User blog:Omega X/Winter Village Cinema

From Brickipedia, the LEGO Wiki

Happy New Year![edit source]

Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year to all! I'm glad to present my latest winter village moc for 2017: The Winter Village Cinema!

Winter village cinema.lxf 00000.png Winter village cinema.lxf.png Winter village cinema..sidebuild.lxf.png Winter village cinema.closeup.lxf.png

The Process[edit source]

Inspired by the modular cinema released several years back. this cinema drew several influences from its design such as the front protruding section for example. A light brick was included as usual, being incorporated into the projector in the cinema itself. It is coloured bright orange in the renders and hope that you guys could spot it =)

A ticket stand is included in its interior as well, which was initially intended to be displayed outside, but it ended up interfering with the overall layout of the building, and as such it was moved to the interior.

There was a struggle when building the top floors, and i went through the ideas of having it as a storage space for tapes before settling on a management office with a full length window as the backdrop (thought it would look nice =P)

When I first saw the large quarter disc piece, I became determined to use that as the roof of the cinema, and the build just progressed from there. It proved to be quite challenging at some places to integrate it naturally into the build and hope that it turned out well =)

The next project Im working on is the Winter Village Lego Shop, and yes, its as fun as it sounds to build =P

Comments appreciated! =D

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NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

87 months ago
Score 0++
I'll have a proper look at this when I can but just having a quick glance now, it looks great :)

Omega XAmateur

87 months ago
Score 0++
Thanks Nova! Would be uploading more closeups soon so more pictures are coming =)