Review:3844 Creationary/Drew1200
"" contains an extrinsic dash or other characters that are invalid for a date interpretation.

I think this is one of the best LEGO games produced so far, however, my problem with it is that it requires at least 3 or 4 experienced builders. I tried playing with my family, and they couldn't build most of it because they weren't aware of how you combine certain pieces to make it look more realistic. The biggest problem is that no one else would play. They thought it was to hard, because it was extremely difficult for them to build what was on the image. The concept to the game is a lot of fun. I have fun at times just playing alone, and trying to build what's pictured on the card just for the fun of it. If you could have 4 players the were really good at building, I think it would be a blast, but without that, it gets boring pretty quick.