User blog:Berrybrick/Apology

From Brickipedia, the LEGO Wiki

Oh, poor Socrates. And the Athenians' misunderstanding somehow permeated to present day. Somehow. Maybe I was just being difficult because I didn't understand the Republic in context, but I like Plato now.

And that has almost nothing to do with what I want to say.

I am sorry Brickipedia for being off these last few weeks. I could claim busyness, but that isn't entirely true. Personal problems though. Wooh.

I'm sorry. I have a review that needs publishing (and is really close to being done) and I have had weeks to do it, but I just can't find the strength.

Or I couldn't. Maybe I have.


I'm sorry.

Hopefully it will be up by the end of the week, because I am also busy, but I am also sorry that I have issues that I need to work through and that it is affecting a commitment I made to the site.

Ciao for now.

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113 months ago
Score 0++
Socrates' apology was better. Though I guess you aren't sentenced to death at the end of this, so each must have it's strengths...