User blog:ToaMeiko/Interview opportunities

From Brickipedia, the LEGO Wiki

Hi everybody,

Right now our community isn't as active nor as engaged as I'd like to see it, but I have an opportunity that could possibly get some more engagement among us and also get us some attention from the public. I have a lot of contacts in the LEGO community, so I figured if anyone here would be interested, we could have some interviews with some people I know.

Since I don't have time to interview everyone I know, I'll let you guys choose who you'd want to have our first interview with. Here are some options:

All of the above are people I'm in close contact with over Facebook, Twitter, or some other medium and would be readily available to conduct an interview with (some of them I've interviewed before). If anyone I've listed is someone you'd be interested with having an interview with here on Brickipedia, let me know in the comments. I'll be able to interview multiple people over time, but one of the above people will have to be the first. :)

Comments (14)[edit source]

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Anonymous user #1

132 months ago
Score 0++
Samuel Johnson (Ninjago) and Jan Beyer (Europe/Asia/Eurasia) sounds good! :-)


132 months ago
Score 0++
Tim C sounds pretty good, especially when Ideas has just opened.


132 months ago
Score 0++
Johnson, but Courtney is a close second.


132 months ago
Score 0++
Meno or Shilo. I'm very fond of both's works as I am a subscriber to BrickJournal and I follow Shilo's work on flickr. The two are really great people and work hard. :)


132 months ago
Score 0++
Wes Talbott, please. I'm a Zelda fan, so yeah.

BrickfilmNutBuilding Bigger

132 months ago
Score 0++
Meno and Courtney would probably be my top two choices.


132 months ago
Score 0++
Samuel Johnson or Tim Courtney are my choices.

LFY1547Thinking With Bricks

132 months ago
Score 0++
Tim C., Tommy Williamson, and Shilo all sound pretty good.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

132 months ago
Score 0++
Jan Beyer is my first choice, but I admit that most people might find that interview more dull than I'd expect myself to....


132 months ago
Score 0++
Interesting. I'd like to see some interviews with those people. Tim Courtney mostly because I'd like to hear his personal views on Lego Ideas.

King KahukaAmateur

132 months ago
Score 0++
i have a hard choice between Tommy Williams and Jan Beyer... :/

SamanthaNguyenBuilding Bigger

132 months ago
Score 0++
Trying to decide between Tim C. and Peter E. Hmm..

SamanthaNguyenBuilding Bigger

132 months ago
Score 0++
Actually, Wes Talbott, Hidaka and Nathan S. sound good too.

ToaMeikoHonorable Brickipedian

132 months ago
Score 0++
It is a lot harder to get an interview with Nathan Sawaya. I am his friend on Facebook, but since he has such a busy schedule and gets interviews from more significant parties than most LEGO fan sites, I'm not sure how easily I'd be able to make time into his schedule.