Brickipedia News:Another 'LEGO Movie' Spinoff In The Works

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Brickipedia News:Another 'LEGO Movie' Spinoff In The Works

User:Berrybrick 00:31, 26 March 2015 (UTC)

avatarby Berrybrick
March 26, 2015

If spinoffs centered on Ninjago and Batman, plus The LEGO Movie's direct sequel (called "The LEGO Movie Sequel") aren't enough for fans of TLM, Warner Bros is developing another. The Billion Brick Race has Jason Segel (The Muppets) and Drew Pearce (Iron Man 3) attached as writers, the idea reportedly coming from Pearce himself, and will be overseen by Phil Lord and Chris Miller. No release date has been slated, and the movie does not seem to have yet been greenlit.

Source: The Hollywood Reporter

Tags: The LEGO Movie

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Miku HatsuneNovice

121 months ago
Score 0++
well as long as it's not as weird as Ninjago or Clutch Powers.

BrickfilmNutBuilding Bigger

121 months ago
Score 1++
Who would have guessed there'd come a time when there were too many LEGO movies? :S

IchindarBrick Master

121 months ago
Score 0++
Yay! What is this.....TLM #20?


121 months ago
Score 1++
I've had enough.

Toa AquinusBricktastic

121 months ago
Score 1++
Can't they just finish the hundreds of other movies to make and just ... Yeah?

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

121 months ago
Score 0++

Since they mostly have different people involved, there really isn't anything impeding quantity.

I will agree that this is a lot of movies (there are almost certainly more they are discussing which we don't know about) and that it could lead to over saturation.

NBP3.0Brick Master

121 months ago
Score 1++
You know what they say? If it ain't broke, spam it until consumers can't stand it.

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

121 months ago
Score 1++
Pretty sure the Ninjago film isn't a spinoff from The LEGO Movie, it's just a LEGO-based movie (at least, I hope it isn't. eugh. I hope it isn't about some kid playing with Ninjago toys)

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

121 months ago
Score 0++
Term applied loosely.
The LEGO Movie +
00:31:00, 26 March 2015 +
Another 'LEGO Movie' Spinoff In The Works +