Brickipedia News:LEGO Movie Spinoffs and Sequel Get Updated Release Dates

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Brickipedia News:LEGO Movie Spinoffs and Sequel Get Updated Release Dates

User:BrickfilmNut 0:00, 20 April 2015 (UTC)

avatarby BrickfilmNut
April 20, 2015

The Hollywood Reporter has just revealed the release date of the upcoming The LEGO Batman Movie, as well as updated release dates for the Ninjago Movie and The LEGO Movie Sequel.

The LEGO Batman Movie, which up until now only had a release schedule vaguely described as "2017", now has a release date of February 10, 2017.

Surprisingly, the Ninjago Movie's release date has been shifted over to September 22, 2017, the same year as The LEGO Batman Movie and nearly a year after it's previous release date, September 23, 2016. Not only is a year a fairly surprising delay for the release date, but this means that The LEGO Batman Movie, which was announced later than both the Ninjago spinoff and The LEGO Movie Sequel, will get the earliest release of all three.

The LEGO Movie Sequel also gets an updated release date, but unlike the Ninjago Movie, the difference is only about week. The updated release date is May 18, 2018, while the previous release date was May 26 of the same year.

What do you think of these new release dates? Are you excited about The LEGO Batman Movie? Are you upset that the Ninjago Movie is getting pushed over? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Tags: The LEGO Movie The LEGO Batman Movie Ninjago Movie Batman DC Super Heroes Ninjago 2017 2018

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120 months ago
Score 0++
What about that big race one?

BerrybrickLegendary Brickipedian

120 months ago
Score 0++
I don't think that had a release date set? If it did, I guess it hasn't changed. If it didn't, that animation slate that WB released a while back (the same time as the DC one) had a fourth date which (afaik) didn't have a movie attached, and may be that one.

NovaHawkLegendary Brickipedian

120 months ago
Score 0++
The only one I care about has been pushed back a year. Yay.

BrickfilmNutBuilding Bigger

120 months ago
Score 1++
I still have high hopes for the Batman spin-off, but yeah, it sucks that the Ninjago one was pushed back a year. I was really interested in how the subject matter was going to be treated. *sigh*


120 months ago
Score 1++

The fact that you don't care about hearing more of Batman's emo music disappoints me.

But pushing back is better than making a rubbish one,
The LEGO Movie +, The LEGO Batman Movie +, Ninjago Movie +, Batman +, DC Super Heroes +, Ninjago +, 2017 +  and 2018 +
23:14:00, 20 April 2015 +
LEGO Movie Spinoffs and Sequel Get Updated Release Dates +