Brickipedia News:At last: LEGO responds to ancient criticism, kind of

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Brickipedia News:At last: LEGO responds to ancient criticism, kind of

User:Berrybrick 05:25, 18 November 2015 (UTC)

avatarby Berrybrick
November 18, 2015

Hey you. Yeah, you. Your face looks like a train carriage glinched with a multicolored carrot and a red 2m pin.

Offended? Good. Good luck, anyway:


Has this ever happened to you? As we all know, kids eventually become immune to the pain that is stepping on a LEGO, but what about the poor parents? Well, if you have ever won an SDCC raffle, you may be in luck.

Working in conjunction with French company Brand Station, LEGO has developed slippers which will protect parents' feet as they pursue through the sea of pieces to punish piping pipsqueaks, or just so that they can get their morning coffee without fear of incurring the wrath of a thousand splintering suns on their toe.

The catch? These slippers will be given away in a raffle with 150 winners every week until the end of 2015. If Additionally, you must be French, a parent or guardian, and a French parent or guardian. If that is you, you can enter the raffle by "validating" your child's wishlist at

You must admit though, these slippers do look pretty snazzy:


Source: Yahoo News

Tags: 2015

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CaptainjacksterBuilding Bigger

113 months ago
Score 0++
Seriously? :)


113 months ago
Score 0++
I honestly didn't even think these were real...My Mom showed me a picture and I assumed they were homemade/a joke


113 months ago
Score 0++
and what's a glinch?

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

113 months ago
Score 1++
Galidor reference.


113 months ago
Score 0++
Pitching for a wide audience there then.


113 months ago
Score 0++
They look like the kind of slippers that would fall off if you tried to walk up stairs in them though.
05:25:00, 18 November 2015 +
At last: LEGO responds to ancient criticism, kind of +