User blog:Soupperson1/Soup's 2015 Toughts

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Most people seem to be doing this now, so I'll be a sheep and do my own.


Until Architecture makes the iconic and breathtaking Spire(Ireland's sad attempt at creating a word wonder) I will not buy a set :P I'd like it if these were minifig scale, but these aren't so are mainly for desks. My 3 older brothers adore this line and liked this sets.


Ugh. I do not see the point in this line! If your getting rid of HERO Factory why bring this back? BIONICLE IMO is not LEGO, it's not bricky enough. It also takes away the chances of new moulds with some ridiculous weird pieces! Also I see they're working the smurfette principal, yay...


Girls join the party, seriously there's a girl in like every set here! There's two new faces as well an evil woman and a generic female. It should be noted LEGOs been using the same 2 female faces in like every non licensed theme since '11 now and it's great we're getting a change. Gail's hair is used in the construction sets too, so I don't need to bricklink for her. No new male faces here which is disappointing, also why do all men need headger? :S There's also new crocks here, but they look more cartoony and less then nostalgic then the old ones. The builds aren't too intresting here, but it's CITY I didn't expect them to be.


Lots of rare colours in classic, Spring Yellow Green, Cool Yellow, and Lavender! Also new eye pieces! I'll probably buy 3 of the sets (the ones with those colours).


Creator is boring :/ Most of the bricks are common and the builds are allways so generic, usually no interesting techniques. No change this year :(

Disney Princess

"Wanna know a secret? Promise not to tell. These sets look like they came from hell" :P

Okay not that bad but they're very bad! BrickFilmNut did a funny thoughts on them, so check that out! But unlike he, I care about mini-dolls so: Aurora-why are you pink! Ugh! She's pretty good other wise(violet eyes), but should be blue! Why is the set pink? In the movie her bedroom was different girly colours they didn't have to pink it. Also instead of a window could we have gotten Philip? And all rabbits in Sleeping Beauty were grey, and her best friend was an owl. Jasmine- looks like Kate is in a Jasmine costume. Why is Jasmine not the colour of the thugs in Indiana Jones? :/ It's weird as Pocahontas, Tiana and Jasmine will all be the same colour, despite not at all looking similar. Raja is a baby but that was suspected. Looks like the set promotes Jasmine stealing as she has no money for those perfumes. Also even a Genie Minifig would've been appreciated , but no he's stuck in the lamp. Also Raja ate Aladdin as they stole his carpet. Elsa-It's funny as glow in the dark in its white form is perfect for Elsa's hair. But they can't use that so she's a blonde, why not tan? And man she made Olaf and her palace ugly. That is one ugly colour scheme, and was ice cream even invented then? Anna-If Elsa's a blonde Anna should be yellow-flamish Orange. :/ At least they gave Anna a new face! Though Anna will appear in a set per wave, if this licence continues. Alana-Eh what? Triton? No? A sister? WHAT? This set is so pointless! What a cash grab! Ariels amazing treasures was crappy as it is you need to make it pointless by putting mermaid ariel and flounder in a new set!? But yay Sebastian..

I believe we're getting a second wave as there's space for 6 sets so I guess: Belle's Beautiful Castle-120 - Belle, Beast, Adam Cinderella's Old Home-70 - Cinderella, Lady Tramane Tiana's Delicious Restaurant-40 - Tiana, Naveen Snow White's Secret Cottage-30 - Snow, Sleepy (please!) Anna's Adventurous Sleigh Ride-25 - Anna, Kristoff Pochahonta's river trip - 10 Pochahontas


I not as fond as elves as others. While I will find use for the purple foliage, I don't understand why everyone is throwing a parade about them. I probally will end up collecting this whole theme, as I like most of the sets. I don't like the mini-dolls though, they're faces are weird, and they have coloured hair for some stupid reason. The animals are pretty weird too, but is that a new fox mould in the bakery? We also don't get an African American boy at all this year, which is weird since Elves is more uni-sex.


Who put Max in another animal figure pack. 👿😕😡😲 Wait they're animal boxes now, ew. The small sets are preety bad, Olivia's garden pool is a stupid idea for a set, Emma's vet ambulance looks ugly and the Pizzarirea is disappointing. I don't think anyone one have died if you used the parts from Pizza Dilivery Guy and gave Steph an uniform. The hot air Baloon set is amazing though! :D Though Olivia/Jacob or Mia/Marvin would've made more sense. The animal care clinic, should have Sophie in it as well. The Hair Salon is preety dumb, as we only get two spare hairpieces. The pieces and build are nice, but too much open space. The lighthouse is annoying me, why is it pink? Why are Stephanie and Kate back in a set together. Why can't Ella/Chole/Christina/Maya/ ect. come back? Why do cacausisans need to wear towels, and african Americans need four pairs of shorts!? I would've prefaired a boy in a swimsuit. He could've worn one of those sleeveless swim tops like one wears in City Marina. Also a lighthouse captain would've been aprichiated. Emma's house is spectacular, has some very clever builds. Also amazing arrange of new pieces, haven't been this excited since I saw Heartlake High! #Pumped! #Bringing#stooBrickipedia. I don't see why giving Emma a sibling was a problem, a baby would've been simple to produce. Yeah this isn't the best wave of Friends and I doubt Mia's sports car will make it the best wave. :P I just want a zoo!

Ledgends Of Chima

These animal packs are too hyped, they're ugly. We get three generic figures in each set with three ugly builds. It took them way too long to get bears, but hey they look okay. Flinx's Fire thingy looks cool and I'll probally buy it, that's about it for Chima. Sorry?


The beach trip looks cool, I'll probally buy it for the car. The supermarket, first set, garbage set and pirate set are all okay. I don't understand why there's no licenced sets this year, especially no Star Wars/Disney Princess one.


I don't like this theme much, the first year had decent-great sets, but since then it got meh. Hopefully it will get amazing sets to go with its movie in 2016, but otherwise they're preety bad. I might buy the smaller sets to collect the ninjas, I still don't have a Llyod. :P


Who will be in a second Simpsons series? Without being controversial I have no idea..


Appearntly these were popular enough to stop being made after colours. See obviously it's the amazing character arcs the characters got from the Cartoon Network series that sold the sets and not the pieces. I'm disappointed they're no pink tribe/colt/type/what ever these things are


Looks preety like, almost the same to me as the 2009 line. Nothing intresting here, I was hoping for new costal animals but nope! :(

Speed Champions

Mabey I'll buy a Juniors version, if they make one. Otherwise this theme is stupid to me. But I'm not a car type of person.

Super heroes

I stopped reading comics recently, so I'm not as excited as I would've been before, but still excited-ish. Should the Green Latren set not be you know more GREEN? :/ Besides the figures, the set is pointless. Aquamans set is cool enough, Aqua Lad woldve been cool, mabey instead of Robin and Robin instead of batman? Yay our first African American villian. The Flash set figures are decent, but the builds oh the builds. Grod or Grood(as the bricks how say) is cool and yay a bigfig in a cheap set! Captain Cold is amazing! I hate myself for buying the riddler chase now, because Flash makes an appearance here. And yay a Batman? Yay Wonder Woman has trousers. Speaking of which the invisible jet is awful. If it's that small a small set with Cheetah would've been nice. The Bat Mech-What the fuddle is this?, What on earth? Really LEGO really. We also get a banana truck, whoopee. The Javelin build is slick, but only fits one figure that's visible and three in total :/ Darksied is cool, so is cyborg and green arrow. Hawkgirl would've been better then Hawkman, so they're wouldn't be a smurfette principal. Brainiac Attack-That pollybag was so popular it was deemed he could sell a set, so he got one :P

Star Wars

Boring and expensive I just hope Lupita's character appears in a small set so I can have a female african American, without buying the 50€ xmen set.

The Simpsons

Only a Kwiki Mart seems to be coming, but that's exciting enough. Iconic location and hopefully lots of grocery pieces.

If I missed anything let me know

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BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

126 months ago
Score 2++
  • The point of BIONICLE is that LEGO as we know it probably wouldn't exist without it. Also, BIONICLE's budget is BIONICLE's budget. LEGO isn't going to invest more in a theme like Ultra Agents than they do already because BIONICLE is around. This is because BIONICLE is expected to pay for the molds based on the sales of its own sets; the Friends budget isn't going to help support it. The Smurfette principle was part of the old line, as it has been with many of LEGO's action themes. They have gotten somewhat better as of late with Monster Fighters, Ultra Agents, and now City seems to be getting more. I say that we see where the next wave goes; we do only have six named characters at this point, but I agree that it is something that needs to change (I do not support gender bending though) and I hope that we see more women.
Not much else for me to say right now, sorry. :P (I might get Aurora's bedroom though because her hairpiece would be perfect for Black Canary. The set is weird though).

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

126 months ago
Score 0++
I doubt her hair piece will look good on a Minifigure, most mini-doll ones don't.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

126 months ago
Score 1++
Probably right, but I'll still hold out some hope. :P


126 months ago
Score 1++
2015 thoughts*

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

126 months ago
Score 0++
P I can't rename it

ToaMeikoHonorable Brickipedian

126 months ago
Score 1++
Yeah you can. Same way as any other page.