User blog:Awesomeknight/Agents Roleplay

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Well, I guess I need to get into the fad. I got this idea from Kahuka, a brilliant idea that is very fun (for me, at least.) I also got some inspiration due to the fact Agents is coming back.


  • Users will be killed. Yes, characters will be allowed to be killed off, but you need to get their permission first, unless you are that character.. Suicide is fun!
  • Users will be jailed. As this is an Agents thing, there's lots of jailing. Bad guys using hostages, agents capturing bad guys. Yeah. Breakouts are also allowed. :P
  • Godmodding will not be allowed. Making yourself invincible isn't fun. You gotta make bad things happen to you to make it more entertaining!
  • Villains other than Inferno's dudes are allowed. Just read this. You can make your own bad guys!
  • Users must have permission to make stories about other characters. This is something that's bothered me in some roleplays. When you're making a story that only focuses on the character of someone else, you should get their permission, and talk about the story. Collaboration is one of the main things about roleplays that we need to remember.
  • References to outside themes are allowed. Yeah. You read it. Not really space, though, too futuristic. (Though you can make cameo stuff.) Oh, and references to non-LEGO things are also allowed. Falls under the same rules as the rules for outside themes.
  • Don't have a fit. I want users to have fun doing this! Don't bother other users for something, it makes them feel bad about themselves. And if they're breaking a rule, that's for me to deal with.
  • Connect the dots. When making stories, I advise that you try connecting dots between different stories. Maybe they do have things in common.
  • Users must introduce themselves. Before you make any story, you must introduce yourself in those sign-up-things. And you should also make sure to make stories, too. If you only sign up, not much will probably happen to your character.


  • User:Awesomeknight
  • Name: Agent Knight
  • Appearance: Mutt William's hair. Stubbed face. Sunglasses. Suit and tie with long coat or Agent's outfit.
  • Personality: Like the rest of the Knights.
  • Organization: International Terrorism Counteraction (ITC)
  • Rank: Weapons specialist
  • Some background info: Descendent of Sir Knight of Morcia. I've been part of the agency for about a decade. I had to leave my friends and family for it, as information from the agency must be kept classified. I know all the weapons and develop new weapons. I drink a lot of beer, as most of my ancestors do. I was part of the team when Dr. Inferno was not in jail.

  • User:King Kahuka
  • Name: Cyber Vorg
  • Appearence: See image below.
  • Personality: Emotionless.
  • Organization: International Terrorism Counteraction (ITC)
  • Rank: Engineer
  • Some background info: Was one of Ogel's minions, until an accident happened and he lost most of his body parts. Ogel assimilated him into a cyborg, in which he was more of a robot and renamed to Cyber Vorg. After becoming rampant, he left Ogel and started his own life of crime. After finally being caught by the ITC, he instead became a member. He knew how to construct many machines and gadgets. He does a good job at engineering and helping the agents, but sometimes, his "Cyborg" personality would kick in, and make him kill and destroy.

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134 months ago
Score 0++
Hi, what's your name?


135 months ago
Score 1++
  • Name: Sigma
  • Appearance: Black suit and light grey skeleton mask *Personality: Smart Stern and Evil
  • Organization: Masters of the world MOTW
  • Rank: Leader
  • Some background info: I spent most of my life in prison i was first sent to jail when i was 18 later i murder a lot of innocent people and i was sent to life in prison but i broke out and i gathered a lot of gangsters, robbers and crooks and created the MOTW.


134 months ago
Score 0++
What does Sigma look like under the mask?

King KahukaAmateur

135 months ago
Score 2++
Why ain't i in the User List? :S


135 months ago
Score 0++
Oh, I'll put you in there. :P


135 months ago
Score 0++
  • At the base, me and Derrick are having a conversation.
  • Derrick: Do you ever think we might make it to the high ranks?
  • I take a sip of my beer.
  • Knight: Me, probably. You, probably not.
  • Derrick: Why do you think I won't?
  • Knight: Not as skilled as me. I don't think you'll ever get into the Alpha Team.
  • Derrick: We'll see..
  • Another agent enters the room.
  • Random agent: Knight, you're going to need to interrogate Inferno again.
  • Knight: Again? He hasn't said anything when the other agents interrogated him. We should give him the drugs first.
  • Random agent: I don't think that would be necessary. We just interrogated him again. He wants to talk to you.
  • I walk into Inferno's cell.
  • Inferno: I haven't seen you in a while, Knight... Not since the time you captured me. Tell me, why didn't you kill me?
  • Knight: Killing is wrong.
  • Inferno: Can't I just escape?
  • Knight: Not with your robot arm gone. Now, I'm going to need you to answer these questions..
  • Inferno: Ask away.
  • Knight: Where are the rest of your minions.
  • Inferno: How should I know, they're all spread out.
  • Knight: Stop lying. You know where they are.
  • Inferno: And so do you. You just don't pay attention to that fact.
  • I think about what he says. It doesn't make sense.
  • Inferno: I won't answer any more questions. Just think about what I said.
  • I leave. That wasn't a success at all.