4 Plus

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4 Plus
LEGO logo 4+.gif

2003 - 2005


City (4 Plus)
Pirates (4 Plus)
Spider-Man (4 Plus)

Related themes:

Jack Stone

4 Plus or 4 Juniors, was a theme introduced in 2003. It was a successor to the Jack Stone theme and, like Jack Stone, featured larger pieces and minifigures than standard themes.

In addition to Jack Stone, it had several subthemes, such as City (4 Plus), as well as Pirates (4 Plus) and Spider-Man (4 Plus).
The theme started in 2003 and ended in 2004, although one set was released in 2005.

Background[edit | edit source]

LEGO 4+ (previously known as 4 Juniors in 2003) was a theme targeted at children of four years old or more. The product range used regular LEGO bricks but came with a different kind of minifigure that was larger then the standard variety, and couldn't be disassembled. The sets tended to have a small number of larger pieces, in order to be easy to put together. An example of this is the component 30642, a large part used as a vehicle chassis exclusively in this theme.

Sets[edit | edit source]

City[edit | edit source]


Pirates[edit | edit source]


Spider-Man[edit | edit source]


See also[edit | edit source]

Gallery[edit | edit source]

External links[edit | edit source]

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