Brickipedia News:DC 2015 Official Set Images: Rise of the Super Friends

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Brickipedia News:DC 2015 Official Set Images: Rise of the Super Friends

User:Berrybrick 21:18, 29 September 2014 (UTC)

avatarby Berrybrick
September 29, 2014

Just2Good continues to share his uncovered set images with YouTube and Eurobricks (and therefore the rest of the internet). They have changed little from the prelims, but better views can now be afforded and final minifigures seen in incredibly grainy shots, enough to excite any DC fan.

Images of 76040 Brainiac Attack, which includes Brainiac, Superman, Supergirl, Martian Manhunter, and Brainiac's skull ship, are still missing. J2G reports that he could not find them, but promises to share either Speed Champions or Ninjago next.

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127 months ago
Score 1++
I thought 2014 was expensive...


127 months ago
Score 0++
I love these sets. Still full of Batman, but there is just enough variation for me to take a slight interest.

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

127 months ago
Score 0++
Yeah, they struck a pretty good balance to counter the last wave. I would have liked someone other than Robin, but oh well.
untagged +
21:18:00, 29 September 2014 +
DC 2015 Official Set Images: Rise of the Super Friends +