User blog:Soupperson1/Batman v. Superman review
So I just saw the midnight release of Batman v. Superman (which was my first midnight viewing), and I thought I should review it. Spoilers will be in the spoiler section.
No spoilers[edit source]
Overall I thought the movie was pretty good, but there's something about it that I didn't like I can't put my finger on.
I thought the cast were amazing, each character played the role they were given perfectly, even Jesse Eisenberg! Who would've thought from the trailers? His portrayl of Lex bares little similarity to the comics, but it's still a great type of villain we haven't seen before in these comic book films. I think the character was very Riddler, just with Lex's name, money and no riddles. I really liked Ben's Brice Wayne, hands down the best portrayal we've seen of the character so far. His Batman was pretty good, except for one thing I'll talk about in my spoilers section. Can we just take a second to appreciate Henry Cavill's face.
Okay. :P I don't think what Henry Cavill was given to work with is practically Superman, he's a tad to dark and sexualized. I'm not sure the writers new how to the identify of the character either, he seems to have a split personality throughout the film. The same goes for Clark Kent, who didn't have much to do except not like Batman. Gal Gadot is a fantastic Wonder Woman! I'll talk about her Diana Prince in the spoilers section, but that was good too. I really liked her fight scene and I thought she pulled it off quite well. Amy Adam's Lois Lane was very Lois, you'll know what I mean in the spoiler section. I guess she played the role well which what she was given. Alfred just kind of seemed there, just to be like "We have an Alferd". He only has about three scenes in the movie, all are like a minute long. Not that Jeremy Irons didn't play the character well, you just can't make a 5 a 6 or however that saying goes. Holly Hunter was fantastic in what little she was given, she has a scene that's so well directed and acted its unbelievable! Mercy Graves had zulch to do, which really disappointed me as I was excited to see the character and was given nothing. I thought Laurence Fishburne did an exceptional job with what he was given. Diane Lane did an okay job, I'm not sure what else she could've added to the character but it just seemed kind of off. We have Jenny and the Amry people from Man of Steel back for some reason. Well if we can't have a Man of Steel sequel why not bring such beloved characters such as a gender swapped Jimmy Olsen, to be turned into a new character and not a gender swapped Jimmy Olsen.
I thought Zac Snyder did a great job directing this thing, I think you need a visual director for a film like this. The 3D was okay, the opening credit sequence really made the most out of it. I usually don't see films in 3D, because I don't like how glasses feel on my nose. I thought at the start of the film there was a lot of cutting back and forth between scenes, though that was probably the editor's fault.
Strange problems aside :P, The score was great, I'm not even a fan of scores in general but this was spectacular. I really liked the Wonder Woman theme they assembled.
The action scenes took about a 1/4 of the film. I've seen a lot of people say that's not enough, but half an hour of action scenes is a lot in my book. :P Wonder Woman had the best action scene IMO.
Spoilers[edit source]
My face during the scene where the bats pick young Bruce up:

Thankfully it turned out to be a dream, though it was still bizarre.
The Battle of Metropolis from Bruce's position was a nice addition. I liked him heroically running into a dust cloud and saving the little girl.
The terrorist thing that follows annoyed me. Poor Lois is turned into the damsel of the film, getting into trouble three times. I don't mind it to much as like the Scooby Doo argument, if you have an active female (Velma) you can have a damsel (Daphne). What I found annoying was Supes let all those terrorists die and then only saves Lois. The addition of the sex scene afterwards was pointless. It didn't add to anything besides the fact Kryptonians can have babies with humans. :P I'm not sure what the point of the scene of Henry Cavill in his underwear cooking eggs that followed had, but it was Henry Cavill in his underwear so who can complain? :P
I particularly like how they just walk by the Robin suit, without mentioning it at all. They don't even say it's a Robin suit, Bruce looks at it for a minute and that is that. :/
I'm not sure why no one was suspicious of the billionaire Bruce Wayne at a low rent boxing match, but oh well. They don't do much with that scene, except Bruce finds out Lex is EVIL!!! And simultaneously gets a invite to his party (I don't think they even said what type of party it was, because random parties aren't suspicious at all). The party scene was weird to me. Why would a news reporter be allowed into the party? What's Diana's job and why wasn't she or Clark alarmed when Lex knew their identities. I liked Bruce's sneaking around, though it was completely obvious. I loved how Clark overheard Alferd speaking in Bruce's ear and how Diana nicked the device.
I really liked all of Holly Hunter's scenes, I thought she did a phenomenal job. I loved the look on her face when she was talking to Lex, and her witty remarks. The "Granny's Sweet Tea" was such a spectacular scene, the fear she portrayed was outstanding. I was sad to see her die, but I'm not sure she could be used again.
I thought Scot McNeary's character was kind of pointless. It was a shame he was just there not to like Superman. I'm not sure why Lex's wheelchair was such a bribe to him, surely money would've been just as interesting. I was probably the only one who didn't think the wheelchair would blow up, killing the whole courtroom besides Superman, including June Finche (;() and Mercy Graves. Can we talk about Mercy for a second, was her only reason of existence just to disappoint me? I was expecting her to be an ex Amazon like it's been hinted in some continuities, but no she has about three lines and then dies.

To distract you from the spoilers above, Berrybrick has provided this lovely piece of art he made for a distraction
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