Review:41519 Glurt/ToaMatau2004

From Brickipedia, the LEGO Wiki

This is a test review. As I will be receiving the 2015 Infenites to review, I was told to submit a test review. Hello. I am ToaMatau2004, a rollback on the Mixels Wiki. Today I will be reviewing 41519 Glurt. Glurt was released in September 2014 and sold for about $5.

Information[edit | edit source]

Set: 41519 Glurt

Theme: Mixels

Pieces: 62

Price: $4.99 USD/€3.99 EUR Brickipedia/Bricksets

Bag and Contents[edit | edit source]

200px 200px

The set is packaged in a green polybag. The polybag shows Glurt but excludes the Nixel. The back shows the rest of series three and encourages you to buy the rest of the Glorp Corp to build the Max. Inside of a the polybag is clear bag with 65 parts (3 of which are extra) and a folder instruction manual. In the back of the instructions is a Mixels check list and a code(BA2FTAST1C) for Calling All Mixels.

Build[edit | edit source]

The build was rather simple. Glurt can be completed in a matter of minutes. All steps are simple and can be completed by younger builders.

Glurt[edit | edit source]


Glurt is a cool Mixel. He really looks like a dog. He has a great color scheme of green and black. This color scheme is consistent throughout the model. His jaw is hinged in the back and moves up and down. Glurt's tail is also hinged. Glurt makes great use of the Ninjago Serpentine Spinner attachments from 2012 as green drool. He has short non-movable feet, which is a con.

I think that his head is too large and has too many gaps. The roots of his teeth oddly appear through his face. Another odd thing about him is his two colored tail.

Glurt is not the best Mixel but is still great.

Nixel[edit | edit source]


An added bonus in the set is a Nixel. The Nixel uses a very interesting printed tile for a face. The Nixel is very simple but gives someone for Glurt to fight.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star gray.svg 4 / 5
Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star gray.svg Star gray.svg 3 / 5
Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star gray.svg Star gray.svg Star gray.svg 2 / 5
Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg 5 / 5
Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star yellow.svg Star gray.svg 4 / 5

This is one of my favorite Mixels set. It captures the likeness of a dog into a fantasy Mixels creature. The flaws of it's design that make it not very playable don't ruin the whole set. If you are into Mixels or want to start a Mixels collection buy this set, it is worth it.

This was a test review. Did you like it? Do you have any comments on how I can improve it? I want to make the 2015 Infernites have the best review ever. :P

Comments (11)[edit | edit source]

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125 months ago
Score 0++
Wait, you're moving here? :D YAY!

Anonymous user #1

125 months ago
Score -78++

Anonymous user #1

125 months ago
Score -1++

Anonymous user #1

125 months ago
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Anonymous user #1

125 months ago
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Anonymous user #1

125 months ago
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Anonymous user #1

125 months ago
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Anonymous user #1

125 months ago
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Anonymous user #1

125 months ago
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Anonymous user #1

125 months ago
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Anonymous user #1

125 months ago
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Anonymous user #1

125 months ago
Score -1++


125 months ago
Score 0++
Oh. :(

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

125 months ago
Score 1++
Please use your own pictures or offical LEGO pictures, these pictures do not belong to us so we can't use them in reviews

Anonymous user #1

125 months ago
Score 0++
I understand. The Brickset Nixel was used because the image I took failed to capture the figure's detail. I will take a new image and replace it.

Anonymous user #1

125 months ago
Score 0++
I understand. The Brickset Nixel was used because the image I took failed to capture the figure's detail. I will take a new image and replace it.

Anonymous user #1

125 months ago
Score 0++
I understand. The Brickset Nixel was used because the image I took failed to capture the figure's detail. I will take a new image and replace it.

Anonymous user #1

125 months ago
Score 0++
I understand. The Brickset Nixel was used because the image I took failed to capture the figure's detail. I will take a new image and replace it.

Anonymous user #1

125 months ago
Score 0++
I understand. The Brickset Nixel was used because the image I took failed to capture the figure's detail. I will take a new image and replace it.

Anonymous user #1

125 months ago
Score 0++
I understand. The Brickset Nixel was used because the image I took failed to capture the figure's detail. I will take a new image and replace it.

Anonymous user #1

125 months ago
Score 0++
I understand. The Brickset Nixel was used because the image I took failed to capture the figure's detail. I will take a new image and replace it.

Anonymous user #1

125 months ago
Score 0++
I understand. The Brickset Nixel was used because the image I took failed to capture the figure's detail. I will take a new image and replace it.

Anonymous user #1

125 months ago
Score 0++
I understand. The Brickset Nixel was used because the image I took failed to capture the figure's detail. I will take a new image and replace it.

Anonymous user #1

125 months ago
Score 0++
I understand. The Brickset Nixel was used because the image I took failed to capture the figure's detail. I will take a new image and replace it.

Anonymous user #1

125 months ago
Score 0++
I understand. The Brickset Nixel was used because the image I took failed to capture the figure's detail. I will take a new image and replace it.

IchindarBrick Master

125 months ago
Score 0++
Good to hear :)

ToaMeikoHonorable Brickipedian

125 months ago
Score -1++
We shouldn't be using official LEGO pictures in the reviews either since there's no point. Without original pictures and text to describe them, there's nothing different about the review and the mainspace article's "Description" section.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

125 months ago
Score 0++
Opinions. :P

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

125 months ago
Score 1++
Per berry, we used LEGO's images in the past and frankly we need more reviews and not everyone has a decent camera

ToaMeikoHonorable Brickipedian

125 months ago
Score -1++
Not everyone has a camera, not everyone needs to be making review pages. I'd rather see a strong overall quality of reviews that we can boast to the public rather than strong quantity.

IchindarBrick Master

125 months ago
Score 0++
Good review :)
... more about "41519 Glurt/ToaMatau2004"
ToaMatau2004 +
02:25:00, 19 November 2014 +
41519_Glurt +