Brickipedia News:2017 Friends images released

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Brickipedia News:2017 Friends images released

User:Soupperson1 21:35 November 2016 (UTC)

avatarby Soupperson1
2016 November, (UTC)

The first wave of 2017 Friends sets have been revealed- Swiss toy site babyjoe.

Check them out in the gallery below:

What's your favourite? Let us know in the comments!
Tags: 2017 Friends

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Jack PhoenixBuilding Bigger

101 months ago
Score 0++

These look fun (and affordable)! As expected of European box art, the amount of pieces isn't printed on the boxes. Sigh. That's really something LEGO should address IMHO...

I really like the sets with the animals, although judging from these pics it seems that there's a fair amount of stickers involved...I hope I'm mistaken here.

41307 Olivia's Inventor Lab features some new tools which weren't around...uh...some 16 years ago or so. Nice! It also seems that the oil can has been given a slight makeover compared to what it looked like back in 1998. The robots remind me of the one in 10254 Winter Holiday Train — gotta say that the use of binoculars as robots' eyes in 41307 is pretty clever! Although I'm not sure about the price point or the amount of pieces in this set, I think the overall size and price could be a bit bigger so that a baseplate would fit it. Just look at the box art and you'll see that it makes sense!

41308 Stephanie's Bakery is pretty nifty and for whatever reason(s), it reminds me of the Scala set 3115 Kitchen, which I've always liked. The only "problem" with that old Scala set is, of course, that Scala figures are considerably larger than your average minifigures, so obviously a Scala-scale (bad pun not intended, I swear ;-) set seems hilariously large and not exactly suitable for normal minifigures. Since mini-dolls are minifigure-scale, no such issue here, yay!

41311 Heartlake Pizzeria looks really nice, too, and reminds me of the hard-to-find System set 6350 Pizza To Go. The concept is pretty much the same, too — a pizzeria, a delivery vehicle, minifigures and pizza (which appears to be redesigned since...well, since the last time I saw a pizza piece, which was a while ago, granted). And frankly that's just wonderful. Why change a perfectly functional concept? The colors of the Italian flag above the windows are a nice touch, too.

41312 Heartlake Sports Center is appropriately baseplate-y. The colors are nice — I never get tired of purple, no matter what.

41313 Heartlake Summer Pool is very colorful and quite big, judging from the pic, although at the risk of sounding like a broken record...raised baseplates make good things better.

41314 Stephanie's House is also a big set with nice bright colors and plenty of details, although the current pic doesn't really show off the house from the other side, but I'm sure we'll eventually see a better pic of that, too.
2017 +  and Friends +
21:35:00, 11 November 2016 +
2017 Friends images released +