User blog:NovaHawk/List of obvious Star Wars stuff we're missing

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To me, there are some very major scenes and vehicles from the Star Wars films that haven't appeared in LEGO in any way that I find very strange. Here's a list a number of people have come up with:

  • Some sort of Naboo Transport- At least one of the Naboo ships from Episodes I, II or III. I really would have thought that the Episode I ship would have appeared by now- in the film it sort of served the main group much like the Falcon did in the Original Trilogy and was a major part of the film.
  • Jedi Temple- One of the most iconic buildings in the whole saga, we haven't even had anything remotely related to the Temple.
  • Petranaki arena- Long fight scene, one of the major battles in the series, but yet again is entirely missing.
  • Invisible Hand, and other Separatist Capital ships- The Invisible Hand played a major part in the beginning of Episode III, even a duel area with Dooku/Obi-Wan/Anakin/Palpatine would be nice. Other Trade Federation ships seem to be lacking too- the Trade Federation cruiser being a major one (due to its appearances in Episode I).
  • Lars Homestead- significant in Episode IV, also appears in Episode II.
  • Bright Tree Village- Had a lot of screen-time in Episode VI, yet the only Ewoks we seem to get are from the parts where they're fighting.
  • Theed "stuff", including the Theed Royal Palace, Theed Hangar, and Theed Generator Complex (where Darth Maul fought Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan). All of these were major things in Episode I, and the Palace also appeared in Episode II.
  • Gungan "stuff", Otoh Gunga or Gungan sacred place, something other than a Gungan in the Battle of Naboo
  • Senate Chamber- Another big one appearing the the prequel trilogies. Could be set up as either a (relatively) peaceful Senate debate, or a duel between Yoda and Sidious
  • Massassi Temple- Served as the Rebel's base in Episode IV, had a fair bit of screen time.
  • Tipoca City (Kamino)- Major part of Episode II (even more major if you're like me and skip all the Ep2 Naboo scenes :P)
  • Varykino (Padmé's lake retreat) and Picnic in Lake Country- Because who wouldn't want to relive some of the most cringeworthy moments of the saga? Had plenty of screentime (it felt like hours).
  • Geonosian Droid Factory- Not sure how you'd do the fused Battle Droid/3PO minifigures though :)
  • Something related to Order 66- short but very important scene in Episode III.
    • Some of the clone trooper battle packs over the years might cover this to a degree.
  • Finalizer - A fair few scenes took place on General Hux's and Kylo Ren's Star Destroyer.
  • First Jedi Temple - Small but important part in the film, it'd be nice to have it as a small set. Likely it'll be an Episode VIII instead though.
  • TIE/fo Fighter - We've got a TIE/sf Fighter, but not a standard one-seater FO TIE Fighter. Not saying I want one right away, but it's an obvious set that should come one day.
  • Zeta-class cargo shuttle - Like Episode VII, LEGO did a pretty great job of covering most things in Rogue One by released one and a half waves worth of sets. This shuttle was pretty significant, but being so large it's understandable it hasn't yet been released.
  • AT-ACT - see above comment.

Also, there are a few characters we also don't have minifigures for (or variants for) which we really should have by now. Here's a few, feel free to suggest more in the comments (remember we're talking minifigures or variants that have had significant screen time)

  • Episode I C-3PO
  • Shmi Skywalker
  • Kitster Banai - had a fair bit of dialogue, definitely more prominent than Wald. Strangely, Kitster hasn't even appeared as a video game character.
  • Boss Nass
  • Sio Bibble - one of the least notable on the list, but did have some dialogue and screen time in Episode I.
  • Padmé Amidala (combat gear) - I don't know what to call it. The purple clothes she wore when taking back the Theed Palace.
  • Rune Haako - I'm not listing all the Separatist leaders because they're pretty minor (not that I wouldn't want them). But Rune did have almost as big a presence as Nute Gunray in Episode I.
  • Episode II C-3PO - as seen on this poster.
  • Any sort of Padmé Amidala (Senator) - The only Episode II or III Padmé we have is her Geonosis Arena clothes.
  • Mas Amedda - barely makes the list, but did appear in all three prequel movies, and had a couple of lines of dialogue. Was almost always seen in the scenes involving Palpatine.
  • Dexter Jettster - We have a Basalisk mould, why has it been used for a minor The Clone Wars character and not the Besalisk that appeared in Episode II?
  • Lama Su and/or Taun We
  • Captain Typho
  • Commander Cody (film) - Had a few speaking parts. It wouldn't be hard to have fit him in somewhere.
  • Bail Organa - Had some time in Episode II, and was fairly significant in both Episode III and Rogue One.
  • Beru Lars - significant screen time in Episode IV, also appeared in Episode II.
  • Saw Gerrera - fairly significant in the beginning of Rogue One.
  • Nien Numb - Pretty noticeable in Episode VI, also appeared in Episode VII. Why he hasn't appeared, yet Ten Nunb (who I don't even remember in Episode VI) has appeared twice is beyond me.
  • Luke Skywalker (Episode VII) - HUGE character in the film, appeared in nearly every scene- why isn't there a minifigure of him? OK, so his role's tiny, but it's Luke, so a minifigure of him would be nice. But, like the First Jedi Temple, he can easily wait until Episode VIII sets.

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NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

112 months ago
Score 0++

Now accepting Episode VII suggestions- please keep any spoilers out of your comments though because they can be seen in the RC. If you have anything with spoilers, please instead leave a message on my talk page.

Note- people like Jess Pava and Statura aren't mentioned- they aren't major. I think Statura had one line, and Pava I think just cheered all the time. Snap Wexley's already in a set- 75125, he's just called "Resistance X-Xing Pilot".

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

112 months ago
Score 0++
Well, with Unkar Plutt and Lor San Tekka confirmed for the second wave, that's all the main VII characters I can think of covered :)

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

121 months ago
Score 0++

Can we finally have a minifigure scale set where my minifigures can battle it out with politics? I mean, they have a golden opportunity here. This isn't the normal left-right mumbo jumbo, it's space politics. That's like a whole different scale, and really what made the first two prequels enjoyable.

Oh, I forgot that there was a Yoda/Sidious duel might actually have some appeal in that case...I'll shut up. :P

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

121 months ago
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Anyway it is kind of strange that Bail Organa hasn't gotten a figure. Cody too, he is even getting an Ultrabuild, apparently. :S

Beru should have been in the Sandcrawler, and I don't know why LEGO hates Padme. :P

Order 66 stuff would be cool with me. Movie versions of minor Jedi at (what should be) low prices might be too good for even me to pass up.

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

121 months ago
Score 0++

I know right? I mean, I know I can use Ree-Yees' head for Senator Ask Aak and Rusty's head for Senator Oraltor, but I want to get a bigger range of dedicated Senator minifigures so I can set them up and have a good old-fashioned political squabble. I mean, isn't that what toys are for?

Yep, I definitely thought we'd have a Bail by now- if not for Senate-based set, then maybe something with a bit more action- "Yoda's escape" set or something, with Bail's speeder, Bail, Yoda, and maybe Zett Jukassa and a couple of 501st clones?

The Sandcrawler really could have done with a small Lars homestead (with Beru included). I really like the set, but I just think that would have made feel much more complete. I'd still prefer a dedicated homestead set though.

Yeah, I wouldn't mind seeing a small "Order 66" wave of sets to replace battle packs for just one year (not that I don't love battle packs). But I can't see that happening for a long time with all the movies coming out

Brikkyy13Outstanding Brickipedian

121 months ago
Score 0++

You make a point, but most of these are big locations that would probably be at the higher end of the price range and $$$$$

That senate chamber one though, I've always wanted. I picture it as two of those pod-thingies on translucent bases, Yoda, Sidious and E.T.

You're missing a few ships though:

  • A new version of Obi Wan's jedi interceptor (it's been 10 years, we need one now)
  • A lot of ships from the clone wars that diserve sets (can't think of them now, but I remember saying "we need that in LEGO" while watching)
  • An affordable play set from the scene where Han is frozen in carbonite
  • a Home One set that is actually a ship
  • more midi-scale ships, because those were excellent (cough*midi scale death star*cough)
  • I know there's more but I can't think of it :P
Also, Beru does have a minifigure, except it's the variant from affter Boba Fett got to her :P

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

121 months ago
Score 0++

I'm not missing any on that list :P

  • As you said, we've already got versions of Obi-Wan's Jedi interceptors (both red and blue), the blog's for big obvious things that we've never had before (but I totally agree, I never got 7283 (I don't think I ever even saw it) and I've been hanging out for Obi-Wan's red interceptor for some time now)
  • I'm only covering films in this blog, otherwise the list would go on forever, and films are like the "main thing"
  • 10123 :P
  • Yeah, an actual Mon Cal cruiser would be nice :)

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

121 months ago
Score 0++
As you might be able to tell, this started as an old blog (from like 2010 or something). Just added the minifigure section in as an update.