver "Suve" said Sage Silver realized Suve had the tongue of a snake. Silver dashed toward Sai, and free him of his ropes. Suve laughed, and Silver screamed. Suve raised a hand; a knife flew out of his hand and hurled toward Silver, missing her by an inch. Silver drew her flare gun, and her trusty cutlass. She charged at Suve, and thrusting her blade into the monster. The monster quickly parried with a knife hand, and then he started to slash at Silver. Their blades met, and Suve kicked Silver in the stomach, and aimed a knife arm at Silver. Silver screamed, and then she started to shoot her flare guns. She shot, and shot. Seeming to always miss Suve by a centimeter. Suve face show started to grow boredom, and faded away. He laughed, then disappeared in a cloud of smoke. "Another time" Suve said "Come back you cow-" "Whoa no need to use dirty language" said a voice behind her. Silver turned around, and saw Sai, talking. Silver couldn't help but say "Why didn't you talk to me on that ship" "I didn't need to" said Sai "You're really silly" replied Silver "It wasn't needed at the time…." Silver rolled her eyes.

Chapter 11: Trap… "What a weird race. Are you human" replied Sage "Oh" said Silver "So…..Where's the Ninja that was with me" "Ninja-oh you mean that guy I found in the rubble of the ship". Asked Sage "Show Me him" said Silver "Let me warn you, he's still recovering. All of his bones are broken, and he's gained several scars." "And?" said Silver in an arrogant voice "I'll show you." Sage Silver followed Sage into a plain black room. Sai was tied up, and beaten. "Why is he tied up!" Screamed Silver "Let's just say, I'm inhuman" replied Sage "What do you mean, and answer my question!!" cried Silver "I mean this: I have a transformation" said Sage Sai gave Silver a glare that meant run! Sage began to transform…His feet turned webbed, his body glowed blow, Then Sage's hands turned into knives sharper than any other blade. His head turned blue, and his teeth erupted into the teeth of a tiger. Silver gasped, and Sai looked up in horror. "W-w-who are you "said a shaking Silver "I am the Guardian of the Imagination Shard." said Sage "What's your real name, monster?" asked Silver "Suve" said Sage

File:384px-Maelstrom Ninja model 2.png
Suve, without his knife hands. In disguise.

Silver realized Suve had the tongue of a snake. Silver dashed toward Sai, and free him of his ropes. Suve laughed, and Silver screamed. Suve raised a hand; a knife flew out of his hand and hurled toward Silver, missing her by an inch. Silver drew her flare gun, and her trusty cutlass. She charged at Suve, and thrusting her blade into the monster. The monster quickly parried with a knife hand, and then he started to slash at Silver. Their blades met, and Suve kicked Silver in the stomach, and aimed a knife arm at Silver. Silver screamed, and then she started to shoot her flare guns. She shot, and shot. Seeming to always miss Suve by a centimeter. Suve face show started to grow boredom, and faded away. He laughed, then disappeared in a cloud of smoke. "Another time" Suve said "Come back you cow-" "Whoa no need to use dirty language" said a voice behind her. Silver turned around, and saw Sai, talking. Silver couldn't help but say "Why didn't you talk to me on that ship" "I didn't need to" said Sai "You're really silly" replied Silver "It wasn't needed at the time…." Silver rolled her eyes.

Chapter 12: Shadow's Alter Ego

Silver looked in her backpack. She gave Sai a health packet. Sai took it, and his scars slowly disappeared. "Begin the search we must" said Sai "Yes Mr. Yoda "said a taunting Silver "Shut up" replied Sai "You remind me of Shadow" said Silver "Who is Shadow" asked Sai "My brother." Replied Silver "Why isn't he on this mission with you" asked Sai "He was infected" said Silver "I wonder where he is right now"


General Ace walked into the now infected Nexus Tower, and sat in a chair. "Good job General Ace." Replied Baron "I see you have been infected thought" "A stupid horseman did this" replied Ace "Disinfect me now, maelstrom only slows me down." "Take off your helmet" said the Baron "Why" said Ace "Do it" replied Baron Ace pulled off his helmet and his spiky hair shown darkly. His face was Shadow's. The Baron touched Shadow's face, and the warrior was normal again. "Trick your sister, Shadow." Said the Baron, "Pull off your mask, and shock her in combat." "Cool" said Shadow "Also, Nice alter-ego " Said the Baron Shadow put his mask back on, becoming General Ace again.

Chapter 13: Shard

Sai, and Silver walked out of the prison like room they had been in. They saw outside was a jungle. Silver began to daydream. She kept dreaming about some horrible trap waiting for them. Silver was in the middle of a hallucinate, where she and Sai were battling Suve. They weren't winning either. "Wake up" said Sai "I wasn't asleep" said Silver "Yes you were" said Sai "No I wasn't" replied Silver "Nevermind. We've found the shard…" Silver looked up, and saw Sai was right. A blue shard floated high in the air. It glowed blue, and had a marking on it. Silver ran toward it. A figure appeared in front of Silver. "Suve" murmured Silver Suve grabbed the Shard and vanished. "Darn it!" screamed Silver "After him?" asked Sai "Nah, let him escape" replied Silver sarcastically Sai, and Silver ran toward the path where Suve had disappeared. Then five maelstrom apes came out of trees. They roared, and charged at the explorers. Silver drew a cutlass, and Sai drew his two katana. Silver dashed at the apes, and slashed at the apes ferociously. She smashed one, then another. She was then punched in the face by an ape. She clutched her face in pain. ‘OW" screamed Silver Sai thrust his blade through an ape's stomach, smashing it. Another Ape dashed behind Sai, only to be cut in two by Sai's blade. Silver pulled the trigger on her flare gun, smashing the last ape. The explorers travel deeper into the forest. Silver, who being careless stepped in some wet, mushy, quicksand, she wiggled around. In no time she was sucked in almost to head. Sai who was more careful, had gone forward. He heard Silver scream. He then turned around, and dashed toward her desperate voice. Sai saw Silver, and climbed a tree. He ripped off a branch, and gave it to Silver to bite on. (Her hands were already sunk) Silver cried out in pain as she bit hard into the branch. Silver then was slowly pulled up by Sai. "Thanks" said Silver Silver didn't answer, he instead had started to climb another tree. He then climbed pulled on a vine, and swung from vine to vine. "Try to keep up" said Sai in a mocking tone "How rude, Sai" said Silver. Silver looked around, and saw nothing to ride on. She then saw Sai swinging farther, and farther away. She was suddenly rammed into a tree by a bull. She was stunned, but didn't scream. She instead grabbed his horns, and propelled herself on the bull. "Yah" said Silver Silver looked in her backpack, and pulled out a chain. She wrapped it around the bull's neck, and pulled gently. The bull sprang forward instantly. "Good bull" Silver road the bull gallantly, and soon had caught up with Sai. "Who's the fastest now" asked Silver "WOAH" said Sai. Sai jumped off his vine, and onto the bull. "No free rides" said Silver "Look, I want to ride on a bull too" said Sai "People these days…Can't they get their own bull" asked Silver "No" said Sai Sai knew they had a long journey, so he decided to sit back, and relax. A ninja could do its best at full sleep. Silver kept riding, until she ran into five maelstrom horsemen. The horsemen were in an formation of an arrow's tip. Silver took a deep breath, and drew both flare guns. She woke Sai up, and tied the bull to a tree. Sai, and Silver charged. The horsemen drew their spear like weapon, and pushed them forward. Silver parried, and Sai rolled to the side. Sai brought his katana upward, smashing the horsemen. Silver fired off, smashing the horsemen almost instantly. She shot another deep orange blast, this time missing the horsemen. Sai cut off a horseman from his horse. The now roin, charged at Sai. Sai kicked the figure, making it tumble back. "Had enough?" asked Sai curiously "Not even close" said a groggy, dark voice belonging to the Roin. Sai dashed at the Roin, and the roin pushed back Sai with his weapon. Sai fell to the floor in pain. "Gah" said Sai as he fell to the ground The roin advanced for the "smash". Sai reached for his sword. The roin kicked it away, and then raised its spear like weapon. "Good riddance Ninja" said the Roin "Nice to know I was trouble" said Sai Sai then brought up his lower half of his minifigure body, and kicked the roin down. He grabbed his sword, and ended the roins existence. "That's how Ninja do it" said Sai Silver blasted her last horsemen. "Done" said a satisfied Silver Silver and Sai got back on their bull, and rode even deeper in the forest.

Chapter 13: Shard

Sai, and Silver walked out of the prison like room they had been in. They saw outside was a jungle. Silver began to daydream. She kept dreaming about some horrible trap waiting for them. Silver was in the middle of a hallucinate, where she and Sai were battling Suve. They weren't winning either. "Wake up" said Sai "I wasn't asleep" said Silver "Yes you were" said Sai "No I wasn't" replied Silver "Nevermind. We've found the shard…" Silver looked up, and saw Sai was right. A blue shard floated high in the air. It glowed blue, and had a marking on it. Silver ran toward it. A figure appeared in front of Silver. "Suve" murmured Silver Suve grabbed the Shard and vanished. "Darn it!" screamed Silver "After him?" asked Sai "Nah, let him escape" replied Silver sarcastically Sai, and Silver ran toward the path where Suve had disappeared. Then five maelstrom apes came out of trees. They roared, and charged at the explorers. Silver drew a cutlass, and Sai drew his two katana. Silver dashed at the apes, and slashed at the apes ferociously. She smashed one, then another. She was then punched in the face by an ape. She clutched her face in pain. ‘OW" screamed Silver Sai thrust his blade through an ape's stomach, smashing it. Another Ape dashed behind Sai, only to be cut in two by Sai's blade. Silver pulled the trigger on her flare gun, smashing the last ape. The explorers travel deeper into the forest. Silver, who being careless stepped in some wet, mushy, quicksand, she wiggled around. In no time she was sucked in almost to head. Sai who was more careful, had gone forward. He heard Silver scream. He then turned around, and dashed toward her desperate voice. Sai saw Silver, and climbed a tree. He ripped off a branch, and gave it to Silver to bite on. (Her hands were already sunk) Silver cried out in pain as she bit hard into the branch. Silver then was slowly pulled up by Sai. "Thanks" said Silver Silver didn't answer, he instead had started to climb another tree. He then climbed pulled on a vine, and swung from vine to vine. "Try to keep up" said Sai in a mocking tone "How rude, Sai" said Silver. Silver looked around, and saw nothing to ride on. She then saw Sai swinging farther, and farther away. She was suddenly rammed into a tree by a bull. She was stunned, but didn't scream. She instead grabbed his horns, and propelled herself on the bull. "Yah" said Silver Silver looked in her backpack, and pulled out a chain. She wrapped it around the bull's neck, and pulled gently. The bull sprang forward instantly. "Good bull" Silver road the bull gallantly, and soon had caught up with Sai. "Who's the fastest now" asked Silver "WOAH" said Sai. Sai jumped off his vine, and onto the bull. "No free rides" said Silver "Look, I want to ride on a bull to" said Sai "People these days…Can't they get their own bull" asked Silver "No" said Sai Sai knew they had a long journey, so he decided to sit back, and relax. A ninja could do its best at full sleep. Silver kept riding, until she ran into five maelstrom horsemen. The horsemen were in an formation of an arrow's tip. Silver took a deep breath, and drew both flare guns. She woke Sai up, and tied the bull to a tree. Sai, and Silver charged. The horsemen drew their spear like weapon, and pushed them forward. Silver parried, and Sai rolled to the side. Sai brought his katana upward, smashing the horsemen. Silver fired off, smashing the horsemen almost instantly. She shot another deep orange blast, this time missing the horsemen. Sai cut off a horseman from his horse. The now roin, charged at Sai. Sai kicked the figure, making it tumble back. "Had enough?" asked Sai curiously "Not even close" said a groggy, dark voice belonging to the Roin. Sai dashed at the Roin, and the roin pushed back Sai with his weapon. Sai fell to the floor in pain. "Gah" said Sai as he fell to the ground The roin advanced for the "smash". Sai reached for his sword. The roin kicked it away, and then raised its spear like weapon. "Good riddance Ninja" said the Roin "Nice to know I was trouble" said Sai Sai then brought up his lower half of his minifigure body, and kicked the roin down. He grabbed his sword, and ended the roins existence. "That's how Ninja do it" said Sai Silver blasted her last horsemen. "Done" said a satisfied Silver Silver and Sai got back on their bull, and rode even deeper in the forest.

Chapter 14: Stranded

Silver felt the bull start to weaken. The bull was panting hard, and sweating buckets of water. Silver felt the bull's heart booming hard, too fast. The bull's legs caved to the floor, and with a defeating sound the Bull fell. Its heart rate stopped, and the bull's eyes shut. "It's dead" Said Silver "Can't be, we've only rode the horse for a couple of hours" Replied Sai "How could it die" Asked Silver "I suspect it was taken down during the battle" said Sai Their eyes met for a second, and then they ran toward the dead bull. They looked at it hard, there were no marks on the top. They rolled the bull around to see a small arrow, in its stomach. They pulled the arrow out, to see a purple liquid on the tip. "Poison" said Sai "Great, we're stranded" said Silver "We should rest, and find a different creature to ride on tomorrow" "Suve won't wait" said Silver "He'll keep moving farther, and farther. Never stopping, until he's sure the shards safe. We saw that, when he was willing to work with maelstrom to protect the imagination shard." "I know" said Sai "That means we must advance forward, it's the only way" replied Silver "Not the only way, you hotheaded warrior, the-" "Are you calling me impatient" said Silver "Indeed I am" said Sai "This is all your fault." Said Silver "How" said a calm Sai "You know what I mean" said Silver "What are you talking about" asked Sai "You should have defended the Bull" screamed Silver "Oh so now this is my fault" asked a furious Sai "Ninja are supposed to be wise, not foolish" said Silver "I know my ancestors were right, Pirates-Venture League, the same thing. Your both cruel, shallow people who only care about yourselves. Why don't you go venture around, and find this shard yourself" Silver drew her cutlass and aimed it at him. "What did you say?"

Chapter 15: A battle among Factions, Silver VS. Sai

Sai stared at her. "Are you threatening me?" "You could say that" she said Sai looked at her, and said "You're a traitor" "Traitor, no-I'm doing my faction a favor, getting rid of the horrible ninja, Sai" said Silver Silver suddenly grabbed her backpack, and slipped on her Daredevil armor. She placed the head gear on her face, and drew her sword. Sai drew his two katanas, and pushed them forward. Taking a readying position he bent his knees. "YAH" screamed Silver Silver leapt at Sai, and slashed her sword wildly at him. Sai expertly parried each blow, and then he pushed his leg forward, attempting a kick. It was intercepted thought, as Silver grabbed his leg and twisted it. "Argh!" said an in pain Sai Sai pushed his leg back in forth against Silver's stomach. "OW!" said Silver Silver's arms dropped from Sai's leg, and Sai rolled up. Sai moved with a kind of limp as he dashed at Silver. Sai swung his sword forward with such force, he broke Silver's sword in two. Silver drew both of her flareguns and rolled out of Sai's cutting range. "Remember this Sai" said Silver in an almost crazed voice She pulled the triggers, and flares flew everywhere. The first blast struck Sai hard on his left arms, and the second blast grazed against his leg. Sai fell to the ground, and fell down in pain. "This rivalry will be finally settled, right now right here" said Silver "Enjoy, traitor" Said an injured Sai Silver took aim, and fired. Sai rolled away, the flare just whizzing past his head. He then backflipped up, and dropped the sword in his right hand. He put both hands on his right Katana. "You will pay for your actions" Said Sai Sai's sword glowed purple, he raised his sword high above his head, and purple lightning came down. Smoke filled the area and running was heard. When the smoke cleared, Sai was gone. A black Warship landed on New Crux, holding two Generals. The docking bay door opened, and warriors poured out. The Baron had recently gotten new warriors, traitors. Nexus Force warriors who had grown scared and switched to the evil Baron. Daredevils, Knights, Summoner, and Sorccers, were just some of the many warriors who had changed sides. Their armors had all been repainted all purple. Each Faction had been maelstrom like task. Assembly created the maelstrom, Sentinels became experts in the weak spots of a minifigure and trained in the art of smashing a minifigure, Venture now found areas that had not been infected, and infected them. Paradox gave all known knowledge to the Maelstrom. There were exceptions thought, where a Nexus Force traitor fought minifigures. When all the solders has come out, two generals stepped out. General Ace and General Shadow. "Getting this shard should be easy" said General Ace "We conquered Nimbus Station, and Advent Gardens" "Don't underestimate this planet I heard it's pretty dangerous" said Surge "I know what you're thinking, don't think it. You are General Surge, not Shadow remember this" said Ace "I know, we're letting them find the shard, but retrieving it before Silver can absorb it" replied Surge "Yes, she cannot fulfill her destiny." Said Ace "Rumor has it Silver is supposed to absorb the shard and become extremely powerful. Powerful enough to smash the Baron even." "Well, it will never happen. We'll make sure Silver doesn't make it to the Shard first." Replied Ace "Remember, we can't smash Silver, until we have the Shard." said Surge "I know" said Ace The two generals traveled forward, and followed Silver's footprints. An army behind them.

Chapter 16: Something's wrong.

Silver wondered forward, limping from the battle. Her hands were in pain, and her stomach felt like it had been stabbed a hundred times. She fell on the ground with a loud sound. She screamed out in pain as she saw her eyes flutter. 
"That's it!" said Silver "I need to be healed"

Silver rolled around, and reached for her backpack. She stretched her arm to her back, and felt an aching pain. "OW!" She screamed "Plan B" She wiggled around, and rolled. Her backpack started to slide down, and in moments it was on the floor. She crawled toward her backpack, and ripped it open. Inside she saw gear, and weapons. She fumbled around in her bag until she found a white box. The white box had 4 red lines which met in the middle, and touched a red box. In the middle of the red box was a red plus. Silver smirked, and ripped the container open. Inside was nothing, but a small speck of deep white cream. "Great, I forgot to fill my healing pack" She muttered She reached for her the small speck, and applied it to her stomach wound. The cut vanished, but the pain had only changed slightly. Silver lay there, and thought of what she would do. Her eyes suddenly shut, and a she yawned. "Sleep First" Thought Silver "Explore tomorrow


Sai dove into a river, and drew a small packet. He threw the packet into the water, and the Water shifted into a deep greenish color. Sai lay in the water, and his cuts started to vanish. "That Little Venture is getting on my nerves" Sai said "I'll call Vanda" Sai's last cut became extinct; and Sai walked out the river. He turned to his pack, and drew a small communicator. He placed the communicator on his arm, and pressed a button. The communicator turned into a bracelet like thing. The band (Bracelet) was black, with a gold line running down the middle. Sai pressed a small red button, and a tiny screen popped up. "Transition Vanda, Code: Another way "Sai said. Sai waited, and waited. "Odd" said Sai "She never takes this long to answer" Sai waited some more, and started to pace himself in a circle. "Thirty Minutes" Said Sai "No longer, it's been thirty minutes" Sai spoke a code into the communicator "Manual Override Vanda Darkflame" "Voice Recognized " Said the communicator The communicator pulled a picture of a dead Vanda laying face first on the ground, A stab mark in her stomach, and a look of horror on her face. "Baron" Sai said in disgust "Manual override Duke Exeter, Now" "Voice recognized" Said the communicator Nothing was there, except a small blond strip of hair. "The Baron infiltrated Nexus Tower" Said Sai "I've got to tell Silver" Said Sai "That won't be necessary" said a voice behind Sai Sai whirled around, and saw a warrior. The Warrior wore long metal armor over his legs and arms, a breastplate, and a war helmet. There was a design on his helm, a red Hawk, with snakes erupting out of its mouth.

"Who are you" Asked Sai

"General Ace aka Silver's brother, Shadow"

Chapter 17: Survival

Sai growled, and drew his two katana. Ace laughed, and seizes a long spear. Ace dashed at Sai, and thrust his spear at the ninja. The ninja sidestepped the attack, and lunged at Ace. Ace Slaps the Ninja with his spear, and the ninja falls to the ground in agony. Ace laughed, and stabbed at Sai. Sai pushed one of his katana in front of the blow, and there was a loud SNAP. Sai's sword broke into two. Sai clutched both hands over his other katana, and pushed his body up. Ace dives forward, and pushed his spear forward. Sai parried with difficulty. Ace kicked Sai in the leg, and Sai's formation broke down. His sword fell into the ground, and Sai fell down. Ace stood over his opponent, and grabbed Sai by his shirt. He pulls Sai upward, and walks back to his army. "All too easy" Said Ace


Silver awoke, and the fiery ball in the sky burned in her eyes. She looked into the sky, and put her arm over her face. The sky was a deep blue. Silver rolled to the ground, so her face was facing the ground, and pushed her body upward. She came up, and felt no more pain. "Good, now the shard awaits!" Said Silver Silver suddenly heard a growl behind her. Silver turned around to see a large beast chasing her. The beast had pointed feet, huge bulky legs, a huge belly, and spikes erupting out of its back. It walked around like a tiger, and had fangs that closely resembled vampire fangs. Its three eyes were bulging blue, and a pony tail in the back of its head, which looked a lot like human hair. The beast charged at Silver, and Silver ran deep into the forest screaming. She ran forward, took a left turn, and dashed some more. The Beast growled, and seemed to speed up, and soon it was gaining on her fast. She placed her hands on a tree, and put her hands on the hard bark, and started to climb. As she neared the top, she saw the beast starting to change. The beast stood on too feet, and its spiked feet turned into minifigure feet. Its other legs turned into arms with functioning arms. The beast placed its hands on the tree and started to climb it as well. "What a messed up planet" Mummers Silver Silver jumped off the tree, as the beast had nearly reached the top. Silver than felt her airs go silent, and the air rush through her. She was falling fast. She hit the ground, and tumbled into a broken heap. "Argh" said Silver The beast started to climb down. Silver drew her flare guns, and pressed the trigger hundreds of time. A volley of flares flew into the air and into the animal. The animal collapsed to the ground, and started to crawl up. Silver drew her sword, and flew the monster. The monster groaned. Silver raised her sword high into the air, and asked one thing: "Any last words" Asked Silver "Let…..Me Live" said the monster with a nasty cough Silver dropped her sword down at the beast, but stopped as it neared its neck. "Keep your life" said Silver Silver sheaved her cutlass, and walked away. "Let me help" said the monster "Help by?" said Silver "Help you find the shard" replied the monster Silver glared at him, and drew her sword. "No! I mean no harm" said the monster getting up "What's your name?" asked Silver "Shifter" said the monster "I'll let you come along, Shifter, IF you promise not to attack me" Said Silver "Okay"

Chapter 18: The Shard

Silver and Shifter walked deep into forest. "Are you sure, you know where the shard is" Asks Silver "Yes, Suve would take it to the Western Temple V" Said Shifter "Are we almost there?" Asks Silver "Yes" said Shifter "In fact, were just moments away" Silver looked around confused "Where" said a confused Silver "Here" he said. The monster pressed his hand in the air, and said "Fire-Za-Fire-Za" A small brown door appeared. "It's in here" Said Shifter Silver ripped the door open, and dashed inside. She ran forward, and into a deep black tunnel. She ran until she met a brick wall. "Darn it" She said "You should wait" Said Shifter "For me" Shifter pressed on the brick wall, and it vanished. "The Imagination shard is in here-" Shifter started "Thanks, bye Shifty" said Silver "Shifty?" Asked Shifter as Silver dashed toward the shard. She entered the room, and an everlasting flow of energy seemed to surround her. In the heart of the room was a small blue shard, with a strong blue aura. The shard floated in mid air, and seemed to have an upward stream of energy. As Silver stepped closer to it, she felt stronger. Her muscles started to shake as she was about a foot away. As she raised her hands toward the shard, a blue figure appeared. Suve. "Well, well, well" said Suve clapping "Someone found the SHARD" Suve leapt at Silver, and his hands erupted into knives. Suve swung out at Silver so hard, she was knocked down in her daredevil armor. Silver rolled up, and drew her trust cutlass. Suve swung his sword at the girl, and she was forced to pull back. She slashed at Suve, but Suve simply back flipped from the slash and started to shoot his knives. They whizzed at her, each with a loud "SWISH". Silver gallantly dodged, and charged at Suve. Suve backed away, as Silver hacked at him with her blade and pushed him closer to the shard. She felt the shard giving her energy, and she gave a striking blow to Suve's stomach, making him collapse to the floor in pain.

Chapter 19: ARGH!

Silver walks toward the shard, and places her hand on it. She fells a surge of energy, as she starts to absorb its contents. "I see you found it" says a voice behind Silver "Who are you?" asks Silver, still absorbing the shard. "I am your brother" says the voice. "You're crazy" Replies distracted Silver "What's the wait, Ace" Asks another voice "Not now Surge" Says the first voice "Well Ace, you letting her absorb the shard." The newer voice says "Unbelievable" "Look Surge" Says Ace "I told you to guard the army" "Forget it" A gun being loaded is heard. Silver lets go of the shard, and jumps out the way of a bullet. "Stay still" Says Surge Surge aims and fires a shot at Silver's shoulder. Silver whom was dashing at the two generals takes the shot dead on. She screams out in pain, and pulls back behind the monumental object holding the shard in mid air. Surge laughs and walks closer, holding his casually. "Darn it" mummers Silver

Silver draws her flare guns, and takes aim. She pulls the trigger, and a loud fizz replaces the normal flare.

"I need to reload on flares" Says Silver Silver draws her pistol, and loads it up. "Come out little Venture" Says Ace Suddenly Ace speaks up "Can I finish her" He asks ‘Sure, you got five minutes. No more, no less, got it?" replies Surge "Got it" Says Ace A weapon is heard being drawn, and Silver grabs her cutlass. She grabs a...