User blog:Berrybrick/Aliens in the Infield

From Brickipedia, the LEGO Wiki

So, uh, funny story. I'm sort of on the run. You see, this anon tipped off the authorities that I do not in fact criticize armchairs (or even chairs at all). So, um, I am going to go straight and keep my promises: aliens will appear right here in this very field before the decade is through.

Really though, I sort of broke the last blog because I accidentally removed the comments section and couldn't bring it back without tripping the spam filter. It does not like links to YouTube. So don't do that. I guess. Please.

But discuss?

Comments (222)
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Omega XAmateur

83 months ago
Score 0++

Some of the major critisims of the MCU thus far was their lack of real consequences, formulaic scripts, and the lack of a truly well-rounded and compelling antagonist. Avengers: IW plants itself firmly in MCU history as the boldest and most ambitious Marvel film yet which attempts to put all these critisims to an end while pushing the boundaries of the superhero genre which they pinoeered and redefining it for many years to come.

Consequences. The one word which is thrown around most frequently while mocking the MCU, as it is infamous for not having any lasting consequences, from the many deaths of Loki to Iron Man retiring at the end of Iron Man 3 only to return in AoU, the examples are endless. The directors of IW had warned "Be careful what you fans wish for" and indeed they do deliver, in a spree of brutal and merciless consequences that could only be described as shocking. Ironically though, it does also reverse some of the consequences in recent films, such as Thor Ragnarok and Black Panther. At the end of the film, there are some major consequences that would reverberate throughout the entire MCU, although the finality of these consequences can be reasonably questioned, especially if one has been following Marvel news.

The structure of this film is abnormal too, partially due to the fact that there are too many characters and too much action (to be elaborated later). The most obvious would be the film's second/third act which has been slightly modified and stretched to accomodate for the film's abnormal ending. Furthermore, as there are many characters, there are many plot threads, much more than an average movie, some of which progress at a slower pace than others, thus affecting the film's structure too.

With the culmulation of 10 years of the MCU, many characters are in the movie. However, an unlikely candidate takes the title of "main character" - Thanos, the main antagonist. As he has the most screen time, and the least developed at the start of the film, the filmmakers had used the opportunity to their advantage, giving us many moments with the titian himself explaining his motivations and powers. The film makers intended for him to be this generations Darth Vader, and after seeing IW, he certainly deserves a place as one of cinema's iconic villains, but not only because of his sheer might and power. The character Thanos also has an emotional side, and one thats a pleasant surprise for a character who had been potrayed so far as a being purely of merciless destruction. The actor Josh Brolin also succeeded where James Spader failed as Ultron, crafting a character whom the audience could feel for and understand his motivations. Although his goals are relatively simple especially compared to Killmonger, but his motivations are intriguing and well illustrated through several scenes.

Thanos's Black Order are equally well potrayed and intimidating, with great VFX work and good scenes throughout. Maw was a standout in amongst them, with his telekenisis powers being a joy to behold on screen, being much more superior to Wonder Woman's Ares. The other members are more brawn than brain and as such they leave less of an impression.

The heroes are diverse to say the least. The sheer scale of this movie in terms of its cast to begin with is commendable and the experienced cast delivers a solid performance with the very limited amount of screentime each of their characters receive. As such, there isnt really much character development for the characters, but taking the fact that all heroes have been introduced prior to IW, their characters have evolved considerably since the start of the MCU.

There are also a lot of surprises in IW, with several pleasant ones and several which are just downright shocking. Fans of the MCU would recognise some familiar faces and the plot progression is filled to the brim with spoilers and surprises, which makes for a movie going experience unlike any other.

There are many themes in this movie, most notably that of balance and emotion. Thanos's primary motivation is that of balance, and is illustrated through several symbolic scenes and much dialogue. The films' ending also offers some balance and reflects this theme. Choices made through emotion or through overcoming emotion are also very prevalent in the movie, as characters from both sides makes crucial decisions which shape the plot of the movie moving forward as they succumb to or overcome their inner emotions.

The visuals and action scenes are stellar, no less due to the fact that it is filmed using IMAX cameras and the directing duo who helmed this film had plenty of experience executing major action scenes and managing a large amount of superpowered characters. The cosmic scenes are particularly well realised and look like they were adapted straight from the comics, with a vibrant colour palette and eye-catching design. The final action setpiece was extremely grand and ties up all the major subplots together in a spectacular fashion.

The score is unlike anything Marvel had ever produced, with a major almost singular focus on sombre and funeral-like music that bears more similarity to Rogue One than a large-scale superhero movie. It makes for a unique movie-going experience and cements the impact of the ending. as the marvel film wraps up its most consequential and uncertain ending. Unfortunately, most of the score moves past like a blur - generic and unmemorable. Only the avengers theme was the most prominent, a disappointment considering how many established themes there are in the MCU.

The conclusion was the most unexpected and shocking in recent cinematic history, as 10 years of MCU legacy is paid off with a bang. However, there is a certain disappointment in that a perceptive audience member would understand the extent of the finality of this conclusion, hence lessening the impact somewhat. Furthermore, for a film that promises grave consequences to the core team of the MCU, I left the theater somewhat disappointed at how superficial that claim was.

Furthermore, there are a lot of plot threads and characters, and one could make the argument that there are too much of them. Jumping from subplot to subplot, there always seems to be too many plot threads and characters to follow, even though the characters are grouped. Furthermore, as some plot threads are more interesting than others (in my personal opinion), some of the scenes may seem redundant story-wise.

In conclusion, Avengers IW attempts to revolutionize the superhero industry by the addition of consequences, a compelling villain and cliffhanger, as well as keeping as much surprises and plot twists under wraps throughout the marketing (cough Doomsday cough). There has also been much thought put into the movie as the themes it explores are interesting and furthers the general narrative in unexpected ways. That being said, it is not without its flaws, as the lack of a memorable score, overstuffed plot threads and rushed storyline weighs down the movie in some aspects. I thoroughly enjoyed IW and I, along with the vast majority of humankind, now look forward to its currently-still-unnamed sequel.

Brikkyy13Outstanding Brickipedian

83 months ago
Score 1++

Just saw Infinity War. First part of this will be a spoiler free review, second half will be a spoiler discussion.

I want to start off by saying I think people have been making movies too much of a big thing on social media, this is aimed pretty much directly at those "first thoughts" that pop up on twitter after the premiere. For both TLJ and this I feel they have overstated the quality of the films, and I'll definitely be avoiding reading these from here on out.

That being said, I think I loved this movie. I came out liking it and having given it time to sink in I think it's very good. It's hard to take as many characters as they did and throw them into something like this, and in 100% honesty I don't think I ever expected it to work out. To my surprise, they pulled it off very well. Every character gets the screen time they deserve and they all play their part, nobody is underused. Each character has a specific place in the plot and it all comes together excellently.

Some people have criticized it for focusing too much on some subplots and not enough on others. I disagree, I think it all fits together very well, especially for the climax at the end. On that note, the ending makes it apparent that it is part 1 of 2 and I can't wait to see where it goes.

Thanos is one of the best villains to be in cinema in a long time. This is very much Thanos' movie, it could've been called "Thanos" and nobody would've questioned it. His motivations are clear, and above all they make sense. Thanos is truly terrifying, not only because they show off his strength, but because you understand his reasoning and why he is out to destroy half the universe.

If anything, Infinity War is too ambitious. If I had to criticize anything about this movie it would be the fact that it comes together a lot like an event comic. The start of the movie is very much "Look who it is! You know them!" The direction that the story goes does diverge (albeit only a little) from what we've come to expect from MCU films, but I'm not sure if general audiences will be receptive to this. The fans will love this movie to death, but the general public will probably not be as receptive. I saw the movie with my mother, a casual fan who's seen all the movies and enjoyed them, but she left feeling that it was too different from what she's come to expect over the last 10 years.

Even though the film may be unexpected to some, this film is exactly what I expected - from the opening scene to the credits. As I said before is very much part 1 and I honestly have no idea where part 2 is going to go. I'm very excited to see the ending of this 10 year journey.

Alright, spoilers from here on out. Please do not go sharing these around and if you're replying please be conscious of spoilers.

Spoilers, read at your own risk.

Final chance.

Alright, spoiler thoughts:

  • The opening scene was just what the movie needed. Killing Loki right off the bat proved that Thanos wasn't messing around.
  • Hulk's arc is very interesting in the good way. It's great to see a character that hasn't gotten that much development be given a story like that, even if it was a very small part of the movie
  • The interactions between Stark and Strange are excellent (more on them later), and I'm sure we'll see Strange step up and take Iron Man's role in the MCU after part 2
  • Thor is very good in this movie, especially after Ragnarok. His character has matured and he's gone from someone I didn't like to someone I love. His interactions with the GotG were some of the best in the movie.
  • Thanos/Gamora/Nebula's story is a breath of fresh air, I'm glad to see something like that in the MCU. I have a feeling Gamora will be resurrected because Thanos feels guilty. The scene at the end where Thanos is talking to the young Gamora cements it in my mind.
  • Red Skull was cool to see, but it just raises too many questions
  • The final battle in Wakanda was awesome, but the final scene with Thanos coming after Vision was fantastic
  • Obviously, anyone that "died" from Thanos "bringing balance" to the universe isn't really dead, but god damn if it wasn't heartbreaking watching everyone go out so easily. Each one was heartbreaking in their own way, and to top it off with Thanos retiring to smiling was the nail in the coffin.
  • On the other hand, while the stakes are there in-universe, a lot of the emotional weight from the "deaths" goes away knowing it's part 1, and to be completely honest I expected the death toll to be as high as it was from the moment they announced it was a 2 part film.
  • Doctor Strange handing over the time gem is going to be talked about so much over the next year, even though it doesn't really need to be. Obviously he handed it over because that's what happened in the one "good" future he saw. I'm more interested in what needs to happen for Tony and co. to realize this.

Omega XAmateur

83 months ago
Score 0++

Oops did not notice this comment before posting my review. Apologies for that!

Anyways I agree, the first reactions and reviews are almost always bound to be more exaggerated and positive than the actual quality of the movie itself. I myself felt tempted to give this movie a great outstanding verdict before I thought about it over several days and decided that there are actually some flaws too.


Loved how they revealed the Soul Stone and how Thanos retrieves it, it was especially tragic for Gamora to know that Thanos really truly cares about her, but only through killing her. There is a certain poetic tragedy in it, and I actually liked it very much, more so than other theories.

I did not notice that it was red skull when they revealed it, it was only when he was telling Thanos how he held one in his hand once then it clicked into place. And the feeling was glorious =P

Loved the opening scene too, and everyone totally called it that Loki is going to die in the first five minutes =3

Agreed with Hulk's arc too, even though many feels that he was underused. The idea that Hulk would retreat into Banner as a "safety shell" not unlike that of turtles when he is confronted with some being who is simply just more powerful than he is is fascinating and humanizes the Hulk persona even more.

The ending was glorious, loved how each infiniy stone glows when it is used, and finally glad to see the time stone used to get the mind stone, even though it raises too much questions about why Strange didnt use the time stone when they were confronting Thanos.

Disappointed that the original trinity is still intact after this movie, was totally expecting at least one to die, and die Iron Man almost did. Felt kinda cheated when the writers let him go this time =P

Omega XAmateur

84 months ago
Score 0++

Hello! This place is essentially barren now but anyways...

I kinda like the TRON Legacy set as I was quite a TRON Legacy fan growing up and watching the movie (it was the first Blu-Ray movie I watched =P), and they did do a good job realising the overall shape and profile of the vehicle, a task which I thought would be very challenging to pull off in Lego. However I kinda prefer the curved design from the designer video over the straight light beams, or maybe include both the straight and curved light trails for more options? Just a thought =3

The minifig factory set was a step in a fresh and unique direction in terms of how the set itself is set up and displayed, and I really look forward to see how this concept is explored in the future as this allows for substantial sets are released with little parts count than it would otherwise be

The new brickheadz are okay I guess, definitely not a fan of chewy's rendition, but Han looks decent =)


84 months ago
Score 2++

So, I was up in that there London (no clue where the phrase "that there London" comes from, would be interested to know), and for the first time I've been in London since it has opened there wasn't a queue to get into the Leicester Square LEGO Store.

So I went in, took some pictures of the big models, and ended up buying one of those LEGO buses 40220, because it looked nice. Haven't made it yet though.

I also learnt from a guy in the store that a) the Leicester Square store is the biggest in the world and b) apparently 40220 is exclusive (I assume only in terms of bricks-and-mortar retail) to three places - that store, Hamley's (big toy store just down the road on Regent Street) and I think the third was House Of Fraser?

So there are some facts for all three of you reading this.

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

84 months ago
Score 0++
I was there in September and they didn’t have a line. :P Did you buy any M&Ms?


84 months ago
Score 0++
I last went to that part of London in August, so it must have been prime school holidays and there was a big security guard controlling the door and like a 30 person queue to get in.

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

84 months ago
Score 0++
Why would they cut this out of Episode VIII? It's a much better ending to that scene :/

Omega XAmateur

84 months ago
Score 1++
Agreed 100%. I would really have liked to see this in the final cut.

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

85 months ago
Score 0++
Can we all try and arrange a reunion or something? Everyone but Nova and Vasko seem to be dead, including me XP

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

85 months ago
Score 0++
Hey it's a person! I remember you from ages ago :P

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

85 months ago
Score 1++

A few things that I normally post here when I'm around:

  • Actually didn't like Episode VIII that much...I didn't hate it (there was a lot to like), but I think it doesn't always put its money where it's mouth is.
  • Dante's Divine Comedy is possibly the best thing I have ever read.
  • Hatoful Boyfriend. There is a dating simulator for pigeons, if you're into that sort of thing (turns out I am).
  • Excited for Harry Potter coming back. Not so excited about the prices.
  • I bought the Justice League Anniversary Party, Egghead and Luthor mechs, and Lobo's bike for my birthday plus two random CMFS (Jor-El and glam Alfred). Egghead's mech is really solid and I look forward to displaying it with the 60s Batmobile. The Justice League party setup is also really well constructed for what it is, but what it is isn't much. Hawkgirl and Green Arrow have some design issues--a lot of them revolving around color choice and lack of arm printing, I think, but it's still cool to have Hawkgirl and this version of Arrow. Something about El Dorado looks wrong to me, but I think that's just El Dorado...maybe it's the yellow; his colors don't really jive either. The regular DC stuff is fine. Lex's mech is a little busier than it ought to be, and I do have some issues with some of the figures, but I'm not really up for rattling them off.
Sorry I haven't really been around. As I alluded to below, my life has been a little crazy. We'll see if I have more time in the summer.

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

85 months ago
Score 0++

Anyone seen Black Panther? This is the first time Marvel trailers have left me feeling like this was going to be a really boring movie with the same formula and fight scenes that we've all seen before. User reviews on many sites are saying it's a typical superhero movie and doesn't do anything new or interesting, and the critics sound scared to call this movie bad because SJWs will come after them calling them racist if they do. I'm thinking I might just pick it up on DVD, but since the DVD comes out after Infinity War I'm worried I might miss something important. Plus, if it is actually a good movie I want to see it (Black Panther was my favorite hero in Earth's Mightiest Heroes, he seemed really cool. But he was a pretty dull character in Civil War, so I'm not sure he'll be any better in this movie...)

Basically, I'm just wondering if anyone has an opinion on whether it is really worth seeing and how does it compare to the other MCU movies?

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

85 months ago
Score 0++

Huh, that's sort of funny. I've listened to only one review, but it actually made it sound really good, like it has an actual villain and properly develops the world and factions without acting as a commercial for future movies (which probably means you won't miss much if you skip it)....

I don't know. I haven't seen it and don't really plan on seeing it (not that I'm avoiding it).

Brikkyy13Outstanding Brickipedian

85 months ago
Score 1++

I definitely think it's been overhyped by reviewers for the reasons you've listed and by audiences because it looks cool (kinda like I think Avatar was). From the get go I don't think there's much, if anything at all, that'll play into Infinity War, and that really surprised me (listed below in the spoiler section if you're interested). Unless something completely random turns out to be super important for whatever reason, you should be fine skipping it.

Mild spoilers below but still spoilers nonetheless, read at own risk.

There weren't many references to other Marvel films as usual, it seemed very standalone. The soul stone didn't turn up, and the only thing that may play into Infinity War is Wakanda is now sharing it's technology with the world.

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

85 months ago
Score 0++

@Brikkyy- thanks, good to know, I think I'll give it a miss. That last spoiler part is interesting though, it could have an impact on the Avengers in the future (but I don't need to sit through a whole movie just to learn that). Just read a description of the post-credit scenes, that second scene sounds kinda important too (but will probably be explained in Infinity War anyway).

@Berrybrick- I heard Klaue was pretty funny, but the other guy's motives were all over the place but was still the best character in the movie. I'm obviously in no position to judge it though. @your comment below- wow, you make my boring life seem even more boring :P Good to see you're still around


86 months ago
Score 1++
I kind of got back into LEGO recently thanks to finally having a better source of income. Really happy to see this place still around. Thought I'd just say that damn, the Last Jedi was really goddamn good. Excited for Episode IX.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

85 months ago
Score 0++
Good to see you're still alive. :) I'm not around much because I've been really busy these past few months (I got involved in a cult, dated some pigeons, and had a near death experience all while keeping up with school). I hope to be back around in the summer though. Hopefully the site is still around then. :P

Brikkyy13Outstanding Brickipedian

87 months ago
Score 0++

Just my thoughts on the Han Solo movie sets. Overall I think it's a great wave and I will most likely be getting all of these sets eventually, except the Falcon unless I can find it pretty cheap.

  • Battle Pack: Hopefully that vehicle is actually in the movie. Good way to get those new troopers instead of shoving one of them in the TIE Fighter like they did with the scariff trooper in the TIE Striker.
  • Han Solo's speeder/villain speeder: Good to see Han Solo and who I assume is Emilia Clarke's character in a cheap set. The other speeder looks good too, and those new creatures look interesting. Good to see two of them in the larger set. The designs of the speeders themselves are a bit lackluster, but that's not LEGO's fault. Based on the set photos of Han's speeder, these are great representations. My only complaint with these, like many people, will be the price. Based on the box shape and recent years I'm guessing these are going to be $45 and $80 AUD respectively, (with the $80 set falling into what I consider to be the worst value price point, at least here in Aus) which is just too much for me without a discount.
  • TIE Fighter: Fantastic, will grab this one. Still need an OT TIE and with the new X-Wing coming in the summer wave it's a great time for one. Again, the price will probably be terrible (FO TIE was $100 AUD) and I'll wait for it to drop.
  • Kessel Run Falcon: Will probably be skipping this one since I have both the TFA and UCS Falcons (unless the wiki needs someone to review it? :P nah, send it to someone else this time). The design seems about as faithful as the past system scale falcons. Interesting to see that it's white instead of grey. Apparently this will be $170 in the US, which is pretty bad, so who knows what it'll be down under. The last one was $250, but both the AT-M6 and FO SD from TLJ are $230. The minifigure selection looks excellent, such a shame that they're all exclusive, including what looks to be Lando. If I can find this one super cheap I might pick it up for the figures and then part it out.

Omega XAmateur

87 months ago
Score 0++
  • Battle Pack: Love love love it so much, especially how close it resembles the actual vehicle from set photos at such a small scale. The new range troopers are of course the highlights, and while it feels a bit too detailed at first glance, it actually looks quite good upon a closer look
  • Han's Speeder: Love its design! It just screams star wars but yet looks new and original. The colour scheme is done to good effect too, and Im quite interested to see the white creature up close =P
  • Villain speeder: Love it more than Han's speeder =P Theres something about that 6 stud shooter at the front making it soo good
  • Tie: Hmm I couldnt see the difference between this set's build and the ones released recently actually...and as such this is probably the weakest of the wave imo
  • Falcon: Well never saw the blue stripes coming! It definitely distinguishes this from other falcons visually and the more i look at it the more i like it =P

Omega XAmateur

87 months ago
Score 0++
Is it just me or is there a problem with creating new pages and blog posts? Just finished my winter village cinema MOC and was about to create a blog/new page about it when it directed me to a blank page...

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

87 months ago
Score 0++
If it's what I think it is, you need to create it without {{comments}}, and then edit the page and add {{comments}} after. Annoying I know, it happens to me when creating new articles every so often

Omega XAmateur

87 months ago
Score 0++
Hmm yea that happened to me quite often too but when I clicked on "create page" it directed me to a blank page..

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

87 months ago
Score 0++
Are you getting anything at all (like the blue background, etc) or is it just a plain empty white screen?

Omega XAmateur

87 months ago
Score 0++
A page appears titled Blank Page and the text "This page is intentionally left blank"...thanks fr yr help!

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

87 months ago
Score 0++
Oh... yeah I can see how you're getting that now. That's a script Meiko took from another wiki, no idea why it's suddenly stopped working. I'll take a look at it soon and see if there's anything obvious. For now though you can still easily make a blog just by typing the name in the search bar (make sure you start it with "User blog:OmegaX/") and then click that redlink. Sorry it's not working though, hopefully it'll be fixed soon.

Omega XAmateur

87 months ago
Score 0++
Ahh right I see thanks a lot Nova!!

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

87 months ago
Score 0++
Should be all working again, let me know if you have any problems with it :)

Omega XAmateur

86 months ago
Score 0++
Thanks a million Nova!! Really appreciate it! =)

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

87 months ago
Score 1++

WARNING: This post (and possibly replies to this post) contain Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi spoilers. Read at your own risk

Now I'm just going to write stuff here so nothing spoilery shows up in the comments log. Um.... lalalala lala lalalalala lala ladadala la la.... ok I think that's enough. Anyone replying here- if you're talking about spoilers please consider doing this too so spoilers don't show up in the log/RC.

I went in fully expecting to hate this movie, based on the plot of VII and lots of "meh" or "bad" spoiler-free reviews I read (but "spoiler-free" some seemed to be getting dangerously close to spoilers so I skipped a few paragraphs at a time on most). But wow, I absolutely loved it. I don't understand any hate surrounding it- I've stayed away from spoilers so I don't actually know what people are complaining about. I don't think I really care much either, unless it impacts upon Rian Johnson handling that new trilogy. He can be the new George Lucas for all I care.

Pretty much everything was done so well as far as I was concerned.

  • I love that Poe/Finn/Rose had a big convoluted plan to escape and it completely failed. You don't really see that in many Star Wars movies (or any other material, eg, the Republic win every fight in The Clone Wars, the Rebels win pretty much everything in Rebels)
  • I didn't think much of Holdo at all leading up to the film, or even during the film. Until she pulled off what she did. Pretty sad that I only thought "wow, she's actually a really cool character" when she died. I think Poe referenced a battle she was in previously, I really want a book about that now.
  • When the bridge on the cruiser got blown up I was like "oh. So that's how they're going to handle the whole Carrie Fisher thing". But then using the Force to fly through space to safety- I know a lot of people will find it ridiculously cheesy, I didn't for a second think she was going to come back from that and found it to be a really great moment, and so nice to actually see Leia properly using the Force on screen too. Interested to see how they're going to explain her death in IX though.
  • I always worried how they'd kill Luke off in the old EU (he was officially dead as of 137 years after Episode IV). At the end of one of the last books published before the Disney takeover, Luke decided to retire from the Order. I couldn't see how he'd have a good death from then on. But in this movie, everything about Luke's death was absolutely perfect. Casting a big illusion/projection to give everyone time to get away and not actually fighting was just so Luke, then dying while looking up at the sunset. Couldn't possibly have imagined anything better.
  • Killing Snoke off in this film was genius. And the way Kylo killed him was amazing too. Didn't see it coming until Snoke was phrasing things certain ways while reading Kylo's mind and I was like "oh, that's good, well done Kylo"
    • To me it made the rest of the film unpredictable as well. Even with Finn I was like "yeah Rose is going to save him". But then he still got closer and I was like "wow... they're actually going to kill Finn off?". Of course, Rose did save him, but I wouldn't have even had that 3 second moment of doubt in VII.
  • Rey's parents just being nobodies and her being in denial about the whole things was again another genius move. Otherwise I think it would've revolved around Rey being the daughter of someone instead of her just being her. I really hope that decision doesn't get reversed in IX.
  • Before, I thought the best Kylo Ren material came from that Saturday Night Live skit. Now, seeing that his whole backstory is based on one horrible misunderstanding between him and Luke was like "Wow. I totally get where he's coming from now". Again, so well done. I'll probably see his character from a new perspective when I watch VII again. Despite being Supreme Leader I don't even see him as bad/evil anymore which makes things a lot more interesting.
  • Phasma should stay dead, simply to keep things "real", I'm sick of people falling down pits and coming back to life. She probably won't die, they could pretty easily get away with her living (her armor is made from the hull of one of Palpatine's ships after all, so it'd have to be able to withstand the head of atmospheric re-entry).

If I really wanted to, there are a few things I could say weren't so good:

  • A fleet of FO warships chasing down a cruiser and a couple of weak support ships for 17 hours was kinda stupid. Like they couldn't send out a few fighters just to blow them to pieces (because apparently the FO still doesn't have any bombers).
  • The whole landing a ground force on Crait made no sense. This isn't Hoth, there was no planetary shield. An orbital bombardment could've taken out the base, you didn't need a weird cannon thing. Also, after the Falcon flew down to Crait, surely the FO cruisers hoevering above the planet would've been ready with tractor beams for when it flew back out of Crait?
  • Yoda looked stupid. I don't get it. Why did they make him look stupid? Wouldn't someone have noticed that he looked stupid while they were making the film?
  • Hope. Hope hope hope hope hope. Hope hope. Hope hope hope. Just stop it.
But still, neither of the first two points actually bother me, I can pick apart the story of any SW film if I really want to.

Related stuff:

  • I've been playing Battlefront II a fair bit lately. Having Tallie Lintra as a hero has to be some kind of joke doesn't it? She's in the movie for what, five seconds? And we still don't have Obi-Wan? But I like that the Crait map gave absolutely nothing away about the film (the battle had to be entirely reworked to be evenly matched since you're obviously playing with the same amount of players on each side).
  • The First Order AT-ST LEGO set is dumb. Didn't understand why it looked different to a normal FO AT-ST before, thought it must have been some "special" version (FO AT-ST's are in Battlefront II so I know what they normally looked like before the movie). But they're giving us a broken AT-ST as a set? Wouldn't it make sense to release a proper model of the vehicle first, then sell a broken one later a couple of years later? Or just give us a proper one and have a function to remove the top?

I can probably write about this all day, so I'm going to stop now. So yeah, can't wait for the DVD to come out to watch it again. Interested to hear what everyone else thinks of the new movie.

My only concern now is JJ's coming back for IX...

Omega XAmateur

87 months ago
Score 0++

Oooh yes!! Finally spoiler-talk! Yay Ive got soo many things to say about everything basically =P Love reading your thoughts and review Nova and I would anticipate a rather interesting discussion to follow as Im not a huge fan of some of the decisions made, but more on those later!

For anyone who has not seen the film and yet somehow thought it would be a good idea to read a comment thread with an enlarged bolded spoiler warning, well just, dont do that maybe? You've been warned: Spoilers for Episode 8 will follow

LOVED the visuals, action, new characters etc etc, but not so much the plot for some reason...and that would perharps have to do with me devoting much of the past 2 years intensely speculating about Rey's parents and Snoke (personal theory, Rey's a Kenobi and Snoke is Plageuis, as if it matters now, still slightly in denial now btw), and its not a great experience to watch a film which seems to just disregard those theories which us fans have devoted time and effort in building up our evidence and theories. I mean its certainly good to have a surprise once in a while, but as a theoriser (is that even a word?) its a tough pill to swallow. Rationally I understand it, but emotionally its hard to sink in.

Oh yea one more thing I was listening to podcasts reviewing this movie and one had an interview with Rian Johnson which was very enlightening as he explains his process and why he killed off luke, snoke, and had rey's parents be nobody. Heres the link: https://www....=wIPzAALdjaQ

Missed Opportunities:

  • Dark Side training sequence. I thought we would see at the start of the film Snoke training Kylo, by pitting him against his red guards, and he would then keep failing. That would make their defeat at the end more sastifying.
  • A first order march by John Willaims! I mean we fans really need it =P
  • Luke showing off his powers by crushing the entire first order like rag dolls on Crait. Kylo's shuttle would then crash, and he would emerge. The rest of the story would progress as it did. Imagine the possibilities! Just one that i thought of: him reaching out with his hand, and the white salt lifts off from the surface in the form of mist, forges themselves into sharp iceles, and they would just attack and destroy the entire fleet of AtAts and kylo's shuttle's wing would be destroyed, and it will crash in front of luke. Everyone on board survives. Kylo comes out and face Luke, filled with rage. The battlefield would then be split into 2 visually distinct sides: Red on the first order's side as the salt has been lifted by luke, and white on the Resistance's. The entire environment would then be foggy which further reflects Kylo's state of mind as he is blinded with rage.
  • Would have liked Kylo and Luke to duel =/ i mean its like 2 movies in and we havent seen a legitamate lightsaber duel? Kinnda disappointing...i felt cheated as the movie certainly builds to a badass moment by luke as he emerges from the hole, and i had a total nerdgasm then, so yea =P
To be continued there are so much more stufff to talk about =3

Brikkyy13Outstanding Brickipedian

87 months ago
Score 0++

Alright, finally I can talk about this movie, without holding back. Big ol' spoilers follow, like I'm gonna be talking about the big stuff right away.

Final spoiler warning

No joke, this is THE FINAL spoiler warning.

If this shows up in the log I'm gonna get annoyed :P


I think a large reason for the hate surrounding this one is because the twists took (what I saw as the predictable way out) the unexpected route. IMO Snoke was never hyped up by Disney or anyone except the internet, I always saw him as someone who we were meant to take at face value, much like the emperor in the OT. As for Rey's parents, like Daisy Ridley I thought Rey's parents were obvious in TFA (the scene with her and Maz gives it all away for me) so seeing them actually be nobody was great. I will admit I never thought they'd be able to get away with that because there'd be so much backlash, but I'm glad that Rian Johnson has balls and took as many chances as he did.

Luke - I thought he was handled pretty much perfectly in this one. The big twist at the end was brilliant, but I have to admit I didn't appreciate it at all until the second viewing. I'm not one to get angry at movies, but everything with him on Crait initially made me livid. The first time around, my thoughts were "The resistance is done, now here comes Luke to the rescue? Yup, there he is, and it makes no sense at all." The scene where he gets shot at by every gun and survived to brush off his shoulder seemed so out of place, and then the "duel" was just so off to me. The second time round it all made sense, and I enjoyed it a lot more.

Luke dying... on one hand I appreciate it, and understand it. He was at peace, he reconnected to the force and he surrendered his body like Yoda did. On the other hand, it had no bearing to the story whatsoever. It happens just because. I'm not really upset because it's obvious he'll come back as a force ghost in 9 (of course JJ Abrams will make sure it's a big secret that nobody will be surprised by).

Leia - such a shame we lost Carrie Fischer, it was obvious she was going to have a massive role in 9 (Like Han in 7 and Luke in this one). I liked her in this one, mainly because of the way she was used in Poe's story (which I thought was one of the best parts of the movie). Like a lot of people, I do not like SuperLeia. It was done well, but I've found it very awkward to watch and like Luke's death I feel it has absolutely no place in the story.

The resistance plot - I really liked this. I thought this was one of the more original parts of the film (even though it is pretty much the Millennium Falcon being chased by the Empire from ESB on a larger scale). Poe was a character who's motivations were clear from the start, so seeing the story unfold from his point of view was pretty entertaining. For me, Poe's role in this one is second only to Kylo Ren (I'll get to him in a bit). This plot also gave us the supremacy getting obliterated by the raddus - one of the best sequences in a movie ever IMO, that is sure to be parodied for years to come. That being said, does it have a place in Star Wars?

The master code breaker stuff - I liked it, I understand why people don't. I thought the whole anti-war message was very forced but I did find it enjoyable. DJ - surprisingly /s - played out exactly like Lando in ESB.

Kylo Ren/Rey - the best part of this movie, easily. A very interesting concept of reaching out through the force to each other, and very fun to watch, even if it is the last act of RotJ again. I see Kylo Ren as the main character of this trilogy, not Rey, and his growth in this one is very good. Killing Snoke to take his place, fully accepting his place in the dark side of the force. There's no redeeming Ben Solo at this point, I can't wait to see what he does in 9.

I do like this movie very much. I enjoy it and think it's very well made, but I have two big issues with it.

  1. 1 - And I feel very hypocritical for saying this - it's another rehash. I've defended TFA for being a rehash for the last 2 years, and I will continue to. It was necessary to reintroduce the films and the way it was done didn't feel that unoriginal to me (except Starkiller base, if you want to call out that aspect I won't argue). The way TFA ended meant that the Rey/Luke/Kylo Ren stuff had to go down the ESB/RotJ path and I am fine with that stuff, but everything else being a rehash in one way or another is so disappointing. Sure, there are some original aspects but it's still the basic story. People are calling TLJ "original" but I think it's even more of a remake than TFA was.
  1. 2 - It's not Star Wars. From the moment I heard that TLJ would pick up right after TFA with no time jump, something didn't seem right. Then reading the crawl and watching the opening sequence where a single X-wing takes down a Star Destroyer. This doesn't feel like Star Wars. It feels like a really awesome science fiction movie that is based on Star Wars. The messages in this one seem shoehorned in by Disney (especially that scene with the kid at the end, what the hell was that?), the humor is out of place (not like the jokes in the OT which worked) and just the way the story goes in little sections make me really dislike this as a Star Wars movie. IMO this is simultaneously the best and worst Star Wars movie at the same time, and it confuses me. There wasn't even a lightsaber duel in this one! (The Praetorian guard fight is awesome, but doesn't make up for it). At least The Phantom Menace had the duel of the fates. 9 better have the best lightsaber duel with the best John Williams score behind it or I'm going to be so disappointed. After 8 I don't care where the story goes, as long as we get what was missing from 8.

Overall, I really enjoyed it but I didn't like it as a Star Wars movie.

P.S. I think Yoda was done well, when lit properly. When the tree is behind him he looked exactly like he did in RotJ. They used the same molds from RotJ to make the puppet, so should be exactly the same. I can't put my finger on it, but there was something about his eyes. The pupils were bigger or something? I don't know what it was but it reminded me of what he looked like in the clone wars.


87 months ago
Score 1++
I liked it.

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

87 months ago
Score 1++

Ummm, you guys know you could've been talking spoilers before I started it right? You don't have to wait for me :D Just make it clear there's spoilers at the top (and article-wise tag things with {{spoiler2}}. Sorry it's taken so long to respond, haven't had much time to properly read stuff with Christmas things happening.

@CJC: That's pretty much all I meant to say in my review... but I forgot to stop typing :P

ok... spoilers again, think I've already typed enough for the logs to not show anything

Totally agree with you both about the music, it's a huge letdown. I don't know if John Williams has lost his touch or if they're telling him to just mix boring unmemorable background music in with previous themes, but it's not good.

  • Yep, the Praetorians were definitely underused, the way they were building them up I was a bit surprised. I still wonder if they were the other Knights of Ren?
  • A proper duel would be nice, but with the characters I don't think there's a realistic way to have a proper duel at this point. Uninjured Kylo vs. Rey in VII would've just been Kylo destroying Rey. And I still got the feeling that Luke didn't want to kill Kylo so I couldn't see him going all-out against him. But yeah, hoping for a proper duel in IX, with some original iconic music. Honestly I'm not sure if I can see it happening because I'm pretty sure Kylo's going to have to be redeemed at the end.
  • I don't really get why people are mad at Snoke dying without him having a backstory- we didn't get a backstory on Palpatine until 19 years after he was in Episode V. I'm sure there will be a book or something for him soon. Sure I want to know more about where he came from, but I don't see a need for it to be dragged out in the movies when they can be focusing on other stuff.
  • @Omega:
    • Will definitely check out that link when I can (can't watch a video right now but definitely interested in those reasons). I think I read about why he chose to kill off Snoke but haven't heard much about the other two things.
    • Haha I guess I can understand why you wouldn't be happy about Snoke/Rey if you spent that much time worrying about it :D Even though it looks like Darth Plagueis (the book) won't be made canon (Pablo Hidalgo saying he'd imagine Plagueis died "well before TPM", whereas he died around within hours of Maul being cut in half in the book), I think the way he was portrayed there was perfect. I'd also imagine Sidious would have been extremely careful to make sure he was really properly dead (him telling Anakin he killed him in III wasn't a lie or anything, there are a few sequences in Tarkin told from Sidious' point of view where he considers Plagueis to be dead). As for Rey- well, I hate Satine Kryze, and they've completely disregarded Siri Tachi, so unless they come up with someone completely new for Obi-Wan I'm very happy she's not a Kenobi :) It doesn't really make sense that she has to be related to anyone either- virtually noone in the Jedi Order is related (the only example I can think of is in the EU Plo Koon had a niece), and being a descendant of a Jedi doesn't guarantee Force sensitivity anyway.
    • I think that sequence may have made Luke a bit too OP, but yeah something a bit more along those lines between Luke brushing his cloak off and the duel could've worked. But I was already thinking that holding a projection for that long over such a long distance would've had to have used a huge amount of energy (which cost Luke his life), so doing anything more taxing might have been a bit too unrealistic (I latched onto the proejction thing pretty quickly, I wondered about it pretty much as soon as he entered the base, my only doubt was that 3PO (a droid could see him)
  • @Brikkyy:
    • Not really seeing the rehash here, and if I am, it's VII's fault for putting us in that position. The FO has a much stronger military than the Resistance- of course they're going to hunt them down like in V. I guess there's some similarities between DJ and Lando, but if you're looking for similarities, you could say Lando's similar to pretty much any smuggler in the galaxy. DJ seemed to betray them purely for money and to save himself, Lando did it more to try and keep everyone safe. Must have completely missed the anti-war message, not that I'm complaining haha :D
    • Totally agree with you about the X-wing. I doubt anyone here has played the computer game X-Wing, but taking down a Star Destroyer was a huge task- getting three proton torpedo hits on each shield generator, then you'd need like at least two squadrons of B-wings or Y-wings firing everything they had to take it out (with A-wings escorting and X-wings taking on both roles). But ever since the original Battlefront II came out in 2005, cruisers/Star Destroyers seem to be a lot more flimsy, and takedowns like this have been pretty common ever since. It's definitely not the way I like larger ships to be depicted, but it's not something I can blame on VIII since it's been happening for 12 years.
    • Yeah, you're right, sometimes I thought Yoda looked just like he did in the OT, then it jumped to another angle and he looked completely different and dumb, which made it even more jarring to me :S Maybe there'll be a Special Edition in 10 years where it's fixed :P
Anyway, I've got to go, already been here longer than I shoud have, really enjoyed reading your opinions on the movie though. Probably won't be around too much for the next couple of days, so Merry Christmas everyone! :)

Omega XAmateur

87 months ago
Score 0++

Oh well a few weeks in and now the fanbase is the most toxic and divided among movie fanbases. Cant believe this is happening to sw of all franchises. In hindsight I feel that I should qualify my previous statements, I loved TLJ, much more than TFA. And my comment about me being disappointed as I had speculated for 2 years and got it wrong was well, wrong =P. I am ok with my theories being wrong, and thus to quote someone on youtube (Beyond the trailer), the problem is not in that our theories were wrong, but that they were non-answers, in some ways mocking the fans for bothering to speculate, like with Snoke. Personally I would be very sastified if they dropped just one line referencing how he came to be, and even if it turns out he is not Plageius, i would be very sastified. (The new theory now is that he is the prime jedi? Anyways anything would do for me, as long its something =P)

Rey's Parentage is well another thing. The reasons that we were all (ok at least I did =3) anticipating a huge parentage reveal was that TFA makes it clear that she is exceedingly powerful, and that the fact I didnt find the Mary Sue criticism valid then was that well clearly she is the descendent of a famous force user, and also the fact that TLJ is part of the Skywalker saga, not a standalone spinoff film. I understand why she was made to be no one (to hammer home the message that anyone could be force sensitive, aka undoing the damage that infamous midiclorian concept made), but I feel the final image of the boy would be sufficient, and that there is no need to resolve one of the major mysteries of TFA so anticlimactically that it leads to, well, all the backlash and hate and divisiveness in the fanbase now.

The fact that there wasnt an overarching blueprint in place when TFA started was imo a huge error. Nothing much to say regarding that point.

On a more positive note, I do not get the hate about Luke throwing away his lightsaber in a slightly comedic way. I loved it when I saw it in the cinema, and thought that it was actually a very smart move on Rian's part, as I believe that there is really no sastifactory way to resolve that scene, and the best thing Rian could do is to do the opposite by diffusing all the tension set up. The first thing I thought of was the finale/cliffhanger of Sherlock Season 1 and how it was resolved in Season 2, with all the tension diffused by Moriarty's ringtone. That was a genius move and I feel it translated quite well here. The only downside would be that it probably wouldnt fit Luke's character. (it was more Mark Hamill)

Strangely enough, I actually liked Finn/Rose's subplot in this movie. I felt that it was interesting to see how the richest few are actually worse off than the scum and villany we meet in previous films, and how that there was no good and bad, but rather selling to both sides. Loved DJ's character except his stutter (it really distracted me from what he was saying. I was very interested and nodding my head about what he was saying and then the stutter comes in and it was just annoying). I thought the plot progression about them not finding the master codebreaker and being captured was unnecessary, and I would have DJ be the Master Codebreaker instead. The other parts with animal abuse and slavery were not the best parts of the movie, but they weren't that bad either.

Loved the opening shot with the camera zooming into the planet. Would have really liked it to zoom all the way though =P

Also loved the porg-eating(?) scene and rey's reach out jokes. They got genuine laughs from me =)

I had read an article somewhere that a new hue would be introduced in this movie? As such I was expecting it to be introduced as the lightsaber split in two. Imagine the lightsaber coming apart in half, but with the kyber crystal suspended in midair, with vibrant colours around it, maybe blue and red, and then in a dazzling flash new colour is created (purple? orange? white? grey? Have your pick =p)

Omega XAmateur

87 months ago
Score 1++

Star wars the last jedi NON SPOILER review:

This is the film that exceeded all expectations making full.use of the existing lore and established assumptions of this movie and the future of star wars and totally did the opposite. This is THE star that will define the new era of star wars ever since Lucasfilm was Disney, coming in superior than both the groundbreaking Rogue One and the slighty disappointing Episode 7. This film is.full.of.twists.and.turns and the final.product is unlike.any other

Ironically, this film bears more resemblance to the standalone Rogue One story than it does with the preceding Episode 7, with many parallels drawn with the war scenes and heroic moments that one would otherwise expect to see in a war movie. As a result, it is also interesting to see if the future of star wars helmed by one of the most kid-friendly brands Disney would continue featuring so much war imagery in their films, as this movie is full of it, especially self-sacrifice. It not only focuses on the magnificant battles (more on those later), but also on the average joes of this world that they have significantly fleshed out in this movie.

Plot wise this movie has several developments that genuinely surprised me and in hindsight, were acts with serious risks. It had such a tone of finality at the end that I was left wondering what plot points were left for future installments in the sequel trilogy. At the same time, it opened many doors for future movies, but doesnt promise anything in future. Some plot points were predicted beforehand by fans, but the way that they brought those ideas to fruition were genuinely unexpected.

The visuals are MAGNIFICENT beyond description, and there is no way I could describe using words how well crafted and how well realised the sequences are. They are works of true art, with several wall-paper worthy frames and a genuine sense of wonder and true craftsmanship. There is no higher praise.

This movie is surprisingly deep, asking questions that are thoughtful and insightful, and the movies weaves them in very well and allows the characters and audience to ponder about them. However, as it was with Kingsman the Golden Circle, asking the audience such questions may take them out of the immersiveness of the moviegoing experience, but it was worth it as it reflects the plot elements extremely well.

The core characters are, well, expected, and Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker delivers his best performance to date, with his character being a standout, along with newcomers Rose and Admiral Hodo. I wasnt expecting much of the newcomers, but they have since become my favourite parts of this new trilogy. The direction they took with Skywalker was certainly unexpected, and it leads to some interesting interactions between him and other characters, but personally I was a bit let down by the missed opportunities that was offered by other more compelling storylines, especially after the teases by the trailers and the posters.

The Porgs. Well, I dont get the overreaction that the community has about them, and I was neither particularly on board with them nor particularly hating them before I went to see this movie. After this movie, I was certainly on porg. (getit? =P) They offer some very good moments of comedic relief, and while not all jokes land, some certainly do, and they are golden moments which deserve a replay =P

The score is classic John Willaims and complements the movie extremely well. However, the number of iconic themes is lessened in this movie, but considering the fact that this is the second movie in the new trilogy, its probably for the best. There is a score where Willams tries to recreate the iconic cantina score, but it mostly lands flat and becomes one of the more forgettable themes.

The moments. There are GREAT moments sprinkled throughout the film, from action scenes, to buildups and confrontations, and just pure character-driven moments and seeing their potential fulfilled. They really deserve to be rewatched and appreciated again and again. On that note, this is a movie that will prove to be timeless a star wars classic, and I will look forward to the trilogy that the director Rian Johnson will helm in the near future.

This movie is one of the best movies out there, but it is not without its flaws. There are several missed opportunities, and one in particular sticks out like a sore thumb as I was anticipating for a moment to be realised ever since Episode 7 was announced, and the fact that they missed the opportunity to realise it for 2 movies was a disappointment. Furthermore, there was buildup in the film for quite an event to be happening, and the fact that it did not come into fruition was disappointing. Its like the Rebels Obi Wan and Darth Maul situation again, which is undesireable to say the least.

This movie was not made to satisfy fans. It is a film designed at its core to subvert expectations and surprise audiences, which results in Rian Johnson ignoring many fan theories which imo would have been a better direction to take.

Omega XAmateur

87 months ago
Score 0++
Sorry for the essay =P

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

87 months ago
Score 0++

Wow a spoiler-free review that was actually spoiler-free, you should teach all these "professional" writers how to write :P

As far as Maul/Obi-Wan fight- it was done perfectly as far as I was concerned, so I guess we just disagree on that, I know opinions on that are pretty split

Would definitely be interested to hear what that missed opportunity was though :)

Omega XAmateur

87 months ago
Score 0++
Thanks Nova! About the Obi Wan/Maul fight the point that i was trying to say was that there are moments in the film especially the third act where they hype up and build up to a fateful event/turning point like how the Maul and ObiWan duel was wayy overhyped through trailers and the actual show itself, leaving me with a feeling that I was cheated almost (not so much with Rebels since they actually duelled, but with TLJ well...yea =P)

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

88 months ago
Score 0++
Can someone tell me what's up with the terrible ratings for Inhumans? I mean it was far from great but it was nowhere remotely near as bad as most places make it out to be. To me it was more watchable than most things on TV these days.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

88 months ago
Score 0++

Well, Batman Series 2 sounds sort of lame....

  • Black Canary and the Wonder Twins are must have. Black Vulcan and Apache Chief were expected and I'll take them. I was hoping for retro Cyborg though.
  • The villains are all sort of meh. Maybe not as bad as Mime and Calculator (who aren't bad per se, just not really desirable) but not really necessary as characters. I guess I look forward to Strange at least, and Clock King is okay (though I like the non-pajama versions better).
  • Zod and Jor-El are okay inclusions; they are at least good figures, and more compatible/useful than the MOS versions
  • Two versions of Alfred is not necessary. Neither of these versions of Alfred are necessary.
  • Is "Disco Harley Quinn" the Friends are Family version? It seems a little boring for a Harley variant, but it might be okay.
  • Mermaid Batman? Eh, okay. Lifeguard Batman though? Don't we already have that?
  • Soccer Mom Batgirl is a pass. So is surfer Batgirl. The pseudo Halloween costumes with the recolored cowls would have been better, but I guess I get that they might be too sexy (even though they have as much covering as a Wonder Woman costume).
  • Tropical Vacation Joker will be good though. Robin is probably a pass.
So that's that. Back into the void for another month or so....

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

88 months ago
Score 0++

Turns out there are actual photos....

Lifeguard Batman is actually a must with that torso and dolphin. Huh. I might even get multiples.... Alfred's disco costume might be useful too, upon reflection.

Just noticed that Samurai is missing too, nor does it look like Gleek is here. Oh well. I don't care that much about the Super Friends characters.

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

88 months ago
Score 0++
Black Canary looks great, I'm liking Black Vulcan and Jor-El too. I'm over the "joke costumes" most of these seem to be though- it was alright for one series, but now it just makes me wish they'd hurry up and do a proper DC series already.

Omega XAmateur

88 months ago
Score 1++

Was not expecting a second series tbh, but turns out TLG is very determined to make a physical figure of almost every character on screen =P

-not a fan of Harley Quinn disco edition, the original harley quinn figure is already so flamboyant that any further addition and bling does not differentiate this figure muchh from other varients. Tbh i would have preferred that all disco versions are included in an easy-to-get set like this minifig series instead of an expensive DLC... -alfred is better than harley quinn in his disco version, and is actually a decent figure -loved clock king when he appeared on screen, and love this figure, even though would have liked other accessories other than 2 spears =P -Like Strange's figure, great use of that beard piece, although the figure pales in comparison with other figures -Merman batman: Why?? -Dolphin batman: the figure is meh but the dolphin tipped the scales in its favour =P -Vacation joker: Quite a bulky figure actually! but its all just repurposed pieces -Vacation robin: Again, why?? Pass. -Vacation batgirl: Erm its just a batgirl with a surfboard right? Pass. -Vacation alfred: Hmm not sure what I feel about this the fact that the bowtie carries forward to every incarnation of the character, but not a fan of the striped design -Black hooded figure: Looks nice especially with the new cowl -Moth: We had gotten similiar designs in past sets..but love the retro gun. always a fan of wherever its used -Wonder twins: Wasnt expecting figures of these, but they look quite decent! -Not sure what character is beside the twins, but looks kinna meh -Jor-el: Actually one of my favourite figures of this wave surprisingly! Idk why but its just something about the surprise of getting him and the white robes and the crystal and the scene which he appears in that makes this very appealing -Zod: Looks decent but its a pass -Not sure what character is beside zod with the flames and the skeleton, but thats a pass -Singer?: quite a good figure actually, like the fact that it comes with a stand (thats a first right?)

-Reverse flash: wow! love the yellow lightning and how its darker

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

91 months ago
Score 1++

I found some Ninjago Movie sets and picked up six random figures and the City Chase because the Ultimate Weapon Temple was sold out. The City Chase is good pretty much all around. I was surprised that the apples are regular green instead of what we used to call apple green. Thoughts:

  • Nya, Lloyd, Zane, and Misako's new hairpieces are all great. I wasn't sure about Nya's in images, but in hand it's wonderful.
  • Misako's figure is good all around except for the lips. They are even stranger in person than in pictures. I thought they were the two shades of nougat, but the bottom one is orange. :s
  • The Shark Army Octopus is kind of lame. I don't understand the hype with these guys or this one in particular; one of the tentacles got folded on the armor while I was trying to put it on and now its bent out of shape. Torso and face are pretty boring for CMF standards. And why do people care that he includes a stud shooter? The other bad guys in this wave have fish in new colors and a mace....
  • Shark Army General's face is awful, but I knew that going in. The cape fits a little awkwardly, but I guess her pieces will be more useful than the Octopus'. I like the milkshake.
  • GLP Tech is boring.
  • N-Pop Girl is as lovely as expected. Zane exceeded my expectations, though he and N-Pop Girl were the only two here I actually wanted. The creases on his pants don't look right, but other than that I have no issues. The fade is innovative and I love the alien clingers on his sweater; this figure just exudes personality.
  • The overall quality is kind of disappointing. A lot of the figure's joints seem to be loose and N-Pop Girl's hair comes off a bit easier than I'd expect. I'm not sure Harley Quinn had the same problem, but I guess I should make sure....

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

91 months ago
Score 0++

Leak highlights! And lowlights?

  • That Ninjago temple looks good, though maybe not quite on the level as Dragon's Forge. Cole has a baby with him. I like the look of the villains. Movie knockoff costumes are kind of meh, at least in the limited shots we have of them.
  • I guess I'm unsure on the Mighty Micros, which is maybe good since my verdict is usually to skip them. Nightwing and Harley's faces (and the low probability that Harley's pigtails get swapped for blonde ones) will be determining factors. Supergirl/Brainiac I'm already considering, and Thor/Loki I legitimately like for the vehicles, though the minifigures are lacking. The other two seem uninteresting.
  • Hawkgirl, though we kind of knew she was coming. Eh? I think that it is awful that they are reusing Hawkman's helmet. Furthermore, the design they chose really doesn't match him, but it's also not different enough to really standalone... Probably I'll just take the parts and mix them into something else, maybe reminiscent of JLU.
  • Harry Potter! I need images, stat. :P The last couple of waves hold up really well, so I'm not sure if they can do better. All I really feel is missing from my collection though is a large Hogwarts set, Snape, Draco, Luna, and Sirius, so I shouldn't be too hard to please....
  • Infinity War sets are big. I just want a bearded Cap. Cap is usually pretty accessible though, so I'm not too worried.
  • Jurassic World DUPLO is such terrible branding, but that makes it amazing.
Also, there are no images of Hawkgirl, Infinity War, Jurassic World, or HP (at least not yet) so please don't ask me. :P

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

91 months ago
Score 0++
Oh, I forgot Star Wars. I like Yoda's Hut and that there are more Jedi in cheapish sets. I should probably get a move on if I'm going to get Aayla and the Bounty Hunters, though....

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

91 months ago
Score 0++
Condiment King's "milkshake" mounds are being replaced by stud shooters, why can't the same be for Hawkgirl's headpiece. :/ (Not a stud shooter, but that would be amazing too. :P)

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

91 months ago
Score 0++

Pretty underwhelmed with all of it to me honest, TLBM was probably the highlight. But, these are prelims, I think many of them have a lot of potential, looking forward to seeing more updated images. Most of the ones I'm interested are just blank boxes (SW and Marvel) or not even there (HP). Ninjago looks ok I guess, they always look much better in later images.

(Also, I know we've known about these for ages but...) I don't like the way Battle Packs are going for Star Wars, they're not battle packs anymore. Jawas and Astromech Droids on an unarmed vehicle ≠ any sort of battle. Also, in the case of the Jedi pack- half of the people being named characters means you can't really build up an army (unless you want an army of Cerean and Vurk clones?). This started with the Bounty Hunter Pack this year and I was hoping it was a one-off. I don't think they're really doing themselves any favors with sales here either- I know people buy multiples of some Battle Packs to build up an army.... but who's going to want 20 Dengars? It's not like they're out of things to build battle packs for, there are still plenty of options- a Naboo Battle Pack (with Naboo soldiers and/or Gungans), a lot of different clone troopers haven't appeared in LEGO (Galactic Marines, etc), a missed opportunity with a tie-in with Battlefront II (any generic unit from the game, or an Imperial Battle pack with some special forces- even if they're Iden, Gideon or Del, they'd look like unnamed characters with their helmets on). I could go on :P Anyway, why not just go back to making small sets like this one and market these things for what they actually are? They could drop (actual) Battle Packs back down to 2 a year and in the second wave just release two small sets :S

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

91 months ago
Score 0++
So... Obi-Wan standalone film confirmed. This could be either really good, or really really bad.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

91 months ago
Score 0++

Do we know if Ewan McGregor coming back?

I think I'd rather see background Jedi like Kit Fisto get their own movies than characters who are pretty well covered elsewhere, but Obi-Wan is probably better than Yoda at least. I wonder what period it will take place in.

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

91 months ago
Score 0++
Nope, but he has gone on record several times he'd do an Obi-Wan standalone. I can't really see it going ahead without him to be honest. I wouldn't mind a movie set between III and IV along the lines of Kenobi, and I can't really see it being placed anywhere else. The only other "gaps" are pre-Episode I, which would be more a Qui-Gon standalone than Obi-Wan, and the 10 year gap between I and II but I can't really see routine Jedi missions being that "filmworthy"

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

91 months ago
Score 0++
  • The Legend of Korra: Book Four: That was okay. Token annoying characters were Meelo and Prince Wu. I don't know why this show seems to have an obligation to include at least two every season. I have other minor issues, but I don't actually feel like nitpicking right now. Book Three was better, but this is still above than Book Two and more coherrent than Book One. I do wish that Kuvira had been given a little more development because I think she was probably the best villain the show has had, but eh. The political edge Amon had isn't as thoughtfully developed as I hoped for. Character overall was probably a weakness of this season. Korra's development was good and, surprisingly, Zhu Li's. I'd been uncomfortable with the way Varrick treated her pretty much since the joke started to run through every single scene she was in. Still, I'm not totally sure that Varrick earned the ending that they got. Lin's character arc was sort of forced, since these were issues I'd thought had stopped bothering her in the last Book. Opal's motivations made sense but I still didn't feel she was interesting enough to really drive the story the way she should have. I didn't really have any problems with Su and Bolin, though it always sort of felt like the season should be more of Su and Opal's story than Korra's because of their relation to the villain and I'm not so sure how much Bolin actually learned, but eh. Asami finally got something of an arc, but I wish it hadn't been about her father again. Still, it was good that she actually expressed some human emotion at points. There was very little Tenzin, but I guess he pretty much reached the end of his development by the end of Book Three. It's really unfortunate that this series has had this issue because if there was one problem with Book Four, I think it's that the emotional investment in the finale isn't very high. Once Su and her family were rescued and Korra confronted Zaheer a few episodes before, I kind of stopped caring. Oh well. There's plenty of good stuff as always; I'm probably just holding too high a standard. \_O_/

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

92 months ago
Score 0++


  • The Legend of Korra: Book Two: Well, that went downhill fast. I thought that the theme of balance would be interesting in the context of a civil war, but we hardly saw the civil war; really it just seemed like one or two scenes of Korra's father and some faceless allies playing guerillas and then getting captured. And then the villain turned out to be so "for the evulz" I really couldn't believe it from this series. And where was Katara? What I got instead was some really lame stuff with spirits; I liked them in the last show where they were chaotic neutral much better. What they did here with the light/dark and chaos/order was pretty uninspired, generic, and really had nothing to do with balance, which is really disappointing considering the ideas Avatar has been able to deal with with complexity before. That ridiculous love triangle from the first season was drawn out even more and just continued to make Korra and Mako unlikeable. Then the finale was pretty awful; I think I counted four deus ex machinas, and only one had any foreshadowing (and even then I thought it was foreshadowing something else). And then there is the damage the villain did to the Avatar which really upsets me; if there is ever another sequel series, I really hope that they find a way to reset or make up for that. On the plus side though? Some of the new characters were pretty entertaining and I liked Bolin's subplot okay (not that it was great but compared to everything else), and then Tenzin's character development was pretty enjoyable. Maybe a little forced at the end, but I like Tenzin. He was the only reason I kept looking forward to the next episodes.
  • The Legend of Korra: Book Three: This season was generally better. Still not as good as the previous series of course, but Korra became more likeable and they finally got rid of the love triangle. The story goes in a more interesting direction and the villains are serviceable. Could have used more old Zuko though. The new characters are a mixed bag; the Red Lotus worked well with this book's theme of freedom and I liked Suyin and the Metal Clan. Opal maybe could have been better developed, but she was likeable enough. Kai and the Earth Queen were really obnoxious. I guess that's really only two characters I remember having complaints with, but if there is anything this series has disappointed me with, it's in its characterization. Tenzin and Lin continue to be great and I'm glad there was a lot of Suyin (at first I thought she would be a one-shot), but these are middle-aged characters sort of off to the side; the main cast just rarely seems to be so interesting. I guess Korra is getting better and Bolin is okay, but Korra's earlier appearances rubbed me the wrong way and Bolin lacks the three-dimensionality of someone like Sokka from the original series. Then Asami is wasted potential and I'm not sure why Mako even sticks around; at least his interactions with his grandmother redeemed him a tiny bit.... Whatever. \_O_/ Just one more complaint, and that's that I think the villains were going too far by threatening to wipe out the Air Nation. When they value liberating people and their leader is so fascinated by Air Bending, I can't believe that they'd want to wipe out the entire culture. I guess there is a case to be made that that was just talk and they were only going to kill Tenzin, since he was a world leader (though that was in the past), but even then he was the only Air Bending Master so how much of a Nation would there be without him? I don't know. This book at least wasn't a disappointment.

Also, am I the only person here who likes Avatar? That's sad. :P

  • Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Sea of Monsters: Or something like that; I'm not sure exactly what the title is. I read this about six or seven years ago and picked it back up because I needed something to read before bed. I still think it's pretty good. Percy is a good character and I like what Riordan does with how the half-bloods relate to their parents. That's actually a pretty clever angle to take with the state of modern family dynamics. His sense of humor is pretty entertaining too; not everything will get me laughing, but that Blackbeard cameo has me cheering as much as it did when I first read it. If I had a major issue (and you know I have to have one) it's that the story doesn't build in tension much; it's really a pretty episodic sequence of "Percy and friends fight x monster from Greek mythology" without really raising the stakes or developing the plot. For it's target audience though, it's actually a pretty good introduction to Greek mythology and, again, Percy is a good character and I like the angle he takes. Also, I just realized a few days ago that Clarisse's name is a pun on "Ares"...I have to simultaneously cringe and slow clap. xP
  • The Lightning Thief: A Percy Jackson Musical: Again not sure on the exact title, but this exists. And I commented on it two weeks ago, but I still can't believe it's a thing and that it's actually good. Coincidentally having been in the middle of one of the books when I discovered it, it captures the series' tone so much better than the movies. I do have to say that I like the first half more than the second, but that might just be me.... I find that I usually have the same issue when I listen to other musicals or albums. It's possible that I just get bored listening to one thing for so long, but I do remember the pathos of the first half here better with things like Sally's Song the song Percy's mother sings about blue colored food and the one where all of the demigods take turns describing their relationships with their parents. Comparatively, the songs that Annabeth and Grover sing later are a little bit weaker; Grover's was okay but I think had a weaker metaphor and vocals than Sally's; Annabeth's is the only one I remember disliking, but I'm not even sure why.... Either way, the second half did have more fun songs (I had to give it up for DJ Cerberus, and I wish I had more chances to quote that "Lost" song). Overally, this was surprisingly a lot of fun to listen to and even a little touching at times and I can't believe I'm writing about it, let alone this much.... It could have been like The Little Mermaids stage adaptation where I can only remember liking the eels' song and the "Part of Your World" reprise singing competition, or Aladdins where I had to stop listening before the first song even began because the narration turned me off that much. xP
  • Wonder Woman: Easily the best DC movie in almost ten years, which is a little unfortunate, because on one hand, I think that they could still be better than this, but you know what? I enjoyed myself pretty consistently. There were a few spots where it dragged a little, that German officer guy could have been written better, and some of Diana and Steve's conversations were more than a bit awkward, but there's a real sincerity in the story they are telling It has its dark moments but they are balanced; it isn't grimy and cynical like BvS. The supporting cast is well-developed, the twist actually works, and by some miracle they got Wonder Woman right and made her interesting and likeable. That No Man's Land scene was probably my favorite. I don't know if we have ever had anything that inspiring in a superhero movie. I'm not particularly looking forward to Justice League, but hopefully this is the new norm for DC.
I think there was something else that I might be forgetting.... Maybe not. My last LEGO set was Aira's Airship & the Amulet Chase. I like it okay, but I'm a bit disappointed with the size.

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

92 months ago
Score 1++

Well I had a friend who was right in to Avatar, and I think it sounds pretty good, it was just never on a time I could watch it :P

Yeah I still enjoy the Percy Jackon series, but I think it was much better at the beginning when everything was all new and fresh like in Sea of Monsters, the later ones just seem very similar to things they've already done before. Even The Trials of Apollo series doesn't really grab me, and I thought it would since it was something different with Apollo being made mortal by Zeus and having to live with the demigods, but it's still the same sort of story. Not bad, just more of the "Apollo and friends fight x monster from Greek mythology" like you said :P

However- I would recommend staying away from the Magnus Chase series- the first book was ok, but the second one.... The group's made up of a formerly homeless guy, a Muslim girl, a deaf elf, a black dwarf and a person who wants to be referred to by a different gender every day [like literally alterates at least once a day] and who goes crazy at you if you use the wrong pronoun... instead of the characters just being people who happened to be deaf or whatever, it was just 450 pages of constant preaching. I can't even remember the plot (if there was one) because all that other stuff kept getting in the way. Needless to say I'm done with that series.

Anyway, saw your comment earlier about the musical, thought that was pretty weird. Even weirder that it's actually good :) I didn't really like the movies, but I blamed that mainly on the fact that I just didn't think the books could be translated well into any other format with the way it's written in the first person and a lot of the humour comes from the character's thoughts. I don't generally like musicals, but I might have to see if I can find a recording of it sometime :)

And I'm really going to have to buy the Wonder Woman DVD when it comes out now....

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

92 months ago
Score 0++

The Last Airbender is a classic. There are people who like The Legend of Korra just as much, if not more, so I hope I'm not dissuading you too much. It's still generally pretty good, if only for the atmosphere and the environment, I just hold Avatar to a high standard. Watch it sometime. :P

I never read the Trials of Apollo or even...what was the second series called? Mark of Athena? The Lost Hero? I did read the first two books of the Carter Chronicles right before the third came out and thought they were okay. I just never got a copy of the third and sort of lost interest. But yeah, I'm pretty impressed with how prolific Riordan is, but if he's basically been writing the same thing that sort of tempers it.

I didn't know that about Magnus Chase. I did have a friend who I think might have read it because she told me about the Muslim character. That actually seemed sort of interesting to me, because normally you would have a Christian in the role of "But there's only one God!" and this mixes it up a little, but maybe doesn't say anything about the execution and I hadn't heard about the rest of the cast. If you'd ever forgive me, I might see what she thought about it and give it a read for myself, but more out of intellectual curiosity than actually expecting it to be good. It sounds worse than some of Marvel's current practices with their comics....

If you don't like musicals, I wouldn't count on liking this one. :P The movies I thought took things too seriously at the cost of humor, but you've probably got a good point about narration. I think that musicals might work better as a medium for adaptions like this because they are allowed to be eccentric and singing can work as a form of narration. I mentioned that I liked it more than the stage versions of The Little Mermaid and Aladdin (at least based on the albums), but Shrek is probably an even better example where it just seemed like a boring tie-in with maybe one good song and a large WHY hanging over the entire production. PJ has that WHY, but I was surprised that it managed to justify itself as an adaptation. It is a musical first though (and not a perfect one), so if you don't really like them, I don't think that this would be the one to change that; it's just so campy that I can't help but smile, but at the same time manages to have some heart with the difficult family relationships and the struggles that come from Percy's dyslexia and ADHD with some obscure references to myth. So I guess what I like best about the books are front and center. The songs are up on YouTube, at least in my country. You can probably get a good idea if you'll like it from the first two or three.

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

92 months ago
Score 1++

Yeah, I might watch the first few episodes of Avatar sometime- does the series have a proper ending to it though? I think I started watching 3 new series last year and they got canceled, I really hate watching series that feel incomplete or don't end up leading anywhere :P

The Heroes of Olympus is apparently the name of the second series (I don't pay much attention to names). That was really more of the same, though it seemed lacking in humour at times. Yeah I liked the Kane Chronicles- that series seemed fairly different to all the others which was nice, I wouldn't mind seeing more of it. The short story crossovers with Percy and Annabeth weren't bad either. Problem is there's so much time between books that I kept forgetting what had happened in the previous one :D

Oh yeah, bringing someone religious in I thought was interesting at first, and I remember at the time thinking it was kinda cool how she explained how she could simultaneously believe in Norse Gods and her religion (I think that was the first book). I don't mind her as a character, I think the main problem is that every single one of the main characters has to be some sort of "minority" and the whole "ooh look at us, we're all minorities" was just constantly pushed throughout the second book over and over. Eg, it seemed like you couldn't have a section with Samirah in it without the word "hijab" mentioned somewhere, most of the time it just seemed uneccessary- she couldn't just be her, she had to be "the Muslim girl" all the time. Also, the way the Norse gods are all really stupid is just annoying- they're not like the Greek ones who have their funny quirks, these guys are just dumb. But hey, I'm not stopping you from reading it haha, maybe I was just in a bad mood at the time I read it too (I remember I read it straight after reading the first Star Wars: Aftermath and I was pretty mad after reading that... thankfully the sequels in that series were much better)

Just listened to a few of the songs from the musical, they're not bad haha :D Musicals (and the theatre in general) just do nothing for me- not that I don't have a lot of respect for the actors who can put on a whole show in one take (I know there's no way I could do that), but I just find myself weirdly unmoved by any live performance like that :S It's just me I guess. Still great to hear there's a good way to bring that humour and depth from the books to another medium

"The songs are up on YouTube, at least in my country."

- Pfft, region locks are funny :P If you have that "you can't watch this video in your county" error, just change the "youtube" in the URL to "youpak" and you can watch it without any worries. There are also download links above the video (if you don't already have a browser add-on to download YouTube videos)

Also, how have you not seen my pet project? :D I've been a bit behind in LEGO news in general in the last year or so, I really need to finish updating it sometime...

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

92 months ago
Score 0++

The Last Airbender is actually one of those shows that sets an ending from the beginning, goes for it, and then ends without dragging out the series further. Sort of like Gravity Falls is infamous for, but with another season (and I'm not sure that you watched Gravity Falls :P ). The story does meander at times (which was actually the reason my sister didn't like it when we were younger) but pretty much every episode does go a way to develop the world and characters. I should probably warn you that when the show first aired, they cut out a few of the earlier episodes where they are in the South Pole because the creators thought the quality was lower than the rest of the series, so those might not be the best indication, but even then I thought those were pretty good. \_O_/ The only episode I really remember disliking is the one where they are trapped in the canyon....

I haven't finished The Legend of Korra yet, but each season is its own story so I don't think it has that issue unless you want it to be an epic.

Even if it's supposed to be okay I don't know if I really want to read Magnus Chase. :P Norse mythology is cool, but after doing Greek, Roman, Egyptian and then Greek again, I'd probably rather move onto something more obscure or new entirely.

I get what you mean about the way the character is presented. Maybe it's sort of justified by being targeted at younger readers, but I don't know.... It probably isn't the more I think about it. Kids should be smart enough not to forget that she's Muslim and hitting people over the head with that fact will probably just cause them to associate more of her character with this one trait than really should be. I am curious about how she justifies her faith with the PJ universe cosmology though; I might have to look that up.

Is Star Wars: Aftermath the new canon's follow-up to Return of the Jedi?

Yay! :D :P Theater has sort of been a niche medium, so I don't think you're alone. It's easy to do badly too, especially when it's a gimmick.

I can't believe I never noticed that page. I was expecting something that hadn't been touched since 2012, so it was a really nice surprise. :P

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

92 months ago
Score 0++

Speaking of things that don't need to exist (see Soup's DCOM comment) I found out this morning that there's a Percy Jackson musical now. I was even more surprised to find that the soundtrack is actually pretty good. :P It's infinitely more faithful than the movies for one thing and while some songs could be better, it's actually fun; I had to give it up to DJ Cerberus. If only my school could have done this instead of Shrek. e_e

(Also, that "real world" / "ringworm" pun is a lovely note to end on.)

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

92 months ago
Score 0++

Speaking of lacklustre (see Comic-Con review comment) - DCOMs! Why am I the only person who loves bashing these, people seem to do it with every other Disney content except them! Why spare such meh to awful films?!
Descendants 2- I think this is the worst CGI I've seen, since that original Wrinkle In Time trailer Berry showed a while back. I mean what was the budget on this film?! The greenscreen is also really really bad. Why am I highlighting this? (Apart from the fact it's very distracting and makes the movie look cheap.) The whole third act is set on a boat, with a really bad sky green screen and an awful awful final CGI "battle". That's what they leave as their lasting impression, a really really fake looking background from a cheap green screen. Speaking of fake the sets look more TV budget then film budget, at least High School Musical looked authentic. :P The auto tune is so much worse than BATB, yes I went there. The previous DCOMs had auto tune too, but they weren't so...robotic. The acting is pretty bad too and at best they're passable. There's plot holes everywhere and there's so many things they bring up and never address. Oh and there's a pointless feminism subplots! The message is so generic and poorly executed, I really thought they were going in a different direction for the message. I actually got kind of excited because it was a message not seen much, but nope I guess we had to go for a generic one to keep our kids from being interested.

All that said it wasn't as bad as the first one. Maybe I'm just being soft but I found this one less irritating. The message isn't offensive like in the last one. The songs are generic here, where as in the last one it was just cringe cringe CRINGE. I actually kind of like Chillin' Like A Villain, despite having such a cheesy title and modern beat. If mine and Berry's Gotham City Sirens musical was a real thing, it would work perfectly for Catwoman, as she teaches Harley the ropes of acting like your "evil". It's the only song I enjoyed from the film and perhaps it's just because it's so unique in message. Who doesn't want to learn how to be a Disney Villian's kid? It's probably my guilty pleasure song of the year...sorry. I laughed at at least one of the jokes, that's an improvement. :P They got rid of the parent actors, so that's good as no one is hammy anymore. I thought it was kind of weird they didn't bring the parents back, as that would be a good plot point, but we have poorly directed pirate fights to get to...yay?

Character wise it's a DCOM, so I expected nothing but I didn't hate any of the characters this time! Yay! I'm not addressing all of them as a lot of them are forgettable but here's the standouts:

  • * I really liked the idea behind Ben (Son of Belle). His acting was poor and he had the worst auto tuning, but I still managed to like him. He's essentially written as just a classic female character, but just happens to be male. I liked that and we need more of it in my opinion. Male characters from DCOMs usually are cookie cutter so it was great to get something unique. It's a shame he can't dress more royal etc. If they handeled him right he'd be a perfect male version of a Disney Princess. Oh I thought him trying to be evil but he just wasn't able to was kind of adorable too. Side note: Why couldn't they give him blue contacts to hide his green eyes. If green eyes were such a big plot point why couldn't they hide his? It was very distracting when his stained glass had blue eyes and he didn't.
  • * Uma (daughter of ghetto chipper owner Ursula, do American kids even know the phrase "fish n chips"???) -I hate this stigma that mean girls shouldn't be used in media...because women should work together or something like that.(the Riverdale cast kept bringing it up at their panel, "female friendships?"...and they have a mean girl in their show.) Well you know what? Screw you if you said that. I don't want all villain characters to be male, we need more female villains to balance things out. All females as heroes will get boring. Anyway I thought her plan was stupid and she changed it three times throughout the film...three times! Is that some kind of record?! I love how her story ends in the most stupid way, if you've seen this film you get me. Sorry if this is all over the place, but so was she. On a side note I found it kinda disturbing that the darkest girl in both films were the "bad" ones.
  • * Why do Captain Hook's and Jafar's sons have to be so muscular? It looked very off when Gaston's son was the same size...if not smaller. Harry Hook's accent was terrible, I was shocked to find out it was the actor's real accent. Either way he shouldn't rap. Gaston's son had nothing to do.
  • * Why didn't they introduce any new descendants besides the three villain kids...even as cameos? Isn't that the whole point if this franchise..
I think you can have fun with this if you like classic Disney movies, but keep your expectations really really low. Oh and watch the first one if you just want to see them be spat on. :P

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

92 months ago
Score 0++

We do have fish and chips, we just serve potato "crisps" instead of French fries.

I actually would checkout one of the Descendants movies just because it sounds cringetastic.

It needs Frollo's daughter though. I heard she showed up in some sort of spin-off book. That's possibly the most contrived descendant they can get considering that Frollo's entire character was suppressing his desire for a woman until he meets Esmeralda, but the Disney Channel needs Claudia Frollo. The perfect way to introduce her would be to pull the fire alarm when she becomes upset that her teacher won't love her back or let her speak about God in the classroom or something. And then she sings about pulling the fire alarm to destroy his career....

Perfect Disney Channel villain, right?

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

92 months ago
Score 0++


  • The Gifted/The Inhumans seem ok to me. Not sure about Cloak & Dagger. Ragnarok looks even better in this new trailer. Didn't load the Defenders (Iron Fist was the only one of those series I could sit through)
  • Couldn't be bothered loading up Justice League trailer, someone let me know if it's worth watching :P
  • So The LEGO Ninjago Movie is all about a real-life thing. Lame. At least I know not to see it ahead of time, and I can just maybe buy a couple of sets and not have them ruined by the movie.
    • Oh, and Misako seems like the dumb mindless idiot that matches the changes to her minifigure. Guess it's a bit unfair to judge it off like 3 lines, but still doesn't look good.
  • Not sure what all the hype about Ready Player One is, just seemed like a typical movie to me :S
  • Anyone know of anything else worth watching or heard of any other news?


92 months ago
Score 0++

There was a Thor trailer.

LEGO Ninjago looks very much like The LEGO Movie (in terms of humour).

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

92 months ago
Score 0++

I didn't watch any trailers except for Justice League and Ninjago. I did see that the Thor one was out, but I can't really be bothered. The Marvel movies have never done much for me and the Thor franchise has always been the most boring. Even though he seems to be getting a tonal change, I know I'll still find things to complain about.

  • Justice League: They've got witty banter now, so eh? I don't know. I'm sure I'll see it eventually, but there wasn't that much here. Lines about Superman being inspirational were unearned, Superman's death (and resurrection >_>) are unearned, and the rest just seems like spectacle.
  • Ninjago: Kind of mixed on seeing the trailer. It seemed very spoilery (and not because of the cat; that's end of act one at the latest). I did like the humor though, at least in the first half of the trailer or so. Misako's backstory was actually pretty funny I thought, especially considering this is a parody. I do see a formula arising in these LEGO movies though, and I'm not sure how I feel about that. Maybe TLM2 will break it.
I really haven't been keeping up with SDCC news at all. I kind of forgot it was even happening until I heard the above mentioned trailers were out. DC did announce their current movie slate, though I think that pretty much everything there had been announced before or was obviously coming, except for Flash's subtitle, Cyborg apparently being cancelled, and Black Adam being taken out of the Shazam movie to get his own film for some reason. Oh, and Joker is going to be in the Harley Quinn movie and Robin is going to be in Batgirl. I don't really understand why they are making those two movies in the first place, but whatever. It does suggest that Batgirl may be a prequel though, which could be a really interesting or really offputting direction depending on where they go. Or it could be flashbacks; that's probably it. DC characters love their flashbacks.

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

92 months ago
Score 0++

Comic Con was so lacklustre this year. In fairness Marvel did try, but I think it was cruel of them not to release that Infinity War footage. I really enjoyed Spider-Man Homecoming, so hopefully Thor will continue that winning streak. On another note why is Captain Marvel in the 1990s, why do they want to be compared to Wonder Woman? I really like the storyline they're setting up though, I think it's called Secret Society? It's basically when some major members of the Avengers turn out to be Shapeshifters...interesting..very interesting.

  • I'm not as hyped for Justice League as I was any of the previous DCEU movies, perhaps it's because my friends keep calling them awful.
It seems unfair only Aquaman comes out next year, especially minifigure wise.
*Oh wel Batgirl comes out in early-summer 2019! I guess that cast list could be true, though if Bella Thorne gets picked I think I'll cry for days. Katherine Langford and Hailee Steinfield are quite good actresses, with large fan bases so hopefully one of the two will be picked. It's either a flashback film or Stephanie though judging on the ages of the girls in the running for the role. It will be interesting to see who the villain is, Barbra's brother comes to mind but I'd much prefer a Bat rogue.
*Shazam is supposed to come out in February 2019 too. Huh? It's also supposedly waiting on Black Adam and keeping him for a sequel. Huh? Are we really starting out on Doctor Sivana?! That's really all Shazam has. Unless they go oldschool and do the children of Trigon/sin (I forget what they're called)...Raven. Raven. Raven!
*I believe the third movie coming out is Suicide Squad 2. Ugh. They pushed back Gotham City Sirens for this! Hopefully we'll get a few new members...and a better script. :P
*Flashpoint will be amazing for that Joker scene alone. Otherwise I'm a bit iffy but it could be fun, hopefully they'll bring some new pieces to the story.
*Thats really it, disappointing if you ask me. Though next year they'll have Aquaman, Batgirl and Shazam to showcase, so that'll be really fun.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

92 months ago
Score 0++

If it makes you feel any better, I finally saw Wonder Woman last night and I thought that was good. :P I don't know how they can get her right but not Batman or Superman, but hey. I'm at least interested in some of the solo films again.

  • I find the Captain Marvel thingy funny, because everybody was saying Wonder Woman would just get compared to Captain America. :P My blast of cynicism was more so they could have a 90s soundtrack to riff off on Guardians of the Galaxy. I'm interested in watching what happens with this film, but not so much in actually seeing it (that's just me having a problem with Marvel--though I do want to check out the new Spider-Man and the Captain America sequels sometime).
  • Is Batgirl really coming out that fast? Wow. I'm actually sort of interested in this one even though it very much makes me go why. My thought was that it would be Batgirl reclaiming the mantle after being stuck in a wheelchair with Dick Grayson appearing as Robin in flashbacks and Nightwing in the present, but if they are looking to cast Bella Thorne (please no) though that's not what it looks to be. You'll have to show me that cast though; I haven't heard anything about it.
  • Also, on a side note, I never loved the idea of Barbara's brother being a villain. There was a series of TDK fan art I saw once which took place a few years after TDKR and introduced a bunch of other characters into the movie universe and made him a second Two-Face (I think? It might have been Joker or somebody else). I liked that, but that's about it. I don't know who else she's really got though unless they want to borrow from Batman (which he's got plenty enough to share, so that's not the worst thing ever).
  • To be fair, Dr. Sivana is a really fun character. I don't know how well he (or any of Shazam's other enemies) would play in the DCEU though. Also, I think you're thinking of the Seven Deadly Sins, who aren't connected to Raven as far as I know. If they wanted to condense that mythology with Trigon though, I'd be for it. Raven might actually work surprisingly well in a Captain Marvel story now that you mention it.
  • I'm not sure how well Flashpoint will work as the first standalone Flash movie, but this is the other one I'm interested in; I'm really curious how they'll differentiate from the TV show, I'm liking Ezra's Flash in the trailers, and it was really refreshing how Wonder Woman laid all of the cards on the table without any sequel bait; since they chose Flashpoint, this could do the same thing.
  • I like Aquaman as a character. I've never really been too big a fan of his world though, so I'm not too excited for his movie right now.

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

92 months ago
Score 0++

We are discussing Wonder Woman in chat ASAP :P.

  • I hated Civil War beside the Airport scene, Homecoming and Winter Soldier were fun.
  • Yeah filming of Batgirl apparently starts in early 2018, presumably it was intended to come out earlier but Joss had to finish Justice League. I think it's arguably the easiest sell of any of the announced movies besides Wonder Woman 2 and The Batman. saucey source The Daily Mail covered it too and claimed the Reddit user had be right about rumors in the past, so we'll see. All the actresses can pass as college students, but not much more I don't think we're getting any reclaiming the mantle stuff. Which is fine by me once she becomes Oracle she should stay Oracle. On a side note will Dick be aged down too? It won't make much sense if he is with the dead Robin being teen sized too, unless it is in fact a flashback.
    • I'm not really keen on her brother being a villain either but it could be amazing if handeled right and would be a great excuse for why Barbra has to take the case over Bruce. We should decide on a villain on chat. I have a bad feeling it's that "sexy" Riddler from rebirth though...
  • I need to research Dr. Sivana more I don't really know anything about him besides his name and the fact he's a Shazam villain. I'm pretty sure Raven was one of the Seven Deadly Sins (thanks for the name :3) in the New 52 along with her six brothers.
  • Yeah I think the whole point of Flashpoint is to not worry about any sequels. :P
  • Ditto on Aquaman, but I do like how they're taking a horror approach to it.

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

92 months ago
Score 0++
Aww Wonder Woman was good? I thought it looked good in the trailer but just figured it was going to be another typical DC movie so I didn't bother :(

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

92 months ago
Score 1++

I was going to do a mini-review once I finished the next season of The Legend of Korra just because I like to group things together, but yes. It has its issues, but on the whole I liked it. It's well-paced, has a good sense of humor which doesn't distract from any emotional weight, develops the supporting cast, manages to give Diana a pretty decent character arc without causing her to do anything too controversial, and actually works as a stand alone movie.

I don't know if it would still be in theaters in your country/city, but it came out almsot two months ago here and I just saw it Sunday, so you might be in luck.

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

92 months ago
Score 0++

Just when I thought we were finally free from SDCC minifigs, you go and post this :/

So fed up with these. Seriously, why is TLG releasing figs to people who don't even care about LEGO and are just going to stick them on eBay for US $350-500 every single year? What do they even get out of it? It's not like they get a commission from eBay.

Why not just make them "early access" and release an Arrowverse set, or at least the figure as a promotion sometime the year after?

And yes, I know I say this every year, but the way they do this really stinks. Whoever at TLG sets this up and thinks it's a good idea needs to be fired.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

92 months ago
Score 0++

I'm a little mixed on the SDCC controversy every year. Sometimes people act like they are entitled to the minifigures and "a complete collection", and that just ends up annoying me, but as someone who is a fan of the Jusice League and has The Atom as one of my favorite characters, I get disappointed when these characters are only available in small batches. If they had to do an exclusive this year (as they insist because it's "tradition" even if other companies only do previews like you said), then I think CW's Firestorm would have been a much better choice than Vixen, since everybody can get the comic version of the character, but there would be a variant for the scalpers. That said, making pretty much the only important black woman in the entire DC Universe aside from Amanda Waller (who is much more boring on the surface level) an exclusive was probably a bad move.... I myself wouldn't make a fuss about it though because it would really be me going "I want this character," not "I care about the politics before anything."

It probably is worth noting that they haven't wasted CW versions of Flash, Green Arrow, or Supergirl in any of these exclusives. Maybe they are keeping the possibility of a set on the table. \_O_/

Also, off-topic, but I think it's really cool that the CW has explored Mari's grandmother as a character even if it was because of a scheduling conflict; I don't think any other version of the DCU has really gone into Vixen's legacy (even though it's there in her origin) but the idea sounds like something which might be really popular with modern audiences; you have a female black hero to tell stories with in pretty much any era you choose.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

92 months ago
Score 0++

For an example of what I mean, some article published that the Marvel exclusive will be "Deadpol Duck." The first reactions on EB are literally, "Wow, I've never heard of him, but now I need him. I hate SDCC exclusives even more now."

Because it's not Phoenix and Shazam Spider-Woman and Vixen that are awful exclusives, it's an obscure funny animal in Deadpool's mask.


92 months ago
Score 1++

Exclusives are annoying from a consumer perspective, but all the companies have always and continue to do SDCC exclusives, so there must be something that works about them.

That being said, the whole need to have a complete collection sort of bemuses me. I get maybe wanting a complete collection of say, wide released things. But like Berry says, people who act like they are entitled to be able to own everything are annoying, and probably are collecting for the wrong reason? I doubt they'd feel content if they owned everything.

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

92 months ago
Score 1++

I have to say I disagree with you Berry on this one. If people aren't entitled to a complete collection, I think fan events certainly aren't entitled to exclusive figures. We shouldn't even have the words "entitled" come up about a kids toy.

I don't even really agree with exclusive variations or prints at all. It just seems mean. Yes you give a few thousand an exclusive set, but your depriving thousands of others who'd be just as happy to get it. All Comic Con figures should be previews of interesting figures in my eyes, since they're giving them out free there's no need for them to be valuable for ever. :/

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

92 months ago
Score 1++

I don't actually disagree, at least with the first part of that statement. You really can't have it both ways though. Either fans have availability to everything or special events get their exclusives. Just because LEGO chose one route doesn't mean that SDCC is "entitled" to exclusives. This isn't about who deserves what; it's just about who gets to have what, and people being disappointed about that. But yeah, I agree about how we shouldn't have to speak about entitlement and kids' toys, but we do, because people do talk about what the fans are entitled to, and more often than not they ironically sound like spoiled children. If people were just talking about what they wanted, I doubt I would get as annoyed as I do. I want a Vixen figure. Maybe not this one; I'll be okay if I don't get one at all. By the way that some people speak about these though, you'd think they are going to storm the Bastille--their collection being ruined, some cosplay Donald "more expensive than regular Deadpool."

But disappointment over toy availability isn't even close to the worst thing in the world. I can see the appeal of a complete collection, but ultimately I'm with CJC in that I don't think it's a real or lasting happiness if it's just for the sake of collection. What's the point of that? They don't actually need it. If they legitimately love the character (and I know people really do love Phoenix, Shazam, Spider-Woman, and the CW shows) then that's different. I'd like for those fans to have a chance to get those characters, and yeah, then the SDCC exclusives are "mean." But that doesn't seem to be the case for somebody like Deadpool the Duck, Mr. Gold, or even The Collector; it's some sort of emotional compulsion which I really can't imagine is coming from a positive part of the psyche.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

92 months ago
Score 0++
Apparently LEGO is looking to start picking up properties which would be popular in Asia. I've never really consumed much Asian media aside from two Studio Ghibli films, but it should be interesting to see what they do.

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

92 months ago
Score 0++
Source? (obviously I believe you :P Just want to read the original statement and I can't find it anywhere)

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

92 months ago
Score 0++

Isn't Ninjago supposed to be a blend of Asian cultures?

Erm video games and Mulan? Please. :P

LatenightguyLEGO Wizard

92 months ago
Score 1++
Here is the link to the interview mentioning this.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

92 months ago
Score 0++

Thanks, Late. :)

Properties which take influence from Asian culture (like Ninjago and Disney's take on Mulan) aren't the same thing as properties that are popular in Asia, at least not necessarily. Either way, the interview makes it pretty clear that they mean IPs actually from Asia, (whereas, just to keep using the Mulan example, that would be an American property because Disney is American) with the intent of appealing to an Asian market. I was just too lazy to reference it when I commented earlier, so I was a bit vague. :P

On a tangent though, when does the Mulan remake come out? I wonder if that would be gender neutral enough to get a minifigure set or two like Wonder Woman did....

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

92 months ago
Score 0++
Next year, winter supposedly but no cast has been announced. I'd be surprised if it got minifigure based sets. Wonder Woman made sense as it was part of the DC line, Mulan would more than likely be part of the minidolls line. I'm not sure why Maleficent, Cinderella and BATB didn't get sets after they continued to be popular. :S

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

92 months ago
Score 0++
Yeah, that's what I thought. I guess there will probably be mini-doll sets at least.

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

92 months ago
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Well, should be interesting to see what they do with these. I could see at least starting with IPs that are widely known in the West as well (Pokémon, Nintendo stuff, etc) but guess we'll have to wait and find out. Really hope we do get something new and exciting one day... it's been 6 years since we've had any completely new and exciting themes with Super Heroes and Ninjago.

(just went through the list of themes, I guess TLM and Scooby-Doo could count as well)

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

92 months ago
Score 0++
We didn't get ANY new themes this year besides TLBM and before that it was just Angry Birds and Nexo Knights :/ Hopefully we'll get a few next year! :-)


92 months ago
Score 0++
Mega Bloks has Pokemon.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

92 months ago
Score 0++

I've been crossing stuff off of my "to watch" list.

The Legend of Korra: Book One: Yeah, this doesn't live up to The Last Airbender. Cons?

  • I find myself disliking Korra as a character.
  • The romance subplot is done really badly (well, really badly for Avatar standards, so it's watchable but that's about all I can say in its favor). Maybe it's made even worse because I know how this actually ends and it makes everything funnier and more tedious.
  • The Pro Bending aspect is uninteresting and not as creative as it could have been
  • The villains' backstory doesn't work as well as it should
  • Cameos/callbacks to characters from The Last Airbender are distracting about half of the time. Flashback Sokka was probably the worst, but seeing Katara in the pilot (though her role was a little more extended than it should have been) and flashback Toph was fun. I'm a bit mixed on Aang.
  • The characters are generally thinner and/or more annoying.
  • Kind of nitpicky, but it's bothering me that they haven't explained who these Air Acolytes are. They can't be actual Air Nomads, since those were all wiped out, so who are they?
  • The setting, first off, is pretty unique and I like how the bending powers
  • Animation, voicework, and especially music are all as good as ever
  • I was pretty ambivalent to the whole political themeing thing, but somewhere around the finale it did become more compelling and thought provoking
  • I like the idea of Asami's character. She isn't someone who could have really existed in The Last Airbender and so she really takes advantage of the setting. Unfortunately, not a lot of other characters do that (though maybe that would be harder than I think?) and she herself isn't that well developed: pretty much everything she does/feels is dictated by the plot; she doesn't seem to have much character or motivation outside of it. Coming off of the characters in the original show, that's pretty disappointing.
  • There are a few decent characters. The standout for me was Chief Beifong. I really like Tenzen too, especially as of his filler vacation B-plot in Book Two where we get to see his family relations.
  • I'm about halfway through Book Two right now and that does seem much better, though there will still be some complaints when I get to that, I'm sure.

Moana: Well, that was underwhelming. I would say disappointing, but it's really just a Disney movie, so on that level I guess I got exactly what I have been conditioned to expect. It's not bad, just very formulaic. The animation was pretty standard and even if the music has it's own unique sound, it also didn't stand out particularly well. A few points:

  • Generic "be true to yourself because you're special" message.
  • Pointless annoying animal sidekick. Seriously. Before the movie came out I read an article about how they were going to cut him from the movie but then they had a genius idea where he would eat the Macguffin and that saved his role. What the article didn't mention is that he spits it back out three minutes later and that, oh yeah, he should have been cut from the movie. Even the movie knows this, constantly teasing his death. Ugh.
  • And why Moana doesn't want to eat him is never explained. She's not vegetarian, we see her eating pork, but when people ask about eating the chicken all she says is, "I guess he's being true to himself! Let's sing a song about water!"
  • That "sing about water" thing is a bit harsh. The reason I decided to finally watch Moana was this, so that's on my mind. :P
  • Tries to be self aware by pointing out tropes and, on at least one occasion, plot holes. That doesn't excuse the story for being a cliche chosen one narrative.
  • Use of the mythology is fairly boring. The Macguffin has the power of creation and it never actually does anything? Not even when the chicken swallows it? That could have redeemed a pointless character and taken the movie in a totally different direction: a stupid chicken as god of life and creation? Come on. Not to mention, seeing some of these things that Maui can apparently do or actually interacting with the gods or the ocean could have created a bit more interest or made it feel less like the movie is on tracks. Even doing something to properly setup the ghosts of Moana's ancestors which suddenly appear in that one scene would help (though to the movie's credit it worked emotionally so I'm only noticing it as an issue now that I think of other problems).
  • Not every movie needs a villain, but, honestly, Moana isn't interesting enough to carry the story. Maui is a little better, but they probably could have used a real bad guy. And not that crab.
  • So, I guess the songs are diegetic? Weird. It makes them a bit unnatural. Even before we get the implications that Maui and the crab's songs are diegetic, I was getting the vibe from the opening number that it was. It made the musical aspect feel a bit forced and unnatural I thought; probably part of the self-awareness/cliche issue. It doesn't really work for me without going into full-on parody.
  • Again though, the songs aren't bad, but every now and then I'll enjoy picking a song or two from a Disney movie (or if it's Hunchback, the whole darn stage musical >_>) to play on YouTube in some free time. None of these really seem like they've got me that way. There's something peculiar about them that I just can't put my finger on other than the diegesis. It might be that they are a little too poppy, or it could also be Lin-Manuel Miranda. I haven't actually listened to Hamilton yet except for one song, so maybe I just don't like him as much as everyone else. Just stating possibilities. \_O_/
  • Note to self: Hamilton cast recording should be on "to listen" list.
  • Where are we in the "second Renaissance?" Definitely not on the level of Frozen or Zootopia. I didn't like it as much as Tangled or The Princess and the Frog either. Haven't finished Wreck-It Ralph, so I can't really include that, but what I saw was a lot more creative. I guess I like Moana more than Big Hero 6, because that one frustrated me, but BH6 is admittedly a better movie.... So, yeah, Moana is a fairly weak entry; just too content to be formulaic.

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

92 months ago
Score 2++
I don't know where else to put this, but you can now read my "gem" of a book for FREE :P http://micha...gendary.html


92 months ago
Score 0++
What's it about?

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

92 months ago
Score 0++

The love story of St. Brigid. :P

(My thoughts on the DC sets will be pubbed soon, they're stuck on another iPad ATM)


92 months ago
Score 0++
Who is St Brigid?

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

92 months ago
Score 0++
Wow that's awesome, no way I could write a 126 page book :) I've downloaded it, going to start reading it when I can :D

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

92 months ago
Score 0++
You're free to post it here, though writing your own book might be grounds for a blog of its own. Also, I feel less special (but also less guilty) now that everyone else gets to read it for free. :P

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

92 months ago
Score 1++

Will start editing in a moment, but DC pictures!

76096 Superman Krypto Team-Up: It looks like we are getting GL constructs without GL. :P I think those are Kryptonite weapons, and a cell for probably Superman; I'm not sure Krypto will fit right. The set looks like a decent value and Lobo looks really good. Krypto too; I'm glad that he fits in with Scooby-Doo and I hope we get Ace in the same style. It probably won't match the Wonder Dog that is supposed to be coming out though? Oh well. The only real disappointment I have here is that it's (basically) the same Superman as we've had, just with the new hair. This is getting ridiculous. Aside from the face variations (which I don't really count), there are only really three versions of Superman which are publicly available. They couldn't even be bothered to give him boots?

  • 76097 Lex Luthor Mech Takedown: And now some of the constructs are here for Firestorm. I don't know much about him (he's not really my cup of tea) but I don't think the things he creates look like they are made of fire or glow once they have fully materialized, but I guess this makes for a clearer representation of his powers. I'm liking Lex's mech okay, though it's probably something I'll want to play around with a little, it's a solid base. Batman's backback is okay I guess. I'm a little mixed on the minifigures. Firestorm looks fantastic, of course; I'm really surprised that they went for Jason Rusch instead of Ronnie Raymond, since Jason's only real exposure recently (or ever?) is in Injustice 2, whereas Ronnie has been Firestorm in the New 52, Arrowverse, and JLAction. Lex's torso is okay and might go well with the armor from the LB2 polybag, but his face and the rest of the figure are boring. I like that they went for Rebirth Batman becaus it's a cool design, but because he has the jetpack it looks like they left out his cape, which is the most interesting part of the design. Rebirth Wonder Woman is kind of meh too and it really just looks like a cheaper version of the much better Gal Gadot figures. I think I need a better look at Cheetah. I'm not a big fan of the hairpiece they chose, but other than that she looks passable, especially if she gets a good alternate expression.
  • Also, I totally called Batman, Wonder Woman, and Killer Frost (and Superman, but that didn't happen for some reason) having their Rebirth versions on EB, but everyone was like "No, it'll be JLAction based." Good thing I'm not bitter. >:/ :P
  • 76098 Speed Force Freeze Pursuit: Well, there are a couple of vehicles that don't need to exist. They don't look that bad for what they are, but what they are isn't much. Couldn't we get Flash's van? :P I'll be surprised if this is really more expensive than the Lex set. I'm surprised that Cyborg gets a variation, both because I think it isn't needed and because I'm not actually sure what this variant is based on. I don't know what I think of it; it looks like he has the DCEU headpiece with the blue light though, so that's a nice inclusion. Killer Frost needs a better hairpiece. I was expecting Reverse-Flash to be regular yellow and that he and Flash would both get boots (unlike Superman, I don't think Flash needs an update aside from that). I guess that I like the orangish-yellow anyway, but now I'm apprehensive about getting a pair of red/yellow legs for Flash because there won't be a matching pair for RF. Those red/yellow legs would look good on Firestorm though, so I might get a pair anyway....
So, in short, the sets aren't awful, but I think that some of the minifigures are going the way that Marvel did this year. Maybe not quite that bad, thankfully, but things are noticeably not quite at the level I would expect.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

92 months ago
Score 0++
(You may think my comment looks stupid because I format inconsistently, but if you think about it it's really just a piece of artwork you aren't smart enough to understand, and so you weep.)

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

92 months ago
Score 1++
  • Hmmm... none of those models really wow me. Lex's mech looks exactly the same as a Ninjago mech except for the stud shooter on top. Can't remember which one but it seems really similar. Or maybe I'm just imagining it.
  • Firestorm with no face... that's weird. But I'm guessing that's what he looks like in the comic books :P
  • Killer Frost is disappointing too. I wasn't expecting the TV series version, but the hair just looks wrong, she needs a better piece like you said.
  • I actually quite like the Flame Orange on Reverse Flash, wasn't expecting it but I think it works well, may have been better to have started with his "classic" bright yellow suit, but I don't mind.
  • Krypto looks so grown up after seeing his DCSHG version :P

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

92 months ago
Score 0++

Firestorm has a face. :P There are better images here, but I haven't uploaded them because of the watermarks.

And yeah, Killer Frost's hair is pretty inaccurate even for the comics. It looks like they just wanted to use some leftovers from Magpie.

Other comments from the better images:

  • Still kind of eh on Wonder Woman. Batman's suit should be darker, but Cheetah looks good, even if she could use arm/leg printing and better hair.
  • Ninjago mech is right for Lex, but I don't know if that's a bad thing. Maybe it would be if I had ever bought one. :P
  • The subtle variation for Flash is nice. I like Cyborg's torso print too, but the design is maybe a little bland overall.
  • Batman and Cyborg getting their Justice League faces just makes me even less inclined to buy those sets (except for the Aquaman one; the Aquaman one is cool).

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

92 months ago
Score 0++
Oh, I thought it was a flaming black helmet from that angle. He looks much better than I thought :) Didn't see that variation on Flash, only a tiny difference but I much prefer this new fig

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

92 months ago
Score 0++

I'm writing my thoughts first and I'll do a follow up comment if you guys have any points I wanna address.

General thoughts - Didn't the 2015 Justice League line sell really poorly??? Why would they try it again? I thought that line had amazing builds too so it wasn't the builds that were holding them back. Anyway I digress, as a DC fan I'm happy to see it continue.

76096 Superman Krypto Team-Up - Lobo? Lobo! Of all the family friendly characters DC has they choose Lobo instead? Is he even exposed to kids? He doesn't even seem to be anyone's favourite in the adult community either. He's just a famous character that exists. I guess he's one of the most iconic not to get a mini figure but it just seems ridiculous to me. Despite my concerns with the character himself, the minifigure is spectacular. It's honestly perfect.

  • Doesn't LEGO see including animals in sets as a "girly" thing? Apart from City from what I recall it's only been mini-doll sets that constantly include animals, not counting Scooby-Doo but even that was said to be gender neutral. Speaking of Scooby-Doo I thought the lower half was his body mould but I guess it isn't. Krypto's facial expression could change, but apart from that he's spot on. I do find it disappointing they choose the one animal from DC Girls. We could've got Streaky, Comet, Kanga or Bat-Hound! I would be much more eager to buy this set if it included an animal I didn't already own. I like the size of the Ther Krypto better too, this one is a tad too big.
  • I don't like how Krypto takes a minifigure slot and I really don't like how the only other figure is Superman. No new printing. No boots. :-( He doesn't even have the s curl! I mean come on! I wouldn't have cared that much if we had an additional figure, but this is just disappointing.
  • Lobo's bike is an okay build, nothing stands out though. I guess it's an iconic enough vehicle too.
  • Kryptonite cage? LAME. There's no play feature included and the cage doesn't even enclose Supes... Also what's with the inclusion of the kryptonite weapons, in the other sets these accessories make sense. Did they know they didn't have to include them? I like the idea of kids customising their sets, but there's not a whole lot to do with this set.

76097- Lex Luthor™ Mech Takedown - Me and Berry have been talking about a Cheetah figure since 2012...and we get one in 2018. :P I can't really say I'm impressed though. An elves hairpiece would be much more preferable or even Elizabeth Swann's, I'm sick of the hairpiece of what we got and it's to short for the character I.M.O. I don't like the brown lipstick or mouth. I don't really like the sports bra look over her "jungle queen" esc. look, but I guess it's better than nude. Tail! I love the tail! It's a shame her pants aren't printed too.

  • On to her arch nemesis, Wonder Woman. I don't think this outfit is interesting at all. It's very similar to the bright DCEU version and it's hard to tell the differences at a quick glance. Plus that one came with bracelets...
  • Speaking of copying the DCEU, Batman with facial hair? No thank you. I think his torso is a waste of a new print, plus his legs need black hips!

  • I really like Lex's new torso. His face his fine and he doesn't need printed legs.
  • Does Firestorm's head look off to the rest of you? It's like it's a cartoon or something. I am glad we're seeing this character and I'm all for more MOCs. It's a shame he's the only new hero out of this line though. Oh and I love his torso!
  • The mech looks fine, but I really don't need another one. The running position looks kind of off too :P.
  • The bat glider is meh, do we really need a JL batman vehicle in a TLBM world?

76098- Speed Force Freeze Pursuit - I want to smack whoever chose Frost's hairpiece, it's hideous! Nearly any other hairpiece would've looked nicer. :/ Her torso is also off, mainly the different colour for the shoulders. Why?! At least her face is nice. ;P

  • Is Reverse Flash amber instead of yellow? Why?! Ugh. Even pale yellow would've been better. He could've done without the red eyes, but apart from that and the colour he's perfect.
  • I don't need another comics Flash, but the new face is nice. I do find it odd both looks are smiling though. Also I never like it when he can throw lightning.
  • Who wanted another Cyborg?! He has two new (ugly) prints why couldn't we have gotten a new hero?! Ugh!
  • The helicopter is fine, though nothing terribly interesting.
  • The Freeze Car looks dumb.
I can't really say I'm impressed with this wave, but I can't say I expected much. I'll hopefully get my hands on the new characters.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

92 months ago
Score 1++

Star Wars leaks?

That Praetorian Guard is fantastic. I'll have to get that set. So many good constraction parts. The other three figures are kind of meh.

I'm not too interested in the regular sets. With the new line of ~$25 "iconic" character sets, I've wanted to finally start collecting Star Wars, but I'm kind of eh on everything here. I'd consider the smallest set though. Rose (that's coming from memory, is it her name?) and Finn look like good figures.

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

92 months ago
Score 1++

Sees Praetorian Guard, stops reading and looks for leaks.... gets utterly disappointed that it's a buildable figure :P

Seriously, where's our Praetorian minifigures and old Luke? That Sandspeeder better be Episode 8 and have some really good minifigs in it, I don't want to wait for the 4 2018 sets :P

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

92 months ago
Score 1++

I think it's mean that Rey is the most expensive set. I don't really have much interest in Star Wars but I too would consider the smallest set at a reduced price.

I hope 40178 VIP becomes available soon, so many new lego box prints. I can't understand why Friends, City or Creator haven't had a cheap wide release toy shop with many prints of lego boxes yet.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

92 months ago
Score 1++

@Nova: Ha, I put constraction in on the line just because I saw somebody making that mistake. Sorry. :P

@Soup: I didn't even notice. SW fig distribution is usually really bad. Princess Leia has never come in a set for less than $50, except for the yellow slave variant once years and years ago. Still, Rey's the main hero....

Brikkyy13Outstanding Brickipedian

92 months ago
Score 1++

The Star Wars sets... I think they're all absolute trash and fantastic at the same time. The buildable figured do not interest me at all, so I'll skip those. I probably will end up getting all the system sets though. The pod looks like the two ends of the resistance bomber put together, which isn't that bad. The scout walker seems... different. I'll have to wait to see it in person. Kylo's TIE looks fantastic. Probably the only set that'll be a day 1 purchase. The rest of the sets we've already seen and commented on.

The most interesting is BB-8. I have to say I never believed the rumor because it just sounded so horrible, or maybe it was the fact that someone mentioned "sphere" and everyone just jumped to the conclusion of BB-8 without any real evidence. Now that I see it, I'm surprised at how good it looks. It's hard to capture the sphere in brick form, but they've done it well. Will definitely add this to the collection. It also looks like it's in a similar scale to the UCS R2, which is great. (Side note, did anyone see Anio's comment on EB about how bad he thinks this one looks? I think that's pretty funny)

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

92 months ago
Score 1++

@Berrybrick: Well you could have put it before "Praetorian" :D

Mini review time

  • 75176- so... yes. That's a... thing.
  • 75177- interesting, I guess. Not sure if it's meant to be the AT-PD, thinking it's a smaller version. Basically looks like an AT-ST with screwed-up legs
  • 75179- so Kylo's TIE is pretty much just a plain old boring TIE Interceptor after all. Some of the smaller blurry images I saw before gave me hope it was slightly different. So fed up with the lack of imagination the people running the sequel trilogy have. I mean, come on, would it kill you to give us one new TIE for the First Order. Set itself looks fine however
  • 75187- unlike Brikkyy, I think it looks pretty weird. But I also know these kinds of things usually look much better in real life so I'll probably be proven wrong. Kinda disappointing it can't roll though

Minifigures all seem pretty boring somehow (not LEGO's fault, they can only base stuff on the movie of course). Say what you will about the Prequel Trilogy- at least they made for exciting minifigs :P

All in all, the Bomber's the only set I'm really interested in. Again, I'm not blaming this at all with LEGO, it's the people at Disney who thought that after 30 years and a major galactic revolution that every single ship should stay the same with only some very minor tweaks and only 1% of ships are allowed to be new.

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

93 months ago
Score 1++

Stuff I've finally got around to seeing lately:

  • The LEGO Batman Movie: Loved it. I was scared that all the jokes might have been in the trailer (like The LEGO Movie), or it was just going to end up really boring or something, very happy to have been proven wrong. Now I know that LEGO Movies can actually be good, I'm looking forward to The Ninjago Movie much more.
  • Power Rangers (the recent movie): Huge disappointment. Had like 20 minutes of action, and I just felt it was a complete waste of time. Hated the whole look of the suits/zords/enemies, I thought my opinion might have changed after seeing the actual movie, but I'd say I think they're even worse now. I don't regret seeing it since opinions seemed so divided, now I know which side I'm on at least.

Spoilers? Ish? Not really

  • Spider-Man: Homecoming: Good solid Marvel movie, a lot of funny moments in there. Typical Marvel movie though, no real surprises or changes to the standard formula.

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

93 months ago
Score 0++

The LEGO Batman movie is only funny the first time, I bought the DVD (Batgirl winky face!) and it's not half as good. I loved watching it initially too!

Power Rangers was awful, I dragged a bunch of friends with me to it and I had to apologize to them all. I can't remember a single thing that I thought was really good, it went from really bad to meh most of the time...

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

93 months ago
Score 0++

I heard that Power Rangers is a surprisingly good high school drama, and an even better Krispy Kreme commercial. :P


TLBM > Krispy Kreme Kommercials.

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

93 months ago
Score 1++


- says the person who just welcomed the Arc de Triomphe to our website, so obviously doesn't know what they're talking about :P

Yes... that Crispy Creme stuff was.... weird. It wasn't even very funny whe it could have been, something just fell flat and it seemed like just a commercial :S

@Soup- aww, sad it doesn't have much replay value. Still, I know one or two people who'll like it, I'll probably see if I can sit through it a second time sometime with them. I feel like I could watch it again, but yeah I can see some of the jokes that just came out of nowhere not being anywhere as funny the second time around.

Brikkyy13Outstanding Brickipedian

93 months ago
Score 0++
Glad someone agrees with me about power rangers. Absolutely hated it. I thought it was the worst movie of the year. I never want to see it again. How it's getting all the praise it is I'll never understand.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

93 months ago
Score 0++

I don't know if I've watched or read much of anything worth commenting on in a while (which was largely the purpose of The Armchair Critic), but I've got one now:

  • Trollhunters: From Gulliermo Del Toro, produced for Netflix, animated by Dreamworks, and written by Ninjago's Hageman brothers. There were some moments that impressed me and some characters I liked, and some good ideas, but each of those seemed to be tempered by unneeded filler, annoying or bad characters (Toby was really unlikeable in the first half of the season, and Claire was a borderline Canon Sue in the second half), and an animation style that I didn't particularly like. There is a lot that I could say, but unless someone actually wanted to have a conversation about it, I don't think I could compile my thoughts into a coherent review. Still though, the conclusion was strong enough that I'll probably watch the second season, but for all of the talent involved I'm a little disappointed.
As a show for the target audience, I'd sing it's praises (except for how the seriousness of killing seems to be dropped sometime between Jim and Toby struggling with the thought of drowning a gnome and the midseason finale, culminating in Claire delivering a bad moral in the last episode), but for my own tastes I'm kind of eh. There are some gems in the rough though, so it might be worth a watch for older viewers.

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

93 months ago
Score 1++

Does anyone else think that LEGOs pushing DC to hard? I'm not complaining but they seem really invested in it, almost to the extent of Star Wars and last time I checked the sets aren't selling as well as other themes. Anyway my thoughts:

  • TLBM-Berrys opinions on the summer wave are virtually the same as mine. I don't think I can justify getting any of those sets, they're just not interesting enough. I'm planning on getting the DVD with Batgirl tomorrow and I still need Clayface, Riddlers set and the Catwoman one. Apart from a few CMFS (I might bricklink the rest) all that I have is The Scuttler and I'm a huge Batman fan! I think TLG failed on making the other sets valuable or worthwhile, which is a shame.

I think I'll skip on the Captain Boomerang (why was he in the movie again?) set, but the Egghead one sounds neat! The Justice League party set sounds amazing, Hawkgirl is definitely going to be there as she and Hawkman couldn't be in the CMF due to their wings. Speaking of the CMF am I the only one who thinks a second one is a complete waste? Why not just make a DC series? The appeal would widen and we could get a whole series of interesting characters rather than whatever Mime and March Harriet equivalents are.

  • Collectibles - 4 comic con exclusive brickheadz and 4 JL ones, they're really dispersing the waves out...aren't POPs released like every other week? Surly 8 every two months wouldn't be to much of a demand? Some commenter on Brickset said a giant sized minifigure (Ares, Antman) collection would be cooler and I have to said I'd collect those any day over these!

More Mighty Micros, woo? I still haven't purchased any yet...I'm hoping we get an interesting looking Harley Quinn (blonde with blue and pink tips?), but so far they've only had a female mighty micro per wave and that spot goes to Supergirl.

  • DC Super Hero Girls - I'll be shocked if this doesn't get cancelled, but I won't complain in the slightest. The builds are hit or miss, but all the sets make an effort to be fun which is more than I can say for most themes. It's also the best thing that's happened to minidolls. Seriously the only parts reused are Lena's four, Batgirl's hood, Wonder Woman's face, Harley's head and hair and Supergirl's head and hair. It's so refreshing to see unique minidolls and ones that don't have to be used over and over like Elves. I'm also really intrigued to see who'll get a mini doll beside Katana and Starfire.
  • DC prime- I'm shocked to see Justice League sets as the 2015 line crashed and burned and they were all fun sets! I loved the Javelin, Grodds set was goofy but fine, I loved Braniacs ship too and Green Laterns plane was fine. I never got the Atlantis one as it was to overpriced. :P

I don't have much of an interest in Lobo but I'm glad to see such a popular character get his own set. I'm interested to see what the third figure is too!
Another Lex mech? Yawn. I hate Firestorm as a character and everyone else will probably look boring, but then they have to throw Cheetah in there to get me interested...

The builds here sound stupid and I couldn't give two hoops about Cyborg TBH, but Reverse Flash! Killer Frost!

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

93 months ago
Score 0++

I think it's less LEGO and more WB that is pushing DC into every hole they can cram it into, but yeah, the result is the same. :P I'm hoping it ramps down a little bit next year.

Sort of agree about the TLBM sets. I have the Scuttler, Lowrider, Riddler Racer, Catwoman Chase, Clayface, Mr. Freeze Mech, and Scarecrow's Gyro. I think that the quality is higher than the average DC set, but if you've been collecting and aren't really bothered by the new variants or minor villains (and honestly, it surprises me how many people are--I only like most of them for the parts) there isn't much that's must-have. I still want to get Penguin's Roller, Bane's Truck, and of course that Egghead Mech, so I'm lapping it up anyway. :P

I'd totally rather have a regular DC wave than a TLBM one, so long as Black Canary is in it either way. I've waited too long :P Probably any other interesting characters like the Wonder Twins and Batman Beyond that show up could be there too. Maybe they'll surprise us by including some of those other franchise villains, but that will just keep me from getting the whole series again, so that's good! :D

A Harley Quinn MM is a great idea (for a way to get us that hairpiece :P ). I liked the suggestion somebody had on EB of a Green Lantern with Kyle's mask too; I guess it would be cartoony, but Kyle likes his constructs to look like cartoons, so it might work anyway.

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

93 months ago
Score 0++
I completely forgot about a Green Lateran MM, Kyle would be great! My only issue with that is than we might get characters like Cyborg and Aquaman over more interesting variants. So far we've only had iconic characters and Doomsday so far, it'll be interesting to see how long they'll go until they start running out.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

93 months ago
Score 0++
Happy 20 years and a day to Harry Potter.... No idea how to celebrate it. :P

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

93 months ago
Score 0++
Ugh... now I feel really old :P

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

93 months ago
Score 1++
Actually, I forgot that I didn't know Harry Potter was even a thing until just before Book 4 came out, so I guess I feel 3 years younger :D

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

93 months ago
Score 0++

After spending the last two hours editing the pages for the Ninjago CMF Series, I'm sick of them. They're boring.

It was a little weird when Emmet was released as a CMF with just a new hat, and then there was the rerelease of the Arkham Joker with just a new face, but by my count there are six minifigures like that here (Wu, Kai, rice hat Garmadon, Nya, and both Lloyds). That's ridiculous.

The only figures which I think would actually be able to stand in a regular series are the N-Pop Girl and the Sushi Chef, and even then the latter would be sort of eh. That's not to say that the other figures are bad (Zane and Jay have great personality for civilian minifigures), but the overall series feels cheap because of the lack of standouts and all of the reused pieces.

I'm not sure what figures I absolutely want, since I haven't decided what sets I actually want to buy (if any) and aftermarket prices could change things, but right now it looks like Zane, Jay, Cole, Hooded Lloyd, N-Pop Girl, and maybe the Shark Army General and Sushi Chef. I guess that 5-7 figures isn't that bad, but aside from the N-Pop Girl, Sushi Chef, and I guess Zane (because I think the whole is greater than the sum there) those would pretty much be for parts and not love of the figure itself.

A few other comments that didn't fit with the more general complaints:

  • What's with the squinty eyes on some of these figures? I appreciate expression, but they just look creepy on Jay and Wu, and sort of out of place on the Shark Army General.
  • Misako's top and bottom lips are different colors. Why?
  • N-Pop Girl is an absolute stand out. Gah. :D
  • GPL Tech is not. Maybe I've just been too exposed to too many "Hey, girls can be nerds too!" characters to care about them anymore, but this one seems to just be a checklist of all of the tropes associated with them without anything to really make her interesting. Like, even if she weren't wearing the coat or had red/blonde/black hair that would help, but nope. I also think the design of the face isn't that great and while my instinct says it's the goggles, I think the real issue is the lipstick. All of her features are just so large and puffy; a line mouth would shatter the glass ceiling help counter that, maybe with some freckles or cheekbones.
  • Too many Garmadon variants, and the apple doesn't seem to fall far from the tree because that goes for Lord and Lloyd. Still though, at least the Volcano and Flashback versions are justified, even if I'm not personally interested in them.
  • I don't understand the love the melted Great White Shark Figure is getting, but then I guess that I didn't get TLBM Two-Face's popularity either (aside from the Billy Dee Williams casting; I liked that).
  • Gong & Guitar Rocker might be better if he had a more expressive face. Why so stoic? Is he referencing some celebrity I don't know?
  • I really liked the Shark Army General when I first saw her, but now it's less and less each time I see her. The cape is cool, as are the legs, but I don't know that I'd ever use them. I probably wouldn't ever do anything with the torso, I don't care for the expression at all, and the hair is sort of eh. It seems to be he Zombie Businessman's turned sideways, which is a good reuse, but I never cared for that mold. I never had it in hand though.
  • Those bowls! And spoons!
  • I think it was a really low business move to put four High School outfits in the CMF series, Nya's (and Lloyd's again) in a $30 set, and then leave Kai's exclusive to a $300 D2C. On the one hand, his is probably the worst of them all, but still.
  • It doesn't seem that accurate of how I remember them from the very few episodes of the show I watched a very long time ago, but just from the High School variants I like the character that Jay and Zane have. I don't know how that will translate to the movie (or really care), but as minifigures they are really good. Cole looks ridiculously angry though.
  • Cole getting another hairpiece is cool. I was sort of hoping his topknot would be more readily availale than the Temple though this one is more useful.
  • I wish that there was an N-Pop Boy to go with the girl, but maybe that would encroach on the Shark Army General's territory. :P Heck, I'm not really a fan of K-Pop or J-Pop (enough to know any differences aside from the obvious geogrphaical ones :P ) but have friends who have shown me some music videos, and if this movie was more that and less Power Rangers, I might have a much easier time getting into it. :P

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

93 months ago
Score 1++

Thanks for taking care of all those pages- I figured it'd be easier to do the pages all in one go so I thought I'd hold off until the other half of the images came out- looks like you got them before I did :D

I saw Wu yesterday and spent a good 10 minutes trying to find some sort of difference between him and the normal TLNM one. I just couldn't believe they'd put a normal Wu in a collectable series. Then to find Garmadon exactly the same too? As well as the two Lloyds and Kai with just different accessories like you said. Not happy. At all. (Nya on the other hand doesn't have a training suit in the sets as far as I'm aware). Shark Army Angler also looks the same, just with a recoloured fish head. Anyway....

Yep- N-Pop Girl is definitely the standout- literally the only one I stopped and clicked on. Cole looks even stupider in casual wear than his ninja suit (stupid as in low IQ)- I really don't get what would have been so bad about keeping the old faces.

Misako with different lip colours- just when I thought she couldn't be bimbofied any further, you point that out. I mean really, going from a respected elderly archaeologist to some girl who goes by "Koko" and looks younger than Lloyd is over the top. I've never understood why she, Wu and Garmadon are so old when Lloyd's so young (he took an ageing potion, he's probably actually about 8 or 9), so I get why they wanted to make her younger in the film. But couldn't they have just gone with something more like what Misako looked like in the TV series when she was younger?. Hopefully she's portrayed ok in the movie... :S

Anyway, overall I think normal CM series have been getting less and less exciting and that they're running out of ideas (which is understandable after 17 series). But the themed series have a chance to really break things up and do something new and exciting. This one's completely failed at that for me- I didn't get the Simpsons series because I don't watch the show... but I spent much more time looking at that series when it was revealed than this one. This series will probably be the first that I have an interest in but will pass on- I'll probably just pick up Training Nya and the N-Pop Girl. Maybe some of the casual clothes and Volcano Garmadon. Definitely not impressed with the selection here.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

93 months ago
Score 0++

Nya doesn't have the training suit in the sets, but Lloyd has it in the Juniors set, Cole in some book, and it sounds like Kai has it in the "Dojo Pod." It's probably not the worst reuse though; at least better than Asylum Joker, because it's just as interchangeable without only working in the context of a large set, and the other places it's available aren't the most accessible.

I actually like Cole's ninja suit. "Big stron and dum" isn't what I get from it, but the casual version sets that across painfully. He has just as much character as Jay, but in the wrong way. The only reason he made my list is the hair. :P

I've been wondering why Misako seems so old and why nobody else seems bothered by it, so thanks for that. :P I can accept Wu and Garmadon because they sort of seem ageless to me (especially these versions where Garmadon apparently looked like that in the past; not sure that I like that), but not Misako. This version is too young looking though. My headcanon here is that she dyes her hair that shade of orange, but I don't know if that helps deage her much. I'm actually interested to see how they depict her in the movie, because single mom with a Power Ranger son whose ex is the bad guy could be really interesting even if she is different from the TV version (and not to discount it--you're right that there's nothing wrong at all with "respected elderly archaeologist"), but I'm also not sure that will happen. There have only been two LEGO movies, but I'm worried that part of the formula is going to be "Two women: one] strong and independent, one cooky and off to the side." Which, to be fair, Wyldstyle and Barbara aren't all that similar and I can hardly remember Harley, but still.

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

93 months ago
Score 0++

So I read this comment, which for some reason led me to wondering if the TV show was back yet, which led me to watching all 10 episodes in the latest season in one go... and then I forgot to reply :P

Didn't know Nya had exactly the same suit as the rest, I thought all the training suits were going to be slightly different. Understandable they all have the same uniform while in training, but not good to have a minfigure that can be easily made from other parts in a minifigures series.

Cole's ninja uniform isn't too bad to me... until you take his hood off. Then I get the same impression as his casual clothes. I dunno, the combination of that particular face and the sleeveless shirts just doesn't work for me. The casual one is definitely worse though.

Yeah I agree, if they do Misako right she could be an interesting character now you mention it like that... I just get the feeling that's not going to happen though (hopefully I'm wrong).

Also, after watching the latest season I looked up a few other things and now I'm even more confused about ages in Ninjago. Apparently Ray, Maya and all the people in Wu's Alliance weren't the first Elemental Masters, but around the 100th generation descendants of the first Masters. So either the First Spinjitzu Master didn't have any children until he was around 2000 years old, or Wu's around 2000 years old. But, the battle with Krux and Acronix was established to have happened 40 years ago, where Wu looked about 20-30. So, I guess you can assume he ages normally (or badly... he looks really old for 65 or so).

Guess the whole 100 generation things clear up how Lar exists (after 100 generations he can just be a distant relative of Nya instead of being forced into being a brother). But it does make the team in the Elemental Alliance seem much less special :(

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

93 months ago
Score 0++

I agree with Berry 100%, apart from the fact he didn't bring up the milkshake! It's fantastic!

The CMF stealing prints is a huge issue for me. Could they not have slipped brief costume cameos like Pink Power Batgirl in the film somehow? I mean Lloyd wore pajamas in the trailer, why not have made them a different colour and given to him here? With all the forced curves LEGO gives us why doesn't Nya have them here? It's just puzzling to me!

I also find it disappointing that most of the hairpieces aren't in exclusive colours (some goes for Jays scarf). On a side note how come Misako has giner hair? Ginger is probably the least likely you'll see that hair style on a real person, but yet we get it here..

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

93 months ago
Score 0++

@Soup: Do you mean Asians with ginger hair? I'm sort of just basing that off of the chopsticks, because otherwise I'm not sure what you're thinking. :P Anyway, sometimes when I design characters, I seem to have a bit of a tendency to go a little out there in combining features which maybe aren't very likely in real life (like dark-skinned blonds) for some characters, but I like to at least look to see if I can find real people who match. It turns out (though it's rare) that at least some mixed-Chinese (and I guess Mongolians, since Genghis Khan was supposedly red-haired and green-eyed) have hair in a sort of auburn color. It's the internet, so I don't know if any of these people actually have that hair color (the women look like fashion models, but the children are more convincing), but it's really striking.

Again, I'm not sure if that's what you're thinking, but it actually makes me like the hairpiece a little more. :P I'd probably still prefer it in black though.

And yeah, the milkshake is great. :P

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

93 months ago
Score 0++

I always hated the dark skinned redhead and blonde trope in children's media, well at least when they came before another POC and when all the white people looked normal. It's just odd to me that there's many women in real life who like that hair style, few of them have red hair. It's odd it's the colour they're introducing it on.

On a side note why can't Jay have red hair in this film? :S

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

93 months ago
Score 0++
The Snoke figure's face doesn't look as bad as it did in the blurry pic of the box, pretty accurate I'd say. Still find his taste in fashion very questionable though :P

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

93 months ago
Score 0++

Thoughts on the Ninjago Movie? Sets or otherwise?

The movie wave seems more appealing than the average Ninjago show wave to me, I think. At least the small sets do. Destiny's Bounty is gorgeous, but will be expensive and I wouldn't have the room anyway. The Temple of the Ultimate Weapon is sort of bland, and I'm not really into any of the vehicles aside from Nya's, and I'm not even compelled to buy it; I doubt it would stay together, and I just see a bunch of parts I already have and don't need more of. The only two Ninjago sets I have bought (not counting a Zane Fun Pack and miscellaneous bits I've picked up loose) are Jay and Lloyd's recent dragons and I sort of find the Mech Dragon disappointing compared to them; the more Eastern serpentine design is sort of cool, but the moulded head is a step down and it doesn't have the more vibrant colors of the others (and I don't need another green dragon; hopefully Kai gets a proper one when the regular theme returns). I like these minifigures a lot more than what Ninjago usually gets; maybe the villains are blander than the Serpentine or even the Stone Army, but all of the civilians are really neat. I like the new hairpieces and faces for pretty much everyone, and the cleaner costumes are a godsend. I haven't really kept up with the dozen or so iterations the characters have gone through, but I find the Skybound costumes (at least) hideous and these don't have the weird emblems that make me hesitant to reuse better Ninjago torsoes.

Whatever complaints I may have, I do think that all of the sets are good though. I probably wouldn't say it's the best Ninjago wave ever, but it's consistently good. The only ones that I look at and sort of go "eh..." are Kai's mech and the Temple, but other people seem really fond of those, so I'm hoping to be won over when there are better pictures. I really want to like the temple, especially. It almost seems like something I would (try to) build when I was younger.

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

93 months ago
Score 0++

(uploaded some higher res box images, not sure if you've already seen them elsewhere)

Yeah, the Temple does seem lacking and rather flat compared to other temples we've had in Ninjago, and we've had a few mechs like Kai's before. Jay's Jet also reminds me a lot of the Milano. Not saying the mech or jet are bad or anything though.

The standouts for me would have to be the Water Strider and Lloyd's Dragon. I definitely wouldn't want a wave of this kind of dragon like the dragons from the main Ninjago theme, but the more Chinese-style dragon looks great as a one-off thing to me. That manta-ray bomber looks so silly, I need it. And the more traditional training and bridge sets look nice too. Really like the City Chase set- it could fit in with City pretty well but it's still got that Ninjago feel to it.

Destiny's Bounty- eh, not sold. Sure, it's bigger and better than ever, but a third version was going to have to be pretty special for me to buy it, especially at the price it's going to be (since it's the largest Ninjago set ever).

I'm ok with having a lot of civilians in this wave so long as that ratio doesn't happen in the normal Ninjago stuff. The more simple costumes on the main characters are nice as a one-off, but I still prefer most of the other suits (and I still don't get why Nya's in black). Still hate their faces and some of the hair though (not the hairpiece itself, just on the character and in combination with the face).

All in all, good wave of sets, looking forward to seeing more of them.

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

93 months ago
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Battlefront II 2 trailer

Never played the first one in the rebooted series because I heard it looked good but was really bad in gameplay, had no depth and no campaign. But I can't wait to get this game :) Plus, it's pretty great that all DLC will be free as well (there are microtransactions in the game but nothing you can't get by just playing the game so I'm fine with that)

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

93 months ago
Score 1++

Free DLC?

I like that model. An expansion pack is one thing, but withholding content that should be in a game in the first place (like including Kalibak and Orion in the main game but not Darkseid in LB3, for a LEGO example) is a practice which really bothers me.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

94 months ago
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Never got to comment on SH and Dimensions stuff before the move. And in that time, I realize it was unnecessary.

I am going to do it anyway. :P

The TTG Starfire figure looks awful. And I feel bad, because I think that the designer was trying to make her look cute, but no, not with those frog eyes and the strangely dark circle on her collar. She looks cheap because of how flat everything is and she hasn't got printed braces even though the Jokerland version did. I don't think that the hair choice really works either; maybe for a classic comic based version (though that is more curly than wavy), but I'm glad to see more hairpieces in magenta anyway; if it's available on Bricks and Pieces, I might order it for a Circe custom.

Raven and Beast Boy actually don't look that bad to me. If this goes on a deep discount once Dimensions goes under, I'd consider grabbing it. I'd want a better face for Beast Boy (there are three or four normalish female faces in that tone, but all male ones are monstrous; I call double-standard on green skinned alien space babes), but maybe I could convince myself that he likes cats so much he is in a semi-cat form, like the semi-monkey thing Young Justice did. Yeah... :P Oh, and Raven's build is sort of interesting too.

PowerPuff Girls look a little weird to me and I've never really been aware of Beetlejuice, so I have nothing to say. Not really interested. I think the only packs I still want are Hermione and Newt. I can't really play Dimensions anymore though, so even those are hard to justify and the exclusive figure thing is bothering me even more now than it did before.

The upcoming DC wave sounds solid. It's sort of funny how they have split up some archnemeses so that Superman and Lex and Firestorm and Killer Frost are separated, but Cheetah is with Wonder Woman and Flash with evil Flash. I was hoping for more new heroes, but I guess Black Canary and possibly some others are coming in the TLBM CMFs, so as long as Lex' mech and the figures are good, I'll be happy. I won't mind if Wonder Woman and Cyborg are reissues that I can experiment with, but Superman and Flash are really due for some variation.

Egghead probably does not deserve his own set. I mean, when you remember that Poison Ivy has never really carried her own set it seems silly, but it's Egghead, so I'm eggcited. He and King Tut are too underappreciated. It would be great if the hero in that set is Robin or Batgirl, but I doubt it.

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

94 months ago
Score 1++

Yeah Starfire looks really bad. But really, I don't think that's anyone's fault- TTG Starfire just doesn't really translate well into LEGO form with the huge head and small body she has on the show. Maybe if they stuck with normal dot eyes she'd have looked ok. However, it wouldn't have gone well with Beast Boy who doesn't have dot eyes either. As far as I'm concerned BB is perfect- love the new head mold and the face goes great on a minifigure.

Raven on the other hand- not a fan. I know cloaks are tricky and in Star Wars they tend to print an inner robe for the Jedi and the outer robe is the cape (until the 2012(?) Ben Kenobi), and it looks like they've sadly taken this approach with Raven. In TTG this is her normal look- the cloak only really comes apart when she's casting a spell. Wouldn't have minded some purple printing at the top of her head for the hood as well, and... I don't know, something about her head just looks off.

Builds: Any idea what Raven's build actually is? Just a random dark magic thing she summoned to slap Beast Boy across the face with? Great to see the T-Car, but Beast Boy would be lonely in it without a TTG Cyborg :( Pretty funny to see the Megazord for Starfire's build, I hope it does some special things with its Left Leg in the game. Kinda think it's a little stingy that Silkie wasn't included (as maybe a reprinted Insectoid Larva mould?), but I guess they don't want to break the format of having only two things for the game and people would get mad if Silkie couldn't be scanned in probably.

Looking forward to seeing the DC sets but I'll hold off saying anything until I see them.

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

94 months ago
Score 0++

Star Wars leaks-

  • Two of the sets don't exactly "wow" me- not LEGO's fault, it's just that the Resurgent-class Battlecruiser's so similar to an Imperial-class Star Destroyer and the Walker's so similar to an AT-AT. And we got both of those together in the same wave only a couple of years ago. Both seemed to be designed ok though, except maybe the inside of the walker's legs. Good to actually see a decent shot of the walker (don't think that's been leaked in any other SW stuff), at least there's a bit of a difference to it (extra cannon above the head, slightly different head shape, noticeably larger front legs)
  • The new bomber on the other hand looks interesting, and I can definitely see it possibly being a B-wing successor now- those wings were folded down in the trailer and they just looked like a raised part of the bottom wing. Quite liking the overall look of it, at least it's something new.
  • Minifigure-wise:
    • Didn't like Rey's face at first, then I realised it's just a bad shot and it's basically her Episode VII face.
    • Quite liking the new walker drivers, nice to see some Resistance pilots too but I wish they'd give as named ones instead of generics. Interesting to see the bombardier is using the old Rebel-style helmet
    • It's about time there was more than one BB-series droid in the whole universe. Good to see we're getting a black one in Lego form.
    • Can't wait to get Holdo's hairpiece :)
    • Weird that Poe's a Captain.... did he get demoted for blowing up Starkiller Base without enough style or something? More likely it's just Lego messing up the ranks as usual though
    • That Snoke figure looks sooooo bad :P But probably pretty accurate

Anyway, looking forward to seeing the rest of the sets. I get the feeling that they'll be more a lot more interesting than the ones we've seen (maybe just wishful thinking though)

(oh... and not Lego-related, but was anyone else really disappointed that Phasma's face is just... well... Gwendoline Christie's? I've got nothing against her face or anything, but I was just hoping for at least a cybernetic eye or prosthetic jaw or be a nonhuman or at least a scar or something. Making us wait 3 years to find out she's just normal is pretty dumb)

Brikkyy13Outstanding Brickipedian

94 months ago
Score 0++

I'm in the complete opposite boat to you, loving the star destroyer and walker but still not sold on the bomber. I'll probably end up getting it eventually, like I have with the last few first waves of the movies, but maybe not right away (if the falcon rumor turns out to be true, I'm going to be out a lot of money to begin with haha. As long as the price is lower than the aftermarket prices of the old one, I'll be happy. If it isn't true, my preemptive saving will help pay for these TLJ sets. Win win IMO :P)

As for the minifigures, I like them all, even Snoke. Everyone on EB is complaining about him not having a molded head. Why? His head is pretty similar to a normal human, it works fine. My only gripe that no-one seems to be mentioning is that he's flesh and not white. Maybe that was just a side effect of the hologram in EpVII and his skin is actually that color?

RE: Phasma: I was more disappointed in the fact that she wasn't wearing her helmet. I thought they were trying to play her off as a Boba-Fett type but maybe they just decided no-one was going for it and gave up.

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

94 months ago
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I would've been ok with Phasma if they did do a Boba Fett-type thing (have a normal face but keep the helmet on). Now I don't just get why we couldn't have had a face on her minfiigure from the start instead of a black head since there's no real spoilers to it.

Really? I thought I skipped over like two pages of people going on about the colour of his head (like I said, I skipped, maybe they ended up moving on to arguing about something else). I think if Lego has it this colour, it's for a reason. He was white/grey in the hologram, I don't think it was the hologram's fault though- he could've just been in like a moonlit room or one with bluish/faint white lighting at the time. Eg, Dumbledore (or Snape? :P) shouldn't have a white/grey head just because of this shot should he?

Hey I'm pretty happy with the star destroyer, I quite like the way the cannons are positioned and the detailing on the bridge is pretty nice. I think I'd just prefer a slightly different build- the fold-in the sides and bridge area on top to keep it closed has been done on all the others, and I just think there's got to be a slightly better way to do it... I don't know what though of course, maybe there's not, it would be pretty hard to design it still has playable features on the inside. And I find the minifigure selecting to be pretty disappointing too- 4/6 of them we've already pretty much got already, at least give us a black-uniformed guard to finish off the collection. And why couldn't we have had one of Snoke's guards instead of a Stormtrooper? Maybe my opinion will change when we see what's inside.

What don't you like about the bomber? I wasn't a fan of the blue markings at first, but then I found they are actually on the bombers in the trailer (some have red markings, probably for Red Squadron). I think it's one of those sets that will look much better in real life as well.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

94 months ago
Score 1++
...and you already made that joke. Sorry. :P

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

94 months ago
Score 0++

@Berrybrick: haha weird that we both thought of it though :D

Ok, so now I've seen the inside of the Star Destroyer. Definitely not impressed by the back section, although I do really like the front how they have the little trench for the lower ranked officers working the computers on the bridge.

Brikkyy13Outstanding Brickipedian

94 months ago
Score 0++

Someone on EB just said that Phasma will not be Gwendoline Christie under the helmet in the film. That sounds great.

I like the figure selection for the star destroyer. Seeing the interior is pretty good, I'll definitely be getting it. The interior looks very similar to 75055 though, or at least the front section does.

It's not really the set I have a problem with, more the design of the ship itself (like most people with the FO transporter in 2015. I actually quite liked the look of that one haha). Not LEGO's fault.

The AT-AT having an interior is very surprising. Another must buy.

Hopefully the rest of the set images will find their way to the internet soon enough, or someone speaks up and tells us what we're getting. Kylo's TIE looks really cool and I can't wait to see it in LEGO form. If the set comes with Luke and Leia like the user on EB claims it'll be a day one purchase for me. (The TIE sets from TFA and Rogue One have both had 4 minifigures, so I don't see Kylo's being different. The 4th figure will probably be a pilot or generic FO officer.)

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

94 months ago
Score 0++

Hmm... not convinced about the face comment, there was no source or anything. People said exactly the same in the Episode VII photoshoot about Kylo Ren and that turned out to be a complete lie.

Yeah, new TIE shouldn't look too bad in LEGO form, looking foward to it :) The lack of images of the other sets is killing me, I hate it when you only get to see half a wave haha

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

94 months ago
Score 0++
(never mind, Phasma comment apparently came from Pablo Hidalgo)

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

94 months ago
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The leakers are starting to drop heavy hints for next year's DC/TLBM figures. So far, it sounds like Lex Luthor, Lobo, Reverse Flash, Dr. Hugo Strange, and Black Canary will show up.

When I heard the last one, I may have internally squeed. It was implied to be the TLBM version too, which is good, because that design is pretty safe and may imply other movie leaguers, like the classic Green Arrow and Cyborg or the Wonder Twins. I've been waiting for Black Canary for I don't know how long; I'll have to recalculate my wanted list (maybe Vixen is at the top now?). :P It sounds like we are going to get another wave like 2015.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

94 months ago
Score 0++

Huh, *Reverse-Flash

(Including links for your convenience)


94 months ago
Score 0++
Does Reverse-Flash have the ability to travel really slow?

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

94 months ago
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It's about time we got a Black Canary and Reverse Flash, looking forward to seeing them. What's the difference between a classic Green Arrow and the one we've got though? (is it the hair/beard?)

Apart from the shot of what Episode VIII Luke will probably look like, there hasn't been any other news has there? (haven't been following EB too much these days, for every post that has actual news there's about 200 pages of nothing surrounding it, it's easier for me to stick to Reddit).

@CJC: Well that makes about as much sense as what I thought his superpower first was (has the ability to run backwards really fast :D)

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

94 months ago
Score 0++

@CJC: I was just thinking that. :P I guess he would at least age really slowly? Somebody might want that power I guess.

@Nova: He's got a few more classic Robin Hood elements in a tight superhero-y spandex package. But yeah, the beard. I think the TLBM version had printed arms too. It should go to make a good composite version with the one we have.

There have been a few Justice League figure leaks. I think Aquaman is the most recent one, but there are clear shots of Flash, Cyborg, the Atlanteans, and one of Batman's variants too. Aside from Flash, they are all sort of meh. Pictures of Ninjago Movie figs have also been circulating, and those seem okay. You can find them here if you haven't seen them. I don't think LEGO wants us uploading them.

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

94 months ago
Score 0++
Oh yeah, seen all those, don't mind the JL figs, and I think Cyborg looks much better in minifig form than what he looks like in the movie. I think I like the two-piece Ninjago hoods (will need to see them with the bottom piece only and hair to see if that works well). But I can't stop hating the faces and hair on the six ninja, they just look really dumb. Especially Jay's face. The villains and other figures look ok to me though.

LatenightguyLEGO Wizard

94 months ago
Score 0++
I would be quite glad to return to 2015 Justice League-era DC sets, which this seems to be shaping up to be. At this rate, I would assume that Firestorm, Plastic Man, and the rest of the Justice League Action cast has a chance. Alongside what has been implied, I would assume that the latter two will appear in a LEGO Batman Movie set or minifigure series, which could imply the presence of the Wonder Twins and the other Justice League members in a similar set or grouping.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

94 months ago
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I'm thinking along the same lines. There are so many good characters that JLA has featured, but I don't know how much help it will be since Cartoon Network hasn't been giving it a lot of screentime apparently. :/

Still though, I'll hold hope for Plastic Man, Firestorm, Zatanna, Stargirl, Vixen, Shazam, Atom, and Etrigan. Getting even some of those would be really lucky though. :P

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

94 months ago
Score 0++

Firestorm and another Lex mech were just "confirmed"

Probably not the worst vehicle to rehash. I took apart the last one anyway. \_O_/

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

95 months ago
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Does anyone understand why Lego decided to make the Highwayman a "secret" figure? It's no more special than any of the others, it's like they just decided to not release images of a random one for no apparent reason.

Noone can be anything but disappointed when it's just another minifigure of the same standard as all the others in the series. It really seems pointless to try to generate so much hype when it was always going to result in a huge anticlimax. There's nothing wrong with the figure itself, but you can't help but feel a bit ripped off when you see it's just an average minifigure. Whatever genius in the marketing department thought this was a great idea should be fired.

Omega XAmateur

95 months ago
Score 1++

My thoughts exactly. I was definitely intrigued by the mysterious figure when images were first released, and was impressed by how TLG still managed to keep the identity under wraps for so long (only for the reveal to be so anticlimactic by a parent of a KFOL when the set was released in Legoland). I still do not understand why they made this decision, in fact if they were to limit it to an extremely rare number per box (maybe 2 or even 1?), I would be more understanding; but nope this is not the rarest at all so I still havent the faintest idea why they did that =P

As a matter of fact, I was expecting the highwayman to be the first minifig to be revealed, as it was first teased in the previous series. I like the idea of teasing a minifig frm the next series actually, so long as they reveal that minifig first before the rest of the series to generate more hype.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

95 months ago
Score 1++

I like the theory that the Highway man was kept secret because it was a stupid moneymaking gimmick, highway robbery and all that. I guess.

No idea, really, but he's probably actually the best figure in the series. A lot of the others are underwhelming without the anticlimax.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

95 months ago
Score 1++

Omega XAmateur

95 months ago
Score 0++
@Berry well that's certainly a way to look at it =3 And there were indeed some minifigs that were underwhelming in this series, even though the rocket boy is growing on me...=P

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

93 months ago
Score 0++
A lot of blind bag brands do this to rev up sales. Some kids got excited when they found the secret character before their friends, but it's 2017! Every kid has access to Google there's no point hiding it when they'll obviously find it.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

95 months ago
Score 0++

Getting caught up on movies I guess.

  • Finding Dory: Better than it should have been. Probably the best Pixar sequel (or prequel or whatever) outside of Toy Story. That's only Cars and Monsters University though, right? But still, it was worth a watch, and I could probably do it again in another couple of years.
  • Zootopia: As good as people were saying. Villain was a bit eh, but Judy and Nick are both good characters and, yeah, its microcosm is appreciated.
  • Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: I liked it. Too much CGI, a cobbled together plot, and terminology that probably required some good background in Harry Potter, but I liked it. All four "protagonists" (a word people use too loosely) were good, likeable characters. Star Wars aside (because Finn and Rey, and that pilot guy in Rogue One), I don't know when the last time I've really liked the characters this much in a live action film. Maybe that's because I've mostly been sticking with animation, but eh. If it's getting four sequels I hope that it manages a better overarching story and villains and maybe some more convincing effects, but I'm happy to see where Newt goes next.

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

95 months ago
Score 1++
Recently saw Fantastic Beasts too (when the DVD/Blu-Ray came out), pretty much agree what you said. I like that you had to have a knowledge of Harry Potter to really know what was going on- like Star Wars, when everything's just sort of "there" and you don't need to explain/introduce the audience to it all the time and everyone's all casual about the world they live in, it just seems more real to me. I did like the main Harry Potter series much more though, and like you I think it needs some sort of overarching plot. The main villain was way too mediocre, and I'm not sure why Dumbledore's so famous since team Newt took him out so easily and he's in jail now :/ But still, pretty happy with it for a first movie and think the sequels will be better.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

95 months ago
Score 1++

The situation with the villain is a little bit complicated. I'm not quite sure what's going on with him, since Deathly Hallows says that Dumbledore defeats him in 1945, which is about 20 years after the movie takes place. They really didn't set him up that well, I guess you are just supposed to accept him as a big deal because he cameos in The Deathly Hallows, but he's supposed to be back for the sequel, so. \_O_/ I guess that Voldemort was sort of the same way in the first few books/movies (or even most of the series), but he at least had a personal connection to Harry. I'm not sure this guy will have one to Newt, which sort of worries me that this will become the young Albus Dumbledore show in the sequel....

I'm hoping that it's sort of like Sorcerer's Stone, which really could be stand alone and has a lot of plot points that don't come back or could have been introduced later but still helps to ease people into the world. Really, the setup in Fantastic Beasts doesn't even need an overarching plot, but if Grindelwald is going to keep coming back it should probably have one.

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

95 months ago
Score 0++
Yeah, I was actually thinking this movie was going to end up being about Dumbledore, I was surprised he didn't even appear in the film since the one mention of him in the movie was also in the trailer (or maybe he was mentioned twice? I don't remember). I probably should have checked to have seen if there was a date attached to that Dumbledore/Grindelwald duel, guess it makes a bit more sense now :D Hope it doesn't become a Dumbledore prequel, but I can't even begin to guess where they're going in the sequels (unlike HP where it was obviously going to be going into second year). Could be interesting to see if he does do a world tour or something I guess, or they seem have made a big deal about Ilvermorny in the leadup to the film on Pottermore, maybe something might be going on there :S

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

96 months ago
Score 0++


  • That new Wonder Woman set is great. Kind of.
  • Steve Trevor's plane is sort of lame, like he's probably going to hit his propeller if he shoots those guns, but some mods can fix it.
  • I'd rather have an Ares minifigure, and a comics version at that (and probably a young New 52 version at that). I sort of doubt he even appears in the movie like this, but I'll take it
  • Wonder Woman looks great in the brighter costume, the shield is a great print, and she has her cloak
  • Steve is pretty good for the movie design, I guess. I'll probably mod him to a comics version, but that might end up a different minifigure all together
  • I've finally finished a CMF series, and it had to be the one with 20 figures.
  • The new Beauty and the Beast is interesting for reasons. I can't say that I liked it, but it was interesting....

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

96 months ago
Score 0++

I don't know why but I don't know how I feel about the set at all. The plane's really simple and boring (which is fine I guess... probably a good replica for the one in the movie) and big brick-built figures I'm not sure about (probably because I don't have one so I'm not sure what they're really like). I do think if they have a huge version of someone that they should always include a regular-sized minifigure in the set as well if they have the ability to grow/shrink. As you said, WW looks great. Steve looks meh (but faithful to the movie so it's the best they can do). Ares looks too much like the Ninjago cultists for me (but again, probably faithful to the movie, I don't know what Ares looks like)


Yay, I recently finished my Batman series set as well :D (but... I just bought a cheap set of 20 off ebay, so not quite a big an accomplishment :P). It would have been a hard series to feel for wouldn't it with all the Batman figures?

Didn't see Beauty and the Beast, don't plan to. I still think this would have made a much better movie.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

96 months ago
Score 0++

Ninjago cultists is right. :P Usually he looks like a bright blue Spartan hoplite, but the New 52 versions are a little different.

Probably, but I didn't feel for them. :P I ordered a bunch randomly and only got two duplicates, so I just picked the rest off of BrickLink to finish the set.

Love that video. Much better than the actual movie. :P

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

97 months ago
Score 0++

I couldn't access the website for a few days (or at least not the rc, which is where I usually land) but I got my TLBM order in that time. Thoughts:

  • Rescue from Ra's Al Ghul is sort of meh. Even the figures aren't that great. It's nice that they did do a playset, because that's how you do Ra's justice, but it's a meh playset.
  • I don't know how to rate the Juniors batboat. Mr. Freeze is a pretty good figure though, especially when given the armor from the TLBM version and some different legs (I used Jack Fury's legs and some blue hips). There was a Frozen Juniors set released around the same time, right? I sort of suspect that this was designed so Batman and Elsa could team up.
  • Disco Batman / Tears of Batman: Okay for a polybag, even better since it includes two minifigures. Disco Batman has some interesting parts with the gold cape, cowl, and rollerscates plus a purple belt. The clown version is a little weirder and probably not too useful, but still okay in its own right. I do wish they had included an accessory for it though.
  • Catwoman Catcycle Chase is okay. I'm not a big fan of the Jewelry Store, because it just seems like filler. The Catcycle's design seems sort of weird to me too, but at the same time, it's possibly the best brick built cycle LEGO has ever done. My problem might be that it doesn't really have a cohesive color scheme, just blacks and grays and silvers and purples sort of wherever. It does kind of recall the Batpod though, and I like that. Minifigures are good. Of course, Robin is a bit cooky and Batgirl and Catwoman have undergone racelifts, so people might not like that, but they do look good. Recommended for figures, not so much set.
  • Also, just a note, I've seen it mentioned but not really caught in any photograph: Batgirl and Robin's capes really are shiny on one side.
  • The Riddler Racer is lovely. I wasn't expecting to like it very much, but the build was actually really good and the final product isn't bad. The headlight technique is a little clunky, but that's really my only complaint. The minifigures are sort of eh (sort of), but there are five of them, so that's good. Riddler is okay, finally in his suit and with a cane, but I'm not a big fan of the shaggy orange hair or how they left off almost any trace of purple from his costume. Magpie sort of seems to be based on Beware the Batman, but is wearing some costume that the character never has before--she usually wears skimpy corsets and tights. Which, I guess it's fine if they don't want to depict that (though Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn, and March Harriet are wearing the same thing otherwise) but the gown doesn't really fit her personality. Calendar Man and Kite Man are both good and sufficiently ridiculous, and Batman is Batman. Recommended for figures and set.
  • The Scuttler is even better. It's a large and sufficient build like I've never known in the Super Heroes theme before; the only thing which might come close is the Javelin. It has a few odd colors peeking out at places, but the final model is excellent and fits in with the regular Batman stuff pretty easily because they didn't recolor the windscreen yellow. Figures are, again, sort of strange because they are all pretty important to the Batman mythos, but all (aside from Batman) look a little different. Which isn't to say bad. I like the Gordons and Joker is a fun design. I sort of want to see the movie before commenting on their depiction of Dick, but it makes sense for him to be geeky as a foil to this Batman. Ivy is weird. I don't much like the cloth skirt and I don't know what's going on with her head: her lips are really weird. The torso and legs themselves are gorgeous though, and the hairpiece is okay; perhaps a bit too stylized, but okay.
  • Also, just in case you wanted to know, the Gordons are of a slightly different skin tone than Aladdin. I think it is the same shade as Tonto.
  • I also ordered 15 CMFs and only got two duplicates. I don't think I will give individual thoughts on them, but those were the five Batman redresses (with an extra Vacation), Barbara Gordon, Commissioner Gordon, Dick Grayson, Nurse Harley Quinn, Orca, March Harriet, Calculator (x2), and King Tut. Overall pretty happy with that (I was expecting a lot more duplicates) but I still want Eraser, Catman, Pink Batgirl, and Red Hood. I'll probably Brinklink them and then, I'm thinking, I might as well just finish off the series because that would only leave off Arkham Joker, Mime, and Zodiac Master.

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

97 months ago
Score 0++

Superhero TV roundup:

Is it just me or is Powerless really lame? It's like it's trying to be both a Superhero show and a comedy, but it's failing spectacularly at both. Honestly, the only thing I've actually laughed at in these three episodes has been the opening credits. This week was slightly better than last (which was just plain terrible), but I can't be bothered watching it any more. Someone let me know if it improves.

Legion is weird. But to me, not good weird like people are saying. Not bad enough for me to stop watching though... hopefully it'll pick up.

Arrow/Flash/Legends/Supergirl/SHIELD all seem to be stuck doing predictable routine episodes lately- not bad, but more background noise than must-watch TV for me. Especially SHIELD. The whole AIDA thing is really boring and the concept of robot replacements has been done to death in other shows. Thought they were going to do something original and have a good powerful robot for once (like how she was in the comic books).

Saw the latest Iron Fist trailer- not a fan at all of any of the Marvel Netflix series, but I might give this one a shot.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

97 months ago
Score 0++

I haven't seen TLBM and probably won't for at least another two weeks (if I make it to the theater at all), but does anyone want to comment on the sets? Particularly the summer ones?

  • The Scarecrow one is okay, but I think that the Gotham Energy build is really just serving to drive up the price a little. Scarecrow's minifigure isn't as interesting as some others are, either, but he's still pretty good and better than what they've released before.
  • Bane's Toxic Truck is also okay. I like both of the vehicles and both of the exclusive villains are rather good. I guess it's just a little bit lackluster because of the price and since there are better villains in the movie than Mutant Leader, but it's no big deal. I might pick this one up, but I might also go for the low rider instead.
  • The Two-Face set is awful. The vehicle is an interesting idea, but I don't like the execution. I like that there are police officers in these sets, but the minifigure lineup isn't anything exciting. I don't like this Two-Face design much.
  • The Batwing needs more minifigures and I don't care much for the chunky design. It fits the LEGO movie aesthetic, but I don't like it. Harley is gorgeous but she is not worth $90.
  • I like the Ultimate Batmobile for what it is, but the idea is a little too gimmicky and the price too much. I do like the Batmobile that splits off of the main body (though the other vehicles are good too); it's probably the closest we have gotten to a Batmobile that I like, but it's still too out of scale and probably still holds only Batman. It's too bad that Mr. Polka-Dot Man has to be exclusive. Hopefully he won't be much on the aftermarket.
I've also gone and ordered The Scuttler, Riddler Racer, Catcycle, and the Juniors Mr. Freeze set (so that I can finally make a proper version) plus probably somewhere around 15 CMFs. Thoughts on any of the released sets and/or figures now that people have them?

Omega XAmateur

97 months ago
Score 0++

Agreed on the point that the summer sets are not receiving enough discussion =P

  • Scarecrow looks great!! Ironically the smallest set is my favourite of this summer wave =3 The vehicle suits the scarecrow very well with some great parts usage (eg broomsticks and stud shooters). I dont mind the Gotham E build, but yes agreed I could have done without it too. The fig itself looks exactly like what I imagined/wanted--not like the weird pizza version.
  • Bane's truck well...doesnt appeal to me. After seeing the movie, it appeals to me even less (spoiler (?) alert, it appears for at most 30 seconds--u can actually view the only scene which it appears in on youtube). I like the idea of Bane manning a stud shooter with a magnifying glass as a viewfinder (idk what that thing is called), and the vehicle does look like something Bane would man, but it just doesnt have that "wow" feeling. Minifig lineup is ok, bane is good, but still pass.
  • Two-Face's set is, if i may be so bold to say so, a failure. The "split" black and white feature which is such a distinctive feature of the character over the years is lost, or diluted until virtually indistinguishable from afar, which is a great disappointment to me as i was a two-face fan over the years =P Im ok with it being a bulldozer, but Im not ok with how the shovel (which is the most eye-catching part of the vehicle) is left coloured with only 1 colour, and how it seems to lack the contrast between the sides. Maybe its due to the nature of a bulldozer being rugged to begin with, but I feel they could have made a more distinct contrast (maybe be changing the colour and type of tyres for both sides?). I like the Batcycle, one of the more slicker and better ones Ive seen, love' the 2 face fig, but Im more confused than annoyed about the inclusion of the police officers. What were they thinking?
  • Batwing: I actually like it! It looks very substantial, accurate, and a very fun thing to play with! Love the fact that it is the logo when viewed from above, and how the managed to get the greebling and texture done for the different parts of the vehicle. Harley's gattling gun came as a surprise to me as i was under the impression that TLG does not release "violent" weapons, but Im not complaining here! Great use of the stud shooter, and the colour scheme is used to great effect too. The figs are all great, but the price may be the factor that makes me pass on this. Also, per berry, more figs are definitely welcome.
  • Ultimate Batmobile is my 2nd fav! Love how bulky it looks and also how accurate it is (No spoilers, but this is shown during a dramatic scene which made it look sooo badass. The Skuttler also had the same treatment). The splitting function is greatly executed both in the movie and in the flesh, love the build of it (especially the front grill--there was a closeup shot of the front and I was impressed at how accurate they managed to make it), all the figs are amazing (polka dot man is starting to seem strangely appealing..), but I would have preferred not to have the Wicked Witch but rather another...erm lets just say another character which I found to be more appealing.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

97 months ago
Score 0++
I guess that I was a little figure-centric when I didn't mean to be. :P You're definitely right about Scarecrow's copter and the Batcycle. Those are done well. Bane's car also isn't that special compared to some of the other vehicles.

Brikkyy13Outstanding Brickipedian

97 months ago
Score 0++

To me all the sets look great, but I will not be buying any of them unless I can find them heavily discounted. The Australian prices are just too high.

I do have a couple of the CMFs though and they are excellent. Again, won't be getting all of them, but they're still really good. Of the ones I've got, Glam Metal Batman would be my favorite.

Brikkyy13Outstanding Brickipedian

97 months ago
Score 0++

My actual thoughts on The LEGO Batman Movie

Wow, that was good. It was funny, emotional and filled with so many easter eggs, references and cameos. Was expecting it to tie in to TLM a bit more, but really only references it once or twice. Can't comment on the visuals, but I bet it looked just as amazing as TLM. No "Everything is Awesome" as Omega said, but still a decent soundtrack.

All round, really enjoyed it. They nailed it again. LEGO has set a standard for their movies and I hope the trend continues.

Omega XAmateur

97 months ago
Score 0++
Agreed, Lego continues to excel in making movies (ask me that 6+ years ago when Clutch Powers was released and I would have disagreed =P). However, and a slight spoiler alert (?), do u feel that the movies are a bit too similar if u understand which aspect I was referring to?

Brikkyy13Outstanding Brickipedian

97 months ago
Score 0++

It was similar but I wouldn't say it's too similar.

One thing I just realized is that it's not as memorable as TLM. It doesn't have a quote like "Spaceship!!!!" a thing like the double decker couch or the aforementioned song like Everything is Awesome

Omega XAmateur

97 months ago
Score 0++
Agreed, one of the ways TLBM is slightly underwhelming is it not being able to live up to TLM, but hey that is a pretty hard thing to do in itself =P

Brikkyy13Outstanding Brickipedian

97 months ago
Score 1++

My thoughts on The LEGO Batman Movie:

The people at Warner Brothers are idiots for releasing it in Australia almost 2 months after the U.S. They lost $5million on the first movie because we Aussies pirated it, it's just going to happen again.

When I get my hands on a copy I'll share my thoughts.

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

97 months ago
Score 0++

Couldn't agree more with you, it really stinks what WB/Village Roadshow/TLG/whoever's in charge of setting the date is doing to Australia/New Zealand. It's not like it even needs to be dubbed into another language, unlike most of Europe who gets it at the same time as the US. I know I'd be illegally downloading these movies instead of going to the cinema solely just to stick it to whoever's setting these dates. It's not like it's a common thing for these places to have movies out on a later date (going off some lists I just looked up, Aus/NZ seems to actually get movies a day earlier than the US most of the time. Apart from LEGO movies, the biggest delay I've seen for modern movies in these two countries is about a week later than the US/UK).

I also read a few weeks ago on the SW EB forum that Rebels sets aren't even coming to Aus/NZ apart from through S@H, and the obscene shipping prices from S@H to those countries are pretty well-known... I'm beginning to think that TLG has some vendetta against these countries.


97 months ago
Score 0++
Its different with blockbusters and kids films. Usually kids films are pushed around to fit with school holidays

Brikkyy13Outstanding Brickipedian

97 months ago
Score 0++

With blockbusters Aus is usually pretty good (we seem to get the marvel movies weeks ahead of the U.S. which is amazing), but like CJC pointed out school holidays have a big effect on release dates. Occasionally some movies get advanced screenings about a week before. I guess whoever's in charge of distribution thinks that the profit they'll make over school holidays makes up for the losses on piracy.

As for the sets we're not getting, it really is a shame. Someone mentioned on EB that we might get them in March, but other than that it's S@H. I at least have the option of going to the LEGO store now, but it's a bit out of the way. Other FOLs will have to deal with S@H. At least it's free shipping on orders over $200

Omega XAmateur

98 months ago
Score 2++

Spoiler Free LEGO Batman Review:

It is good. I will say upfront, that it is a good movie. It is a good, surprisingly heartfelt, surprisingly dazzaling movie. However, it slightly falls short of the LEGO Movie, which, considering how spectacular it was, is not an critisim in any way.

Lets start by listing out the pros of this movie. This movie excels in its uniqueness amongst the Batman continuitiy. It is a kid-friendly, humourous and is filled with, at times, almost shameless mockery of its own franchise as well as others. At the same time however, it offers a heartfelt look at Batman in a way we have rarely seen him-emotionally vunerable. This unique blend of geners creates a truly memorable experience.

The movie was in every way dazzaling and a treasure trove for a TFOL such as myself. It is jam-packed with easter eggs, references and is used to great effect. To my pleasant surprise, musical cues of previous incarnations owere also used! However, some of the jokes are reliant upon these references, and as im a TFOL, due to my age some jokes just flew past my head =P An unfortunate side effect from the reliance of previous musical cues however, was that as a whole, the movie lacked a distinct hummable tune. TLM was off the charts with Everything Is Awesome, however TLBM lacked something as iconic as that. There was a song played in the end credits that could have lived up to that, however it was only played once-during the end credits itself. The song Batman sings in TLM (Darkness..No Parents) was unfortunately not used here, a missed opportunity imo.

Lets talk about the plot. Im surprised at how bold the writers are (or the lego team in general), for some of the plot progressions that were made as they are definitely unconventional, but this movie managed to make it work brilliantly! It is packed to the brim with characters, mostly obscure ones, similiar to TLM, but mostly superheroes themed. But yet again, TLG managed to make this work in an organic manner. Im actually surprised how many licenses are packed into this! This movie is like an ultimate crossover of sorts, which would certainly appeal to many people.

However, one slight critisim of this movie would be that it lacked the level of creativity and Lego-ness one would expect from a Lego movie. One could certainly attribute it to the license (ie Batman as a central character) which limits the locations somewhat. (You dont really get a place as visually stunning as Cloud Cooku Land fr example). Some moments are classic Lego, but as a whole the level of imagination and crazy-ness of TLBM is lacking imo.

All sets are present naturally, but the selection of sets anr minifigs are questionable. Most vehicles are only present for at most a minute or two, and in fact most of the sets are only based around the first 10 plus minutes! The only sets i remember that are based around significant plot developments are the Batwing, Batmobile, Batcave (although several parts of it could be replaced with something more accurate), Arkham (to a very limited degree, although a significant plot device/McGarffin is missing--in fact, the McGarffin is nowhere to be found in any of the sets!).

In conclusion, this is a good movie without any doubt, with a strong message and funny moments. However, there are parts where TLBM falls short of TLM, and could certainly be improved upon in future movies. I did not catch any references to Ninjago, but i hope there is one! (Just that i missed it)

Definitely recommend this movie, especially those who are Batman fans or Lego fans, but if u are none of the above, it is still a very enjoyable, well written and beautifully executed in stop-motion-like animation form of a movie. Cheers!

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

98 months ago
Score 0++

Good to hear you enjoyed it, I didn't even know it was out yet :P

Now for the question I've been waiting to ask ever since the movie was announced: Was there any live-action sequence in this one, or any universe-shattering scene which flat-out said "hey guys, none of this is real, it's just a kid playing with toys"?

Omega XAmateur

98 months ago
Score 0++
@Nova: The most correct would be to say that there's no universe-shattering scene along the lines of TLM, butt there are several human faces appearing in the movie, like Alfred referencing the "weird" version of batman in the 80s. They do not "control" the minifigs in any way. I was personally expecting some earth-shattering scene but nope. HOWEVER THAT BEING SAID, there are a few winks/lines/moments that COULD be interpreted as hints that this movie exists in a FOL's room somewhere. I could just be reading too much into this but I certainly enjoyed how they brought the subtle idea across.

Omega XAmateur

98 months ago
Score 0++
In hindsight, the caps in my previous comment is entirely unnecessary =P


97 months ago
Score 0++

I liked it.

Re:Nova - I think there is nothing on that level. Like Omega says, there are the occasional real person face, and some hints that maybe its someone playing (the sound effects of the guns for example), but you can quite easily convince yourself that its all in universe.

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

97 months ago
Score 0++
Good to know it's not like TLM then, I'm sure I can convince myself bits of stuff in the background aren't really there :) Guess I'll go see it sometime... maybe... still haven't even seen Fantastic Beasts yet ;(

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

98 months ago
Score 0++
heehee - really like how he's designed so normal minifigures can hold his hand too :D

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

98 months ago
Score 0++
I think it kind of looks odd with the left hand sticking up, but the bulk of it is gorgeous.