User blog:Omega X/Caption Contest 5 + Results for Caption Contest 4

From Brickipedia, the LEGO Wiki

Hello guys! Sorry for the late judging and release of the contest, was caught up with some outings and lost track of time =P

Anyways, here it is! First, the judging of Caption Contest 4:

Judging of Caption Contest 4[edit source]

There were 2 entries by AwesomeKnight and Albus Potter, and both were very funny and interesting entries. Nice work guys!

=First Prize: Albus Potter[edit source]

Congratz Albus Potter for coming in first for Caption Contest 4! Here's he's entry:

Squidtron: Can I get one in green? Sidious: No, Jedi get the colors. We get cool shaped sabers.

Second Prize: AwesomeKnight[edit source]

Congratz AwesomeKnight for coming in second for Caption Contest 4! Here's he's entry:

Okay guys, any other ideas for lightsaber shapes that will sell toys and get us THE MONEY.

There's a link to Watto in "THE MONEY", which got me a bit confused =P But it's still a great and funny entry nonetheless! =)


Caption Contest 5![edit source]

Here it is! The next caption contest!

CC5 Logo.jpg

Theme: ZOMBIESSSSS[edit source]

Brickimedia CC5.jpg

Behind the Scenes[edit source]

I was at a local lego fair the other day, and saw a custom zombie minifig after the computer programmer, which is one of my favourite (due to him having my face =P), and the rest is history! =P

Rules[edit source]

  • To enter, just simply type an interesting phrase or phrases in the comments below and state who said it. There are no restrictions, so it could be a dialogue, or even a label, and do try yr best to make reference to whats happening in the picture in your entry. The most funny/creative/interesting entries win!
  • The contest ends around half a month from now, which is at 10/2/16
  • Strictly no copying of other user's entries

Prizes[edit source]

Templates will be given out, and here they are!

Winner of Caption Contest!
This award signifies that you have came in FIRST Omega X's Caption Contest!

Congratulations! =D

Omega X

Winner of Caption Contest!
This award signifies that you have came second in Omega X's Caption Contest!

Congratulations! =D

Omega X

Winner of Caption Contest!
This award signifies that you have came third in Omega X's Caption Contest!

Congratulations! =D

Omega X

Caption Contest Participation!
This award signifies that you have came participated in Omega X's Caption Contest!

Thanks so much for your participation!

Omega X


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Omega XAmateur

110 months ago
Score 0++

Annd the contest is ended! Thanks everyone for your support, even though some may not have participated but its ok! =) Awesomeknight had won this contest as his entry is the only entry received. Congratulations Awesomeknight!

Caption Contest 7 is coming up soon! =) Link will be posted down below when it goes live.

Omega XAmateur

110 months ago
Score 0++

Caption Contest 6 (sorry not 7, lost track of all these stuff =P) is now live here!

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

110 months ago
Score 0++
The photos for these contest have all been so great, I wish I could think of something :)

Omega XAmateur

110 months ago
Score 0++
Haha thanks so much man! Its ok to be unable to come up with captions, and I personally also feel that this one is particularly hard too, as even I had no idea how I would caption it if given the chance =P


111 months ago
Score 0++
Holy crap, it's a zombie! Wait, it's me from the future. So I die and become a zombie, am sent back in time, then kill myself and turn myself into a zombie? Hmm, these time travel plots are getting more and more complicated. *As the man comprehends the situation, his future zombie self kills him, turning him into a zombie, and is then sent back in time.*