Inventory:Zellers Value Pack
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List of Parts from the Zellers Value Pack, which contained 7101, 7111 and 7131.
Parts[edit | edit source]
- Part:75 x2 Black
- Part:522 Black
- Part:522 Old brown
- Part:577 x2 chrome silver
- Part:970c00 x2 Black
- Part:970c00 Tan
- Part:970c00 Old brown
- Part:973px58 tan
- Part:973px82 tan
- Part:973px83 blue
- Part:973px88 black
- Part:2342 old dark gray
- Part:2412b x2 old dark gray
- Part:2412b red
- Part:2420 x2 blue
- Part:2431 x2 old brown
- Part:2431px2 x4 old dark gray
- Part:2450 x2 old brown
- Part:2540 white
- Part:2540 old brown
- Part:2555 tan
- Part:2555 x2 white
- Part:2555 x2 old gray
- Part:2569 x4 old dark gray
- Part:3002 old gray
- Part:2780 x2 black
- Part:3001 x3 tan
- Part:3002 black
- Part:3003 x2 old dark gray
- Part:3003 x4 tan
- Part:3004 x2 black
- Part:3004 x2 yellow
- Part:3010 x4 black
- Part:3020 x2 old brown
- Part:3020 x2 black
- Part:3021 x6 old brown
- Part:3021 old dark gray
- Part:3021 x3 red
- Part:3021 x3 tan
- Part:3022 x4 old gray
- Part:3022 x2 tan
- Part:3023 x2 old brown
- Part:3023 x4 red
- Part:3024 x3 transparent red
- Part:3031 x4 black
- Part:3034 x2 tan
- Part:3048 x2 blue
- Part:3049c x2 old gray
- Part:3068b x2 old dark gray
- Part:3069bps1 x2 old gray
- Part:3298px7 blue
- Part:3623 x2 blue
- Part:3626bps8 black
- Part:3626bpx31 yellow
- Part:3626bpx45 yellow
- Part:3626bpx48
- Part:3660 x4 old dark gray
- Part:3660 blue
- Part:3700 old brown
- Part:3710 x2 old gray
- Part:3747 old dark gray
- Part:3794 x2 blue
- Part:3694 x2 old gray
- Part:3794 x2 old dark gray
- Part:3795 old dark gray
- Part:3821px1 blue
- Part:3822px1 blue
- Part:3849 old dark gray
- Part:3941 tan
- Part:3941 x6 blue
- Part:3942c x2 old gray
- Part:3956 x8 old brown
- Part:3958 tan
- Part:4070 x4 tan
- Part:4070 x2 old dark gray
- Part:4070 x8 black
- Part:4073 x2 old gray
- Part:4073 x2 transparent yellow
- Part:4282 x2 tan
- Part:4286 blue
- Part:4495 blue
- Part:4495 yellow
- Part:4592 x3 black
- Part:4593 x3 old gray
- Part:4598 tan
- Part:4599 black
- Part:4599 x3 old gray
- Part:4735 x2 old brown
- Part:4740 white
- Part:4855 x2 old gray
- Part:4859 old brown
- Part:4859 blue
- Part:4865 x3 blue
- Part:4871 blue
- Part:6016 x2 old brown
- Part:6016 x2 old brown
- Part:6019 x8 old gray
- Part:6019 x4 blue
- Part:6019 white
- Part:6069px3 old dark gray
- Part:6091 x2 tan
- Part:6231 x2 old gray
- Part:6232 tan
- Part:6248 x4 old gray
- Part:30031 old dark gray
- Part:30151 x2 yellow
- Part:30170 x2 old dark gray
- Part:30171 old gray
- Part:30237 tan
- Part:30357 x2 tan
- Part:30357 x2 old gray
- Part:30359a transparent neon orange
- Part:30360 old dark gray
- Part:30364 x2 old dark gray
- Part:30365 x2 old gray
- Part:30374 transparent neon green
- Part:30374 transparent red
- Part:30382 x4 old brown
- Part:30383 x6 old dark gray
- Part:30407 x6 yellow
- Part:30410 old brown
- Part:x115 black
- Part:x161 old brown