User blog:ToaMeiko/BrickFair New Jersey 2015

From Brickipedia, the LEGO Wiki

Hi everyone! BrickFair New Jersey is taking place in a week from today! The event takes place in Somerset, NJ from October 29 to November 1. During the event, LEGO designer Christian Vonsild of the constraction team will be attending and giving a seminar. I will do what I can to bring you all information that would be of interest to the community and possibly help expand our content.

Additionally, if any other users are planning on attending the event, feel free to find me and say hi. NE1-1.gif If you know for sure that you'll be there, leave a comment down below!

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Stormbringer Empire791Novice

114 months ago
Score 0++
Yep I'm going, probably both days during public hours. Any idea when that seminar is?

ToaMeikoHonorable Brickipedian

114 months ago
Score 0++
Christian's seminar is scheduled or Friday at 7pm, so it's during the exhibitor hours. Full schedule is available here.

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

114 months ago
Score 1++
On a different country buy in the same topic; Brick Dublin is on this weekend if anyone sees me you can say hello, I'll probably be there the whole time :P