Review:70800 Getaway Glider/TheNightingale
Country: Australia
Joined: 31 July, 2011
№ of Reviews: 12
№ of Featured reviews: 1
Building Experience: Expert
Welcome to my first review here at Brickimedia. Today I'll be reviewing the LEGO Movie set; 70800 Getaway Glider.
- Info
- 104 pieces
- The LEGO Movie set
- Three minifigures
- ID# 70800
The Set[edit | edit source]
Featuring three minifigures, two builds and a horse this set is good value at $20AU. Very pleased with the prices for the LEGO Movie. Who cares if we don't even see the movie here until April? :P.
The box is fairly run of the mill with the LEGO MOVIE logo on front.
The Minifigures[edit | edit source]
Three figures - Emmet, Sherrif Not-A-Robot, and another cowboy SSP (Super Secret Police) bot.
- Emmet
Our main man, Emmet is ready for any and everything it seems. A good character from the looks of the trailer, this figure is very well made. A new hairpiece, a piece of resistance (appears in almost every set). An ID oiece on his leg is printed for extra detail. Two expressions, both can be used around nearly any theme. Good fig.
- Sheriff Not-A-Robot
My favourite figure of the line thus far (sorry Uni-kitty). Includes an awesome new moustache piece, fedora - and oddly - two revolvers...which aren't the new variant like seen in The Lone Ranger. Yet to realise why. Comment your thoughts. Anyway...good figure to have.
- Other robot
(Don't know the name) Anyway, nice little addition. There is always at least 3 figs per set in this wave it seems. This figure is well designed, but dull overall.
The Build[edit | edit source]
Simple 10 minute build. Not too much to say.
The Actual Builds[edit | edit source]
First we have a nice horsey for our sheriff to ride on. Pretty simple, also comes with a nice little cactus build.
Then we have the Getaway Glider itself. A nice little build with good piece use. Such as the silver chicken, Arrow piece, chains and wings. To slot Emmet, there is a small 1x1 One Stud piece to clip the piece of resistance onto, which Emmet hangs from. Very few stickers, and they do add nicely to the set, unlike most stickers. The chains are meant to hold Emmet on there, but it isn't stable.
Good little build, and introduction to the theme.
Overall[edit | edit source]
Good set, worth the small fee ($20) to buy. Only problem is the lack of real support on the glider, Emmet falls off it easily. It doesn't provide as much playability though. Get Melting Room set for that.
- Overall

- Figures

- Price


