Brickipedia News:2015 News: Creator, DUPLO, Elves, Friends

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Brickipedia News:2015 News:Creator, DUPLO, Elves and Friends

User:Soupperson1 09:03, 1 January 2015 (UTC)

default_m.gifby Soupperson1
January 1, 2015. Last updated January 6, 2015.

Demitri on eurobricks is back again with several 2015 summer set lists:

LEGO Creator Summer 2015 sets:

  • 31037 Adventure Vehicles
  • 31038 Changing Seasons
  • 31039 Blue Power Jet

LEGO Duplo-sub themes: Doc Mcstuffins and LEGO Duplo Mickey and Friends sets:

  • 10597 Mickey & Minnie Birthday Parade
  • 10605 Doc McStuffins Rosie the Ambulance
  • 10606 Doc McStuffins Backyard Clinic

LEGO Summer 2015 Elves sets:

  • 41077 Aira’s Pegasus Sleigh
  • 41078 Skyra’s Mysterious Sky Castle

LEGO Summer 2015 Friends + new sub theme: Friends Pop Star! sets:

  • 41098 Emma’s Tourist Kiosk
  • 41099 Heartlake Skate Park
  • 41100 Heartlake Private Jet
  • 41101 Heartlake Grand Hotel
  • 41103 Pop Star Recording Studio
  • 41104 Pop Star Dressing Room
  • 41105 Pop Star Show Stage
  • 41106 Pop Star Tour Bus

What do you think about these sets are you excited? Which theme are you excited for?
Tags: 2015 Creator DUPLO Elves Friends

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Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

124 months ago
Score 0++;year=2015

Tour bus will presumably be lavender and include Andrea


124 months ago
Score 1++
Business-wise, small targeted licensed themes for DUPLO is interesting.


124 months ago
Score 1++
And means I really need to update my old, out of date, LEGO licenses quiz over at Sporcle. I may take it down and make a new one, the source link probably still links to Brickia anyway :P

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

124 months ago
Score 0++
We've got a ton of licensed DUPLO sets before :P


124 months ago
Score 1++
But they approach them differently, hence why there are tons. Instead of focusing on big themes, the way say System will have Star Wars for the past 16 years, and Super Heroes for 5(?) or so. Instead, you get a set or two of small TV shows, such as that Peter Pan show, or the princess one, or these new ones. Its like they realise that for little kids, the popular shows are always changing and keeping up with it (well, predicting in advance, but still).

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

124 months ago
Score 0++
These shows all came out at the same year :p There just devoted so many sets to Disney Junior

Toa AquinusBricktastic

124 months ago
Score 0++
The Elves sets sounds really exciting! I like the sound of a castle ... o_O

Anonymous user #1

124 months ago
Score 0++
Poor Emily...I feel like this is going to be a hostage situation for her- the longer Elves stays a successful theme, the longer she has to stay away from home :D

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

124 months ago
Score 0++
I say elves will be a one year or two year theme unless it's really popular.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

124 months ago
Score 3++

Anonymous user #1

124 months ago
Score 0++
@Soup: (since I'm locked out of my normal account, I can't just fix this) - would you mind adding ~~~~~ to the time parameter in the template at the top? This won't show up in the news feed if you don't have a time specified

Brikkyy13Outstanding Brickipedian

124 months ago
Score 0++
...I got it

Soupperson1Legendary Brickipedian

124 months ago
Score 0++

I'm personally really excited for friends! Yay three tourist sets! Hopefully well get some new animals amongst these, if they are set outside Heartlake City. The hotel excites me the most, I wonder which figures will be included, and how many. Maybe Mr. Mayor? :o Popstar sets sounds awesome, I hope they focus on Andrea as she's appeared in so little sets! I'm thinking the colour scheme will be flat sliver and magenta for some reason :P. I hope she wears her shiny dress as seen in the TV show and the video game! The skate park is a weird choice as it dosnt fit in either sub theme but I guess friends want to appeal to feminists! :P It does sound quite cool though and hopefully well get a new skateboard colour, pink?!

What worries me is that all these friends sets look expensive the jet and hotel look 100 each :P There's no small set for Mia this year it seems, even though Emma's getting two!
2015 +, Creator +, DUPLO +, Elves +  and Friends +
09:03:00, 1 January 2015 +
2015 News: Creator, DUPLO, Elves, Friends +