Brickipedia News:'LEGO Batman 3' to be announced tomorrow? *UPDATE*

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Brickipedia News:'LEGO Batman 3' to be announced tomorrow?

User:Berrybrick 20:44, 26 May 2014 (UTC)

avatarby Berrybrick
May 26, 2014. Last updated May 27, 2014.
Justice Will Be Dawned

'dccomics' on Instagram is asking you to follow 'legobatmangame' promising that a huge announcement is on the way. Meanwhile, 'legobatmangame' has four scrambled images in their photostream. Once the puzzle is solved, they reveal...nobody knows. Here are the links: [1] [2] [3] [4] Nascar racer Dale Earnhardt, Jr., has confirmed that an annoucement for a DC game will come on Tuesday during 'DC All Access', a series of webisodes DC runs on their website here. Rampant fans speculate in YouTube comments and across the rest of the web that the announcement will be a sequel to last year's Injustice: Gods Among Us, a Justice League fighting game from the makers of Mortal Kombat. However, all other signs seem to point to a sequel to LEGO Batman: The Video Game sequel LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes.

LEGO Batman 2 featured the dynamic duo of Batman and Robin teaming up with Superman to fight Lex Luthor and The Joker. It also featured a "blink and you'll miss it" cameo for the Justice League, leading many to hope they would appear in a third installment. With the subtitle promising DC Super Heroes, many fans disappointed left with the absence of mainstays and fan favorites like Green Arrow and Deathstroke (a lot like the actual theme), especially when LEGO Marvel Super Heroes included a pretty diverse and extensive portion of the Marvel universe. LEGO Batman 2's ending also teases an invasion from Superman villain Brainiac, an AI program bent on learning all information in the universe and destroying a planet, save for one city which he keeps as a specimen, once he drains all the data he can from it. However, whether or not this plot point will be related to a sequel's story or for some other reason is speculation.

It is unlikely that a LEGO Batman 3 will be released before the Holiday Season, as another Batman title, Batman: Arkham Knight, the latest installment in the Arkham games seriew (also including Asylum, City, and Origins) will be released worldwide on October 14.

UPDATE: The announcement was indeed LEGO Batman 3, subtitled "Beyond Gotham", and it will be out Fall 2014 on a plethora of platforms. According to eurogamer, it will replace the open world in favor of a planet hopping adventure to defeat Brainiac.. Keep an eye on our encyclopedia article here as we learn more about the game in the coming months.

Sources: 'dccomics' on Instagram, 'legobatmangame' on Instagram, LEGO23Productions at, "Dale Earnhardt, Jr. Teases Superman + Video Game News" at

Thanks to Nexus for tracking down all of the sources and keeping me posted while I wrote this article.

So, what would you like to see in another LEGO Batman game?

Tags: Batman DC Universe Super Heroes

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Edward NigmaMaster Builder

131 months ago
Score 1++
Hopefully all the villains like The Riddler and The Scarecrow will be kept.


131 months ago
Score 0++
It looks like they entirely redid Batman's cowl.

Edward NigmaMaster Builder

131 months ago
Score 0++
It was redone.


131 months ago
Score 0++
This pretty much guarantees Brainiac next year, which is good. I only have a Wii, though. :(

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

131 months ago
Score 1++

It should mean Brainiac in a set, but he looks the same as he did in LB2. It seems like TT have had access to plenty of future designs with Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Cyborg, Green Lantern, and even Martian Manhunter getting otherwise strange updates. I don't know. He could be the pre-order figure, or TT might just not have had his design, like with Freeze, Penguin, and Scarecrow in the last one or kept it the same for the familiarity of his cameo.

I would welcome Brainiac though. Batman's rogues gallery has been milked nearly dry.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

131 months ago
Score 2++

I liked the first Batman game. CJC is right that it wasn't very diverse, at least the hero levels, but the villain ones helped make up for it. It wasn't groundbreaking, but it was entertaining.

The second was disappointing, mostly because of how it was hyped as a Justice League game, but that didn't happen. Most of the popular ones (and Cyborg) were just shoehorned into the last couple of levels.

I have yet to play LMSH, but it looks like it fixes a lot of the problems LB2 had. The super suits have to go, because they just make other characters redundant and are frankly stuipd. If they want Batman & co. to be able to do unique stuff, give them unlockable gadgets. LB2 also didn't do a very good job with most of the characters other than Superman. Rather than focusing on their unique abilities (Wonder Woman's weapons, Hawkman's mace, Martian Manhunter's invisibility and shapeshifting, etc.) he just helped to make most of them useless. And then there was not a wide cast of characters at all. So basically, it needs more characters and to use them better. Gotham was also a pain to navigate and exploring it wasn't very rewarding.

I actually preferred flying in LB2 to what LMSH had when I played the demo though. I'm not very worried about the story, because most people play these games for the characters. It used to be for a popular story, but it isn't as much fun with the voice acting.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

131 months ago
Score 0++

The space suit makes sense. Most of the others don't, but oh well. At least they got rid of the suit changers.

That is good to know. It makes me more hopeful. :)


131 months ago
Score 0++

This may just be a wishlist but... This is everything I want the game to have.

  • Metropolis and Gotham are fully playable (That'd be great!) If not possible I'd enjoy a Watchtower, Gotham, and Portal to Amazonia. Like Asgard in LEGO Marvel
  • NO RACES even as someone is who is considered good at videogames, some of the races in LMSH are just impossible!
  • Access to multiple Batsuits. I don't mean the powered batsuits, but I want Adam West Batman to BvS:DoJ suit wise. (except take out the "Batman and Robin" suit :sick: )
  • More levels - 15 isn't enough.
  • More characters - I want 100+ this time around. No excuses! Blue Beetle was very popular around LB2 and he still wasn't in it! :hmpf_bad:
  • Side-missions - Probably will be in there but just making sure.
  • Random battles - In LMSH when you walked over a glowing circle you got to fight a boss. I want that in the game but I'd like it to be somewhat cinematic so you fly into the air and fight, then in the aftermath you have to save citizens.
  • LONGER GAME - %100 is probably the most satisfying thing in a LEGO game that I've only accomplished once. But afterwards I want like lots of missions just to mess around with.
  • Riddler trophies - I really enjoyed this collectible in the Arkham games. I'd love to see those ingame
  • Arkham Asylum - LB2 had a great Asylum but I want more than that I want Arkham to be in the middle of LEGO HP Hogwarts - Arkham Asylum (Game) sized Asylum.
  • Better Character Customizer - 'Nuff Said!
  • More diverse character abilities.
  • Watchmen - just my little want. Rorschach and Nite Owl II would be fine with me. :cry_happy:

Edward NigmaMaster Builder

131 months ago
Score 0++
The LMSH character creator was awesome. It actually told you what abilities your character has.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

131 months ago
Score 0++
Did LMSH have a good character creator? No game I have played has had a decent one since LSWIII.


131 months ago
Score 0++
I hope there will be a Lego Batman 3, but this seems really early for one. One would think that it would be released around the time of the B vs.S movie in 2016 instead? Although I really do hope that the third will revolve more around the justice league. And that they don't have as many bugs as did LB2.

BrickfilmNutBuilding Bigger

131 months ago
Score 0++

In the style of Nova's comment...

"So, what would you like to see in another LEGO Batman game?"

A better open-world would be cool. As Nova set, a lot of the missions were too repetitive, and Gotham itself didn't feel very diverse aside from the fair. Even the fights with the villains barely varied. It'd be nice if you could finally go in select buildings too. Not being able to go into Wayne Manor/Tower? That was disappointing in the first game.

As for characters, there's not too much I'd like to see more of; just ones I'd like to see done better. With too many of the characters, you could only fly and do basic attacks; I'd like to see more variation than this if they're done again. As for characters involved in the story as opposed to just those you can play as, then yeah, LB3 should have more diversity in both heroes and villains.

Finally, for levels... maybe a few with a bit of a faster pace than in LB2, and some better vehicle ones? I'd like to actually be able to pilot the vehicles in levels like you can in the open worlds, except with enemies to fight.

(Side-note: Does anyone with LMSH know if they fixed/didn't fix anything I complained about with LB2? I'm considering getting it next month.)


131 months ago
Score 0++
LMSH is an improvement, and I think all of your points have been fixed in LMSH, so yeah, buy away :P


131 months ago
Score 0++

LMSH is a great improvement over LB2 because 1. Flying is fixed (in LB2 if you flew into a building your character would go all over the place) 2. Open world is more vast and diverse 3. Good use of a variety of heroes and villains

4. The Doctor Who easter egg. ;)

NovaFlareMaster Builder

131 months ago
Score 0++
@side-note: I'd say the levels are much better as well, although I've only played LB2 levels through once (I really bring myself to play the game again, even in free-play). The characters are much better done in LMSH, you can tell they've thought about all of the characters moves and abilities as what they look like. Even minor characters that play no role in the story have unique-looking attacks (I really like Nova's flaming projectile and beam attacks, and he has nothing to do with the story or any side-quests). The open world is much better- the side-quests are all pretty good, with a few jokes thrown in (not exactly the best comedic material in the world, but a huge improvement over the awful lines in LB2). But the gold brick tasks and character/vehicle unlocks don't really get too repetitive. There aren't any vehicle missions in the game, but there are races you do around New York for characters/gold bricks/vehicles. But you still can't go in any of the buildings- you can walk into some, but they just start a mission (or side-mission).


131 months ago
Score 0++
As long as there is a good open world, good plot, and maybe an online feature for co-op, I'd be happy

ToaMeikoHonorable Brickipedian

131 months ago
Score 0++
I still never played the second one except at an exhibition of it at BrickFair one year.


131 months ago
Score 2++
If they are making a third one,I hope they add as many characters from the DC universe as they can.


131 months ago
Score 1++
And hopefully movie variants as well.

NovaFlareMaster Builder

131 months ago
Score 1++

"So, what would you like to see in another LEGO Batman game?"

One that's half enjoyable? ;)

Something more along the lines of Marvel- lots of characters both good and bad (the last game was so lacking in heroes), quests around the city which are actually fun, not "use Superman to blow up 100 gold objects". And cutscenes that aren't so cringeworthy (I still have nightmares about how bad some of those LB2 ones were). Oh, and not make everything revolve around Superman's abilites, and in general, no permanent invincibility. Anyway, looking forward to seeing what happens tomorrow :)


131 months ago
Score 0++
LEGO Batman 1 felt a bit of a slog at times (at least on PSP), haven't played 2 or Marvel. But The issue with Batman 1 was mainly in the lack of variety, which worked for Star Wars as you knew the story, so it didn't matter. With Batman, the hero missions were just running punching bad guys as Batman and the villians were just shooting people, I guess what I'm saying is it lacked a compelling story. Also, the vehicles sections were annoying. Especially the boat ones.


131 months ago
Score 7++
Batman +, DC Universe +  and Super Heroes +
20:44:00, 26 May 2014 +
'LEGO Batman 3' to be announced tomorrow? *UPDATE* +