User blog:ToaMeiko/Where I think Brickipedia should be going

From Brickipedia, the LEGO Wiki

Attention: This blog is just my random opinion out of the blue. It has no context whatsoever in regard to anything recent.

I think everyone is well aware that we're not doing as well as our old site— at least not in some areas. However that doesn't mean we're not doing better than them in other areas. I've seen people losing hope in this wiki and community. I have myself at times but I'm still here. Just because we're not the most successful LEGO wiki doesn't mean it's not worth continuing efforts towards it. If you compare the two wikis, yes, our old wiki gets more visitors currently. However, in comparison, the average edit here is more constructive and higher quality than the average edit towards the old wiki. That's a really good thing given we aren't as active in editing at times as the old wiki. We don't need to have more edits to be a better LEGO resource. We just need to continually be a reliable source and over time more people will come to recognise us as such.

Comparing this wiki to how it was several months ago, we're definitely doing better over time. Our Google search positions, though they're not on top, are rising constantly— especially searches for recent or upcoming sets, which is what's often the most important to our visitors. As long as we stay up to date and the quality of our articles doesn't drop, we'll progressively work our way up past our old wiki on upcoming sets. Some of our 2015 set pages are already about our old site in searches. By 2016, I'm sure even more will be. This continued growth will put us even and past our old wiki if we keep working towards that goal.

Recently due to server complications, Brickimedia has downsized tremendously. The best part about that is that with less projects and less plans for new projects, there's more focus towards the current projects. This has given us a nice growth in activity, along with a contest and some exclusive reviews. If we continue to focus on what's important—the number one reason we moved here in the first place—this wiki will prosper. The thing that's missing is the dedication of several users. At our old wiki, almost everyone realised the one responsibility they had as a member of the community— to help develop a complete LEGO encyclopedia. Here, some people slack off and expect others to do work for them, or just expect the work to get done on its own. For this wiki to ever be the best LEGO wiki, everyone will have to contribute to it. We all want it to succeed, so we all need to help it succeed.

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NBP3.0Brick Master

129 months ago
Score 3++

What Knight said, the fact that we've progressed so much in only a month means we're doing something right. We have a budget now, we, the community, choose our own path depending on how hard we work.

First positive blog in a while, feels nice. You forgot that I suck though (miss you cjc)


129 months ago
Score 3++
Finally, someone looking on the bright side besides me. Also, you need to note that we're pretty high in the traffic meter.