User blog:ToaMeiko/Survey: The LEGO Club And Its Influence On Adult LEGO Builders

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Hello Brickipedians!

The LEGO Group is conducting a workgroup among ambassadors with the intent of exploring the LEGO Club's influence on AFOLs/TFOLs, and if they ever were, or currently are, LEGO Club members.

The LEGO Club Team would greatly like to know how the LEGO Club might has influenced your passion for building and the LEGO Brand.

Please answer the following questions in the comments if you are an AFOL/TFOL with a history with the LEGO Club:

  • What’s your history with the LEGO Club? (e.g., how old were you when you first began receiving the LEGO Club Magazine? Who signed you up? Did you stop receiving the magazine? How are you currently using the LEGO Club offerings?)
  • As a child, what was your favorite thing about receiving the LEGO Club Magazine?
  • Do you recall how the LEGO Club influenced your LEGO play? Any particular moments and memories you associate with the LEGO Club in general and the magazine more specifically?
  • When you think of yourself today, how might the LEGO Club have influenced you to become a passionate and engaged LEGO builder?

I will share your comments and feedback in the workgroup by the end of the month. If you have any questions, please let me know. Thank you for your time!

--ToaMeiko (talk) 04:56, 12 September 2015 (UTC)

Comments (13)[edit source]

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115 months ago
Score 0++
  • I think 7. I wanted to sign up to get an Indiana Jones polybag. But then my parents had to pay I think for Brickmaster/Club. So I guess it was ultimately them. Yeah, I guess I kinda made a lot of requests some how and was getting doubles of issues. And then I got really tired of it that I emailed LEGO and asked them to stop sending me Club magazines. I'm not using LEGO Club offerings. I think they said they were making the older club magazine for a younger audience which in hindsight made me think they were going to dumb it down.
  • My favorite thing was the comics and contests (that I never entered).
  • It never did unless it was a contest, I had to learn a lot of techniques by myself just screwing around with LEGO. Eventually I got it. I don't associate any memories with LEGO Club Magazine. The LEGO Club never really helped at all with building. I was kind of judgmental so I always wanted to post something that wasn't an RMS Titanic, a US Flag, a Union Jack, or a Guitar. So I guess that helped in some twisted way.
  • BONUS RAMBLING: I think LEGO themselves should make a TFOL/AFOL magazine that focuses on building techniques and highlighting more creations, using more creative jokes and such. Admit it, when you're waiting in a dentist's office, you love to look at mindless magazines usually aimed to children or people who care about who's dating who in the celebrity world. The simple puzzles are so fun to do just in my head. If they would make them like, stimulate your brain for building and getting creative in a LEGO magazine, that'd be great. Especially interviews with designers on UCS sets or even new themes and their sets. Because I want to be a LEGO designer when I grow older and can actually work and not have it be breaking that child labor law. I've always wanted just some physical connection to TLG and what's going on there too. It just seems like something I'd enjoy reading. Because I've always wanted to know what the building process is for sets. It's something interesting that'd make me read it. I know there are many other LEGO magazines aimed towards AFOLs/TFOLs but I'd like an official one.


115 months ago
Score 0++
  • I only recently started getting LEGO Club when I started to get invested in Mixels. I still receive it, though I still seem to keep getting it later than others for some reason.
  • I like both the offers and anything Mixels-related. Was how I found out about the upcoming Mixel special coming even closer than we thought.
  • I enjoyed the free polybag offer. I got Azari's Magic Fire from a mail-in offer.
  • I feel like LEGO Club has kept me hooked onto other non-Mixel things a bit more.

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

115 months ago
Score 1++
Are you sure the Azari thing was from LEGO club not no one else got that free :P

Anonymous user #1

115 months ago
Score 0++
I think LEGO Club sometimes gives free sets from new subscribers. I remember getting something like that once.

Anonymous user #1

115 months ago
Score 0++
I think LEGO Club sometimes gives free sets from new subscribers. I remember getting something like that once.

Anonymous user #1

115 months ago
Score 0++
I think LEGO Club sometimes gives free sets from new subscribers. I remember getting something like that once.

Anonymous user #1

115 months ago
Score 0++
I think LEGO Club sometimes gives free sets from new subscribers. I remember getting something like that once.

Anonymous user #1

115 months ago
Score 0++
I think LEGO Club sometimes gives free sets from new subscribers. I remember getting something like that once.

Anonymous user #1

115 months ago
Score 0++
I think LEGO Club sometimes gives free sets from new subscribers. I remember getting something like that once.

Anonymous user #1

115 months ago
Score 0++
I think LEGO Club sometimes gives free sets from new subscribers. I remember getting something like that once.

Anonymous user #1

115 months ago
Score 0++
I think LEGO Club sometimes gives free sets from new subscribers. I remember getting something like that once.

Anonymous user #1

115 months ago
Score 0++
I think LEGO Club sometimes gives free sets from new subscribers. I remember getting something like that once.

Anonymous user #1

115 months ago
Score 0++
I think LEGO Club sometimes gives free sets from new subscribers. I remember getting something like that once.

Anonymous user #1

115 months ago
Score 0++
I think LEGO Club sometimes gives free sets from new subscribers. I remember getting something like that once.

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

115 months ago
Score 0++
  • Been getting the magazine for about 5 years. I signed up for it myself. No I did not stop receiving the magazine. I am currently getting the magazine.
  • Never had it as a child. Favorite thing since I've been getting it is the free sets.
  • It didn't/hasn't. Only memories really are thinking "yay, free polybag" when one was included with the magazine.
  • It didn't.

These answers may sound negative, that's just because of the questions asked. Sure, the only reason I get it is for the odd free polybag and the catalogue that comes out every 6 months, but I'm not saying the magazine's bad. I mean, the part showing off other kid's creations- I couldn't care less, and I know that I couldn't have cared less when I was a kid. But the alternate model build instructions are a pretty cool idea, I've never built anything with them but I still glance at them sometimes and find them interesting. And the puzzles/quizzes (while I never do them) seem well-designed for kids.

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

115 months ago
Score 0++
You get free pollybags with it?! :O

Anonymous user #1

115 months ago
Score 0++
I think he is talking about Brickmaster.

Anonymous user #1

115 months ago
Score 0++
I think he is talking about Brickmaster.

Anonymous user #1

115 months ago
Score 0++
I think he is talking about Brickmaster.

Anonymous user #1

115 months ago
Score 0++
I think he is talking about Brickmaster.

Anonymous user #1

115 months ago
Score 0++
I think he is talking about Brickmaster.

Anonymous user #1

115 months ago
Score 0++
I think he is talking about Brickmaster.

Anonymous user #1

115 months ago
Score 0++
I think he is talking about Brickmaster.

Anonymous user #1

115 months ago
Score 0++
I think he is talking about Brickmaster.

Anonymous user #1

115 months ago
Score 0++
I think he is talking about Brickmaster.

Anonymous user #1

115 months ago
Score 0++
I think he is talking about Brickmaster.

Anonymous user #1

115 months ago
Score 0++
I think he is talking about Brickmaster.

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

115 months ago
Score 0++
I don't know, it's been years since I got a polybag... maybe I'm remembering it wrong :P

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

115 months ago
Score 0++

I'm not sure a 15 year old counts as an AFOL but I'll give my feedback anyway:

  • Eight, My parents, Yep around two-three years ago, I read the magazines online to add new info to our articles
  • The comics or facts
  • Nope
  • I don't think it did anything the girls magazines didn't exist back then and I mainly build girly stuff now

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

115 months ago
Score 0++
  • I don't know, maybe seven? Probably my parents. Yes, I have stopped receiving it within the last three or four years.
  • Comics, probably. I loved the Orient Expedition and Knights' Kingdom ones especially. I liked the BIONICLE ones when I got older, but they didn't tell whole stories, so they were often a bit of a pain to read. I don't know if there was a drop in the quality of the comics or it was just me getting older, but after a few years, I didn't find them as interesting. Then it became bits of trivia about characters and set design, but that wasn't always very interesting either.
  • With the magazine specifically? Not really, thought it might have made me more inclined to make up stories for Johnny Thunder and the Knights of Morcia. I always wanted to get something into the cool creations section, but I never actually took pictures of anything.
  • I don't know about a builder, but it might have helped make me more retrospectively keen. As I think about what attracted me to Johnny, the Knights, and various BIONICLE characters it helps with my understanding of myself and that in turn will start a sort of cycle which has me fill in the characters and make them something of my own. That doesn't get applied to building much, or, really to LEGO, but it is good for my imagination.

Anonymous user #1

115 months ago
Score 0++

1.I have read it since I could read (possibly even before). I don't recall. Yes, it hasn't come all year. What does it offer? 2. Showing action scenes with the current sets and comics. I have seen the recent issues and the comics aren't as funny as they used to be and the set images are now cartoon. My favorite magazine years had to have been 2007-2010. 3.I remember when they used to put BIONICLE comics in the magazine. Those where awesome and influenced my play. Yes, I associate BIONICLE with LEGO club for the same reason.

4. Maybe set designer interviews, but the BIONICLE stuff in the magazine helped fuel my liking of BIONICLE.

Clone gunner commander jediThinking With Bricks

115 months ago
Score 0++
  • My history with LEGO Club? Well, I don't remember how old I was when I first received LEGO Club Magazine (Then simply "LEGO Magazine") but I was signed up for the subscription during my first trip to LEGOLAND Windsor by my mum. The earliest issue I have been able to find is "Issue 1 2005" so it must have been some time in 2004 that I was signed up for the subscription. The last issue that I have is "Issue 2 2010" and my subscription ran out after that. I am not currently using any LEGO Club offerings.
  • My favourite thing about receiving LEGO Club Magazine as a child? I honestly cannot remember, but, now, looking back at the issues that I've been able to find, it certainly is the comics, especially what I have of the Knight's Kingdom ones.
  • I don't think it ever influenced my "LEGO play", that was influenced mainly by Doctor Who and Star Wars... Any particular memories that I have of LEGO Club or the Magazine? Well, my strongest memory is my hatred of the smug children either showing off their LEGO collections or their terrible MOCs in the "Cool Creations" section of the Magazine. I did once send a picture of my Clone Gunner Commander Jedi's Assault Tank] for "Cool Creations" but that was after I'd stopped receiving the magazine so I've no idea if they ever included it in any issues. I also remember really enjoying "The Adventures of Max" stop motion animation series on and I think it might have been one of the influences that has made me want to become a stop motion animator. I also remember entering "Issue 4 2009"'s Clone Wars contest, I did not win.
  • How might LEGO Club have influenced me to become passionate about LEGO? Well, it must have influenced me because beyond the magazines, I only had 4107 Build Your Dreams for years and I think it definitely actually got me interested in LEGO beyond that one tub of bricks as I began to actively collect sets and enjoy building and playing with LEGO, and although I now no longer have much time to play or build with LEGO I am still passionate about it, just I now see it and use as a great resource for creating stop motion animations, and, well, now I am an administrator of a LEGO Wiki, so that must say some something!
Well, there you go, some stuff about my past with LEGO and in particular the LEGO Club. (I hope at-least someone will care about this...) ~~~~

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

115 months ago
Score 1++
Ooh I think I entered that contest too and also didn't win! :P