Brickipedia News:Emmet Drops Dinosaurs

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Brickipedia News:Emmet Drops Dinosaurs

User:Berrybrick 01:34, 2 August 2014 (UTC)

avatarby Berrybrick
August 2, 2014

Do you know what's awesome? Dinosaurs. Chris Pratt (who voiced Emmet in The LEGO Movie and played Star-Lord in Guardians of the Galaxy) has just confirmed that LEGO will produce sets for the upcoming Jurassic World, the next installment in the Jurassic Park series. LEGO did produce sets for the last installment, Jurassic Park III as a subtheme of Studios, but for whatever reason decided to depict Johnny Thunder and Pippin Reed as the stars, rather than someone actually in the movie.

Oh, and since Chris Pratt plays a character named Owen in the movie, he has also been kind enough to confirm he will be immortalized as a third minifigure. Three characters in two years, is that a record?

Jurassic World is scheduled to hit theaters in July 2015. Guardians of the Galaxy is in theaters now, just like aisles and aisles of LEGO sets. Yep, everything is in its place.

Source: The Brick Fan, via Brick Fanatics

Tags: 2015 Jurassic World

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Darth henryNovice

128 months ago
Score 0++
I thought Jurassic Park projects just got archived on CUUSOO because of conflicting licenses?

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

128 months ago
Score 0++
Yeah, it did. Something must have changed. I think Pratt would be able to discern between LEGO and Kre-O, but maybe not. :P

BrickfilmNutBuilding Bigger

128 months ago
Score 0++
He, later in the podcast, started talking about how a lot of people have two (bringing up Harrison Ford, Sam Jackson, and Johnny Depp, I think) so he may have the record, which kind of reinforces the idea that he knows what he's talking about even more. :P


128 months ago
Score 0++
Alfred Molina has three according to the Satipo article, and Warwick Davis has four (technically five, as he briefly played Yoda in Ep I)


128 months ago
Score 0++
But of course, its worth noting that neither Molina or Davis played leads, or played those roles in the space of two years, so I'm not just trying to rob Pratt of his achievement here.

BrickfilmNutBuilding Bigger

128 months ago
Score 1++
Awesome, another dino theme! The sets with the raptors in the last one didn't really appeal to me, so hopefully I can get some this time. Knowing Jurassic Park, raptors are almost a definite.

NBP3.0Brick Master

128 months ago
Score 2++
I love Christ Pratt in LEGO and irl so more Pratt figures bother me none! Excited to see this new line of products as well.


128 months ago
Score 0++


128 months ago
Score 0++
Whoo! Hope there is a Spinosaurus in the movie, so we can get an awesome new LEGO one.


128 months ago
Score 0++
Or at least a good T-rex.
... more about "Emmet Drops Dinosaurs"
2015 +  and Jurassic World +
01:34:00, 2 August 2014 +
Emmet Drops Dinosaurs +